====== Instrumental case ====== **//Instrumental case//** ([[abbreviations|abbreviated]] as INS) is the grammatical [[grammar_case|case]] that marks tools and means of an action. In [[Nûrlâm]] it is marked with [[adpositions|postposition]] "-irzi" for [[declension_classes|declension]] class I and "-rzi" for declension class II, which can be translated into English as "by", "by means of", "with use of", "using", "through (use of)", "via", etc. Instrumental case changes the role of nouns and pronouns into [[syntax_adverbials|adverbial]]. Typical applications of instrumental case in Nûrlâm include: * to indicate instrument of an action: "I cut the tree with an axe" = "Dagrish orn pulk__irzi__", "send by (messenger) raven" = "hîst krag__irzi__"; * to indicate the agent of [[grammar_voice#passive_voice|passive]] action expressed by passive [[grammar_participle|participle]] or verb ("The tree that was cut by me" = "Ornum grishaga da__rzi__") or [[grammar_gerundive|gerundive]] ("The tree to be cut by me" = "Ornum (kulâ) grishat da__rzi__"). * make distributive numerals: "one by one" = "ash ash__irzi__", "stand by fours" = "bin hant__irzi__"; * locative function denoting motion through the object or some media ("they came by the sea" = "Takskâtuz kârsh__irzi__"), may be further clarified by adding postposition "tuk" (through): "Takskâtuz kârsh__irzi__ tuk"; this function is sometimes called Prolative, Prosecutive or Vialis case; Instrumental case is **not** used when translating preposition "by" from English in following cases: * locative function with stationary meaning "near(by)" ("house by the sea") -- replace with noun in [[case_locative#adessive_case|Adessive case]] together with postposition "mush": "ozdum kârsh__ir__ mush"; * to denote ending of an action before/by some time -- Accusative case is used together with prepositions "ik", "ugil" or "zi": "They all will be killed by the dawn" = "Takûk (kubû) dogat ik ânsh"((using gerundive)) = "Dogubâtulûk zi ânsh"((using impersonal sentence)). -------------------------------------------- ===== Instrumental vs. Comitative case ===== {{page>include:COM_vs_INS}}