Information on this page is based upon document provided with Dan Smith's fonts for Cirth Revisit order of chapters \\ Add information about numbers ====== Cirth ====== **//Cirth//** (also "Certhas", Sindarin word for "runes") is a writing system invented by J.R.R. Tolkien for his fictional languages. The original //Certhas// were invented in The First Age by Grey Elves of Beleriand to better suit for carving and engraving on wood, stone or metal, than [[Tengwar]]. Single rune of Cirth is called "certh" in Sindarin, and unlike Tengwar vowels have their own runes. Cirth had runes for Quenya, but I'm unaware of any Cirth inscription in this language. By the Second Age Cirth were rarely used by elves, but became popular among Dwarves and later Men. >The Cirth in their older and simpler form spread eastward in the Second Age, and **became known** to many peoples, to Men and Dwarves, and **even to Orcs**, all of whom altered them to suit their purposes and according to their skill or lack of it. (LOTR III, Appendix E, II: Writing) > Then Nár turned the head [//of Thrór//] and saw branded on the brow **in dwarf-runes** so that he could read it the name **AZOG**. (LOTR III, Appendix A, III: Durin's Folk) But in the chapter "The Departure of Boromir" this passage contradicts the quotes above: >on the front of their iron helms was set an S-rune, wrought of some white metal. >\_\_\_‘I have not seen these tokens before,’ said Aragorn. ‘What do they mean?’ >\_\_\_‘S is for Sauron,’ said Gimli. ‘That is easy to read.’ >\_\_\_‘Nay!’ said Legolas. ‘Sauron does not use the elf-runes.’ So I assume, that Cirth was used by Westron-speaking orcs of Misty Mountains (as Azog) and Isengard (‘S is for Saruman, I guess,’ - said Aragorn later). Westron used a variant of Cirth called "Angerthas Erebor" invented in the beginning of Third Age, when Thráin I driven from Moria moved to Lonelely Mountain and established his kingdom there. Unlike Tengwar, Cirth is not so well organized into phonetical series (there is less correspondence between shapes of letters and their phonetical value). There are 60 basic runes and over 50 additional glyphs or modifications of basic runes in three major versions (Angerthas Daeron, Angerthas Moria, Angerthas Erebor). ===== Complete Chart of Cirth ===== While orcs probably used simplified Angerthas Erebor variant for their Debased Black Speech and Westron-Orkish pidgins, older versions contain runes better suitable for Classical Black Speech [[phonology|phonetics]], so I've decided to include them too. However, many additional runes for diphthongs (ai, au, oi) and consonant clusters frequently used in Black Speech (like //zg// or //sk//) are not used for several reasons: * Additional runes have very different meaning in various versions of Cirth; * Black Speech have a large number of consonant clusters, there is no reason for making separate runes for only few of them, especially when the most frequent one //rz// is missing anyway; * Not all fonts have additional runes; [[##nurlam_s_chart_of_cirth|Shorter version]] of this table containing only runes used in Nûrlâm is presented at the end of this article. ^ № ^ Certh\\ (Rune) ^ Key((for Dan Smith's Cirth Erebor font series)) ^ Key((for Bruce Kvan's Angerthas font)) ^ CSUR((HEX code of glyph in ConScript Unicode Registry, implemented in fonts Constructium and Fairfax)) ^ Phonetical values ^^^^^^^^ ^ ::: ^ ::: ^ ::: ^ ::: ^ ::: ^ Daeron\\ (default) ^ Doriath ^ Eregion\\ (Noldorin) ^ Moria ^ Erebor ^ English\\ (phonetic) ^ Zhâburi (([[writing_systems#angerthas_mordor|Angerthas Mordor]] aka Kirkhi, contains two unique runes missing in any Cirth fonts, thus not listed here)) ^ Nûrlâm ^ ^ Main series ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ 1 | 1 p | 1 | p | E080 | p |||||||| ^ 2 | 2 b | 2 | b | E081 | b |||||||| ^ 3 | 3 f | 3 | f | E082 | f |||||||| ^ 4 | 4 v | 4 | v | E083 | v | [v] (bh) || v |||| [β] (bh), v((in borrowed words only)) | ^ 5 | 5 W | 5 | W | E084 | [ʍ] (hw), only in S. | (hw) | (wh) | [ʍ] (hw) || wh | (not used) || ^ 6 | 6 m | 6 | m | E085 | m |||||||| ^ 7 | 7 M | 7 | M | E086 | [mb] in Q.\\ [ṽ] (mh) in S.((archaic)) | (mb) | (mb), (mm) | (mb) ||| (not used) | (mb)((rarely used)) | ^ 8 | 8 t | 8 | t | E087 | t |||||||| ^ 9 | 9 d | 9 | d | E088 | d |||||||| ^ 10 | 0 þ | 0 | þ\\ (Alt + 0254) | E089 | [θ] (th, þ) || [θ] (th) ||| [θ] (th, þ) | [θ] (th) || ^ 11 | ! ð | ! | ð\\ (Alt + 0240) | E08A | [ð] (dh) ||||| [ð] (th) | [ð] (dh) || ^ 12 | @ r | @ | r | E08B | n | r || [ʀ] or [ʁ] %%(r)%% | r ||| [ʀ] or [ʁ] %%(r)%% | ^ № ^ Certh\\ (Rune) ^ Key((for Dan Smith's Cirth Erebor font series)) ^ Key((for Bruce Kvan's Angerthas font)) ^ CSUR((HEX code of glyph in ConScript Unicode Registry, implemented in fonts Constructium and Fairfax)) ^ Daeron\\ (default) ^ Doriath ^ Eregion\\ (Noldorin) ^ Moria ^ Erebor ^ English\\ (phonetic) ^ Zhâburi ((Angerthas Mordor aka Kirkhi)) ^ Nûrlâm ^ ^ 13 | # C | # | C | E08C | [t͡ʃ] (ch) in VQ\\ [c⁽ȷ̊⁾] (ty) in NQ | (st) || [tʃ] (ch) || (ts) | s | (not used) | ^ 14 | $ j | $ | j | E08D | [d͡ʒ] (j) in VQ\\ [ɟj] (dy) in NQ | (zd) | (not used) || [dʒ] (j) | (dz) | (not used) || ^ 15 | % S | % | S | E08E | (sh)\\ [ʃ] (hy) in VQ\\ [ç] (hy) in NQ | s((see also #25)) | s | [ʃ] (sh) || s | [ʃ] (sh) || ^ 16 | q Z | q | Z | E08F | (zh)\\ [ʒ] in VQ\\ [ʝ] in NQ | z | (not used) || [ʒ] (zh) | z | (not used) | [ʒ] (zh) | ^ 17 | w z | w | z | E090 | (ndy) in Quenya\\ [nd͡ʒ] in VQ\\ [ɲj], [ɲɟj] in NQ\\ (ny) in Noldorin | [ŋw], [nw]((see also #54)) | [nw]((see also #54 - preferrable)) | z | (ks) | (ñ) | z || ^ 18 | e k | e | k | E091 | k (k, c) | [k] (k or c)((see also #35)) | [k] %%(c)%%((see also #35)) | k ||||| ^ 19 | r g | r | g | E092 | g | [ks] (x) | (not used) | g | g((see also #29)) || g || ^ 20 | t K | t | K | E093 | [x] (kh) | h | [x] (ch) | [x] (kh) ||||| ^ 21 | y G | y | G | E094 | [ɣ] (gh) | (not used) || [ɣ] (gh) | [ɣ] (gh)((see also #30)) || [ɣ] (gh) || ^ 22 | u n | u | n | E095 | [ŋ] | n((see also #53)) | n((see also #53 - preferrable)) | n | n((see also #53)), 5 | n ||| ^ № ^ Certh\\ (Rune) ^ Key((for Dan Smith's Cirth Erebor font series)) ^ Key((for Bruce Kvan's Angerthas font)) ^ CSUR((HEX code of glyph in ConScript Unicode Registry, implemented in fonts Constructium and Fairfax)) ^ Daeron\\ (default) ^ Doriath ^ Eregion\\ (Noldorin) ^ Moria ^ Erebor ^ English\\ (phonetic) ^ Zhâburi ((Angerthas Mordor aka Kirkhi)) ^ Nûrlâm ^ ^ 23 | i q | i | q | E096 | [kʷ₍w̥₎] (kw, qu) | e((see also #50 - preferrable)) | (not used) | [kʷ] (kw) || (not used) || [kʷ] (qu)((only in Shadowlandian and foreign words)) | ^ 24 | o Q | o | Q | E097 | [ɡʷw] (gw) | (not used) || [gʷ] (gw) || (not used) ||| ^ 25 | p = | p | = | E098 | (khw)\\ [ʍ] (hw) in Q. | s((rarely, see also #15)) | (not used) | [xʷ] (khw) || (not used) ||| ^ 26 | Q > | Q | > | E099 | (ghw)\\ [w] in Q. | (not used) || [ɣʷ] (ghw) || (not used) ||| ^ 27 | W ? | W | ? | E09A | [ŋɡʷw] (ngw) | (not used) | [oj] (oi)((rarely used)) | [ŋɡʷ] (ngw) || [oj] (oi) | (not used) || ^ 28 | E / | E | / | E09B | [nʷw], [ŋʷw] (nw, ñw) | (not used) | (eo)((rarely used)) | [nʷ] (nw) || (not used) ||| ^ 29 | R J | R | J | E09C | r | g || [dʒ] (j) | g((see also #19)) || (not used) || ^ 30 | T R | T | R | E09D | [r̥] (rh) | [ʒ] (zh) | [ɣ] (gh) | [ʒ] (zh) | [ɣ] (gh)((see also #21)) || (zh) | (not used) | ^ 31 | a l | a | l | E09E | l | (not used) | l((preferrable, see also #60, #85)) | l ||||| ^ 31((doubled ligature)) | : | : | (none) | E09E,\\ 200D,\\ E09E((intended way, not supported by fonts)) | (not used) |||| (ll) | (not used) ||| ^ 32 | s L | s | L | E09F | [l̥] (lh) | (not used) || [ɬ] (lh) | (not used) || î | (not used) | ^ 33 | d D | d | D | E0A0 | [ŋg] (ng) | (nd) | (nd), (nn) | (nd) || (nd) | (not used) | (nd)((rarely used)) | ^ 33*((see also #70)) | å | å\\ (Alt + 0229) | (none) | E0CC | (not used) ||||| ::: | (not used) || ^ 34 | f h | f | h | E0A1 | s | [x] (ch) | h | h((values of #34 and #54 were sometimes swapped)) | s | [ʌ] | (not used) | s | ^ 35 | g s | g | s | E0A2 | s | [k] (k or c)((see also #18)) | [k] %%(c)%%((see also #18)) | [ʔ] (glottal stop, ') | ::: | h | (not used) | ::: | ^ 36 | h N | h | N | E0A3 | [sː] (ss) in S. and Q.,\\ [z] in other languages | [ŋ] | [ŋk] (nc, nk),\\ [ŋ] (ng)((sometimes instead of #43)) | [ŋ] || [ŋ] or [ŋg]((probably, glyphs #36 and #43 were swapped in Dan Smith's description)) | (not used) | [ŋ]((rarely used)) in (ng), (nk), (nt) | ^ 37 | j [ | j | [ | E0A4 | (not used) | [ŋgw] (ngw) | (not used) | [ŋg] (ng) || (not used) || [ŋg] (ng)((rarely used)) | ^ 38 | k \ | k | \ | E0A5 | (nd) | (not used) | [u:] (ú) | [ndʒ] (nj) | (ou), (ow) | [u:] (ú) | (not used) || ^ 38* | J ] | J | ] | E0A6 | ::: | ::: | [ej] (ei)((rarely used)) | ::: | ::: | [ej] (ei) | ::: | ::: | ^ 38%%**%% | K | K | (none) | E0D5 | (not used) |||| (eu), (ew) | (not used) | ::: | ::: | ^ № ^ Certh\\ (Rune) ^ Key((for Dan Smith's Cirth Erebor font series)) ^ Key((for Bruce Kvan's Angerthas font)) ^ CSUR((HEX code of glyph in ConScript Unicode Registry, implemented in fonts Constructium and Fairfax)) ^ Daeron\\ (default) ^ Doriath ^ Eregion\\ (Noldorin) ^ Moria ^ Erebor ^ English\\ (phonetic) ^ Zhâburi ((Angerthas Mordor aka Kirkhi)) ^ Nûrlâm ^ ^ 39 | l i | l | i | E0A7 | [i] (i),\\ [j] (y) | i ||| i, 1 | i || [i] (i),\\ [j] (y) | ^ 40 | ; y | ; | y | E0A8 | (not used) || [i:] (í) | [j] (y) || [i:] (í) | (not used) | [i:] (î) | ^ 41 | A Y | A | Y | E0A9 | (not used) ||| [j̊] or [ç] (hy) || (not used) || [j]((y + vowel, diphthongs //ai//, //oi//, rarely used, see rune #39)) | ^ 42 | S u | S | u | E0AA | u |||||| (not used) | u | ^ 43 | D U | D | U | E0AB | [u:] (ú, û) | [ŋg] (ng) | [ŋ] (ng)((sometimes #36 was used instead)) | [u:] (û) | z | [ŋ] or [ŋg]((probably, glyphs #36 and #43 were swapped in Dan Smith's description)) | (not used) | [u:] (û) | ^ 44 | F w | F | w | E0AC | w |||||| (not used) | w((only in foreign words and diphthong )) | ^ 45 | G ü | G | ü\\ (Alt + 0252) | E0AD((treated as glyph variant of #76)) | [y] (ü) | (not used) || [y] (ü) || (not used) ||| ^ 45* | L | L | (none) | E0AE((treated as glyph variant of #77)) | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ^ 46 | z e | z | e | E0AF | e | [i] (i),\\ [j] (y) || e || [i] (i)((in diphthongs)),\\ [j] (y)((consonantal, before other vowels)) | u | e((in borrowed words only)) | ^ 47 | x E | x | E | E0B0 | [e:] (é, ê) | (hy) | (not used) | [e:] (ê) | (ee) | (hy) | û | [e:] (ê)((in borrowed words only)) | ^ 48 | c a | c | a | E0B1 | a |||||||| ^ 49 | v A | v | A | E0B2 | [a:] (á, â) | (not used) | [a:] (á) | [a:] (â) | (aa) | [a:] (á) | [a:] (â) || ^ 50 | b o | b | o | E0B3 | o | e((preferrable, see also #23)) | e | o | o((probably also numeral 2)) | e | (not used) | o | ^ 51 | n O | n | O | E0B4 | [o:] (ó, ô) | (not used) || [o:] (ô) | (oo) | (not used) || [o:] (ô) | ^ 51* | M | M | (none) | E0B5 | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | (not used) ||| ^ 52 | m ö | m | ö\\ (Alt + 0246) | E0B6 | [œ] (ö) | (not used) || [œ] (ö) | [œ] (ö), 3 | (not used) ||| ^ 52* | %%<%% | %%<%% | (none) | E0B7 | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | [œ] (ö) | ::: | ::: | ::: | ^ № ^ Certh\\ (Rune) ^ Key((for Dan Smith's Cirth Erebor font series)) ^ Key((for Bruce Kvan's Angerthas font)) ^ CSUR((HEX code of glyph in ConScript Unicode Registry, implemented in fonts Constructium and Fairfax)) ^ Daeron\\ (default) ^ Doriath ^ Eregion\\ (Noldorin) ^ Moria ^ Erebor ^ English\\ (phonetic) ^ Zhâburi ((Angerthas Mordor aka Kirkhi)) ^ Nûrlâm ^ ^ 53 | , ~ | , | ~ | E0B8 | (not used) | n((see also #22)) | n((preferrable, see also #22)) | n | n((preferrable, see also #22)) | (not used) ||| ^ 54 | . { | . | { | E0B9 | h | [ŋw], [nw]((see also #17)) | [nw]((preferrable, see also #17)) | s((values of #34 and #54 were sometimes swapped)) | h | (not used) || h | ^ 55 | / ë | / | ë\\ (Alt + 0235) | E0BA | (not used) ||| [ə]((unstressed "schwa")) || (not used) ||| ^ 55* | > | > | (none) | E0BB | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ^ 56 | Z } | Z | } | E0BC | (not used) ||| [ʌ]((stressed "schwa")) || (not used) ||| ^ 56* | ? | ? | (none) | E0BD | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ^ 57 | X P | X | P | E0BE | (not used) |||| ps | (not used) ||| ^ 58 | C | C | (none) | E0BF | (not used) |||| ts | (not used) ||| ^ 59 | V | | V | | | E0C0 | [◌ʰ] (+h)((marks aspiration)) | (not used) || [◌ʰ] (+h)((marks aspiration)) || [ə] | (not used) | [◌ʰ] (+h)((marks aspiration, only in some subdialects)) | ^ 60 | B & | B | & | E0C1 | & | l((see also #69 - preferrable, #85)) | l((see also #31 - preferrable, #85)) | & || &((see also #85 - preferrable)) | (not used) || ^ № ^ Certh\\ (Rune) ^ Key((for Dan Smith's Cirth Erebor font series)) ^ Key((for Bruce Kvan's Angerthas font)) ^ CSUR((HEX code of glyph in ConScript Unicode Registry, implemented in fonts Constructium and Fairfax)) ^ Daeron\\ (default) ^ Doriath ^ Eregion\\ (Noldorin) ^ Moria ^ Erebor ^ English\\ (phonetic) ^ Zhâburi ((Angerthas Mordor aka Kirkhi)) ^ Nûrlâm ^ ^ Long series (additional cirth) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ 61 | Ü | Ü\\ (Alt + 0220) | (none) | E0C2 | (not used) | (sp) | (sp) or (sb) | (not used) || (ps) | (not used) || ^ 62 | Ý | Ý\\ (Alt + 0221) | (none) | E0C3 | (not used) | (zb) or (sb) | ::: | (not used) || (bs) or (bz) | (not used) || ^ 63 | Þ | Þ\\ (Alt + 0222) | (none) | E0C4 | (not used) | (sk) | (sk) or (sg) | (not used) || (ks) | (not used) || ^ 64 | ß | ß\\ (Alt + 0223) | (none) | E0C5 | (not used) | (zg) | ::: | (not used) || (gz) | (not used) || ^ 65 | à | à\\ (Alt + 0224) | (none) | E0C7 | (not used) | (kw) or (cw) | (cw) | (not used) || [tʃ] (ch) | (not used) || ^ 66 | á | á\\ (Alt + 0225) | (none) | E0C8 | (not used) | (gw) || (not used) || [dʒ] (j) | (not used) || ^ 67 | â | â\\ (Alt + 0226) | (none) | E0C9 | (not used) | [xw] (chw) | (chw) | (not used) || [ʃ] (sh) | (not used) || ^ 68 | ã | ã\\ (Alt + 0227) | (none) | E0CA | (not used) | [ʒw] (zhw) | (not used) ||| [ʒ] (zh), (zj)((probably a typo in Dan Smith's files)) | (not used) || ^ 69 | ä | ä\\ (Alt + 0228) | (none) | E0CB | (not used) | l((preferrable, see also #60, #85)) | (not used) |||||| ^ 70((see #33*)) | å | å\\ (Alt + 0229) | (none) | E0CC | (not used) ||||| (nd) | (not used) || ^ 71 | æ | æ\\ (Alt + 0230) | (none) | E0C6 | (not used) ||||| (ndzh) | (not used) || ^ № ^ Certh\\ (Rune) ^ Key((for Dan Smith's Cirth Erebor font series)) ^ Key((for Bruce Kvan's Angerthas font)) ^ CSUR((HEX code of glyph in ConScript Unicode Registry, implemented in fonts Constructium and Fairfax)) ^ Daeron\\ (default) ^ Doriath ^ Eregion\\ (Noldorin) ^ Moria ^ Erebor ^ English\\ (phonetic) ^ Zhâburi ((Angerthas Mordor aka Kirkhi)) ^ Nûrlâm ^ ^ 75 | ê | ê\\ (Alt + 0234) | (none) | E0CF | (not used) || (iu)((rarely used)) | (not used) ||||| ^ 76 | ë | ë\\ (Alt + 0235) | (none) | E0AD((treated as glyph variant of #45)) | (not used) ||||| (iu) | (not used) || ^ 77 | ì | ì\\ (Alt + 0236) | (none) | E0AE((treated as glyph variant of #45*)) | (not used) || (ui) ||| (ui) | (not used) || ^ 78 | í | í\\ (Alt + 0237) | (none) | E0D0 | (not used) | [aj] (ai) || (not used) || [aj] (ai)((see also #95)) | (not used) || ^ 79 | î | î\\ (Alt + 0238) | (none) | E0DA((treated as variant of glyph #98)) | (not used) || (eu)((rarely used)) | (not used) || (eu) | (not used) || ^ 80 | ï | ï\\ (Alt + 0239) | (none) | E0DB | (not used) || [ow] (ou)((rarely used)) | (not used) || [ow] (ou)((see also #84)) | (not used) || ^ 81 | ð | ð\\ (Alt + 0240) | (none) | E0D6 | (not used) | o || (not used) || o | (not used) || ^ 82 | ñ | ñ\\ (Alt + 0241) | (none) | (none) | (not used) | [e:] (é) || (not used) || [e:] (é) | (not used) || ^ 83 | ò | ò\\ (Alt + 0242) | (none) | E0D8 | (not used) | [o:] (ó) || (not used) || [o:] (ó) | (not used) || ^ 84 | ó | ó\\ (Alt + 0243) | (none) | E0D9 | (not used) || (io)((rarely used)) | (not used) || [ow] (ou)((see also #80)) | (not used) || ^ 85 | ô | ô\\ (Alt + 0244) | (none) | E0DF | (not used) | l((see also #60, #69 - preferrable)) | l((see also #31 - preferrable, #60)) | (not used) || "and"((see also #60)) | (not used) || ^ № ^ Certh\\ (Rune) ^ Key((for Dan Smith's Cirth Erebor font series)) ^ Key((for Bruce Kvan's Angerthas font)) ^ CSUR((HEX code of glyph in ConScript Unicode Registry, implemented in fonts Constructium and Fairfax)) ^ Daeron\\ (default) ^ Doriath ^ Eregion\\ (Noldorin) ^ Moria ^ Erebor ^ English\\ (phonetic) ^ Zhâburi ((Angerthas Mordor aka Kirkhi)) ^ Nûrlâm ^ ^ 86 | õ | õ\\ (Alt + 0245) | (none) | E0DC | (not used) || (oe)((rarely used)) | (not used) ||||| ^ 87 | ö | ö\\ (Alt + 0246) | (none) | E0E0 | (not used) ||||| (preposition "of") | (not used) || ^ 88 | ÷ | ÷\\ (Alt + 0247) | (none) | E0E4 | (not used) || [ý] (y, ui)((rarely used)) | (not used) ||||| ^ 89 | ø | ø\\ (Alt + 0248) | (none) | E0E1 | (not used) || [y]((rarely used)) | (not used) || [y] (ü) | (not used) || ^ 90 | ù | ù\\ (Alt + 0249) | (none) | E0E2 | (not used) || ::: | (not used) ||||| ^ 92 | û | û\\ (Alt + 0251) | (none) | E0D3 | (not used) || [æ] (ae)((rarely used)) | (not used) || [æ] | (not used) || ^ 93 | ü | ü\\ (Alt + 0252) | (none) | E0E5 | (not used) || [ö] (oe)((rarely used)) | (not used) || (ö) | (not used) || ^ 94 | ý | ý\\ (Alt + 0253) | (none) | E0E6 | (not used) || [œ] (oe)((rarely used)) | (not used) ||||| ^ 95 | & | & | (none) | E0D2 | (not used) || (ae)((rarely used)) | (not used) | [aj] (ai), (ay) | [aj] (ai)((see also #78)) | (not used) || ^ 96 | * | * | (none) | E0D1 | (not used) | [aw] (au) || (not used) | [aw] (au) || (not used) || ^ 97 | ( | ( | (none) | E0D4 | (not used) |||| (ea) | (not used) ||| ^ 98 | ) | ) | (none) | E0DA((treated as variant of glyph #79)) | (not used) |||| (oa) | (not used) ||| ^ 99 | + | + | (none) | E0D7 | (not used) |||| 4 ((numeral, no phonetic value)) | (not used) ||| ^ 100 | %%"%% | %%"%% | (none) | E0DE | (not used) |||| (definite article, the) || (not used) || ^ № ^ Certh\\ (Rune) ^ Key((for Dan Smith's Cirth Erebor font series)) ^ Key((for Bruce Kvan's Angerthas font)) ^ CSUR((HEX code of glyph in ConScript Unicode Registry, implemented in fonts Constructium and Fairfax)) ^ Daeron\\ (default) ^ Doriath ^ Eregion\\ (Noldorin) ^ Moria ^ Erebor ^ English\\ (phonetic) ^ Zhâburi ((Angerthas Mordor aka Kirkhi)) ^ Nûrlâm ^ ==== Diacritics ==== Diacritics were introduced in Angerthas Erebor. They present only in Dan Smith's fonts. ^ English name ^ Meaning ^ Variants ^^^^ ^ ::: ^ ::: ^ single-stroke ^ narrow ^ normal ^ wide ^ | circumflex | long \\ (doubled) or\\ nasalized \\ consonant | lÈ\\ È (Alt + 0200)\\ * | aÉ\\ É (Alt + 0201) | 1Ê\\ Ê (Alt + 0202) | dË\\ Ë (Alt + 0203)\\ * | | macron below/\\ under-bar | long vowel | lÌ\\ Ì (Alt + 0204) | aÍ\\ Í (Alt + 0205)\\ * | SÎ\\ Î (Alt + 0206) | nÏ\\ Ï (Alt + 0207) | | under-dot | numeral | lÐ\\ Ð (Alt + 0208) | aÑ\\ Ñ (Alt + 0209)\\ * | bÒ\\ Ò (Alt + 0210) | +Ó\\ Ó (Alt + 0211) | * only for demonstration purposes Nûrlâm do not use long consonants, but circumflex may be used for nasalized consonants (mb, mp, nt, nd, nk, ng) instead of dedicated runes. Macron below is the preferred way of expressing long consonants to avoid confusion with other Cirth modes. ==== Numerals ==== Unfortunately, we don't know the complete numerical system of Cirth. The only source that has numbers is the [[tg>Book_of_Mazarbul|Book Of Mazarbul]], and it has only 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. ^ Number ^ Glyph ^ Alphabetical value ^ Key((for Dan Smith's fonts)) ^ | 1 | l | i | l (small L) | | 2 | b((extrapolated by Dan Smith)) | o | b | | 3 | m | ö((not used in Nûrlâm)) | m | | 4 | | (none) | +, | | 5 | u | n | u | | 6 | llllll | | llllll | Probably under-dots should be used not only for number 4, but for other digits too. ==== Punctuation and Decoration ==== The following characters may be used as punctuation marks (without conventional meaning) or for decorative purposes. Usually single middle-aligned dot represent a space character, and every additional dot is used to denote a longer pause. ^ Glyph ^ Key((for Dan Smith fonts)) ^ | I | I | | O | O | | P | P | | { | { | | } | } | | = | = | | \ | \ | | U | U | | ] | ] | | | | %%|%%\\ (Shift + \) | | ` ((not visible space character with Cirth Erebor font, but may produce interesting effects with Cirth Erebor-1 and Cirth Erebor-2 stroked fonts)) | ` | | ^ ((not visible space character with Cirth Erebor font, but may produce interesting effects with Cirth Erebor-1 and Cirth Erebor-2 stroked fonts)) | ^ | | Y ((not visible space character with Cirth Erebor font, but may produce interesting effects with Cirth Erebor-1 and Cirth Erebor-2 stroked fonts)) | Y | | H ((not visible space character with Cirth Erebor font, but may produce interesting effects with Cirth Erebor-1 and Cirth Erebor-2 stroked fonts)) | H | | N ((not visible space character with Cirth Erebor font, but may produce interesting effects with Cirth Erebor-1 and Cirth Erebor-2 stroked fonts)) | N | add example with decorations ----------------------------------- ===== Nûrlâm's Chart of Cirth ===== add some explanation text ^ Labial | p\\ 1\\ 1 | b\\ 2\\ 2 | f\\ 3\\ 3 | bh, v\\ 4\\ 4 | m\\ 6\\ 6 | mb\\ 7\\ 7 | ^ Dental | t\\ 8\\ 8 | d\\ 9\\ 9 | th\\ 0\\ 0 | dh\\ !\\ ! | n\\ u\\ u | nd\\ d\\ d | ^ Palatal | | | sh\\ %\\ % | zh\\ q\\ q | | | ^ Velar | k\\ e\\ e | g\\ r\\ r | kh\\ t\\ t | gh\\ y\\ y | [ŋ]\\ h\\ h | ng\\ j\\ j | ^ other | r\\ @\\ @ | l\\ s\\ s | s\\ f or g\\ f or g | z\\ w\\ w | h\\ .\\ . | [◌ʰ]\\ V\\ V | ^ Approximants | [j]\\ A\\ A | [w]\\ F\\ F | | | | [kʷ] (qu)\\ i\\ i | ^ Short\\ vowels | i, y\\ l\\ l | u\\ S\\ S | e\\ z\\ z | a\\ c\\ c | o\\ b\\ b | | ^ Long\\ vowels | î\\ ; or \\ ; or | û\\ D or \\ D or | ê\\ x or \\ x or | â\\ v or \\ v or | ô\\ n or \\ n or | | ==== Example ==== [[Orcish curse]] "Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búb-hosh skai" will look like this in Cirth: {SraDeISI2cr@bheI%cI1S%9SrIgc@S6cursb2I2D2.b%Igecl{ make example with phrase like "Quick brown fox" using all the letters ----------------- ===== Links ===== * [[wp>Cirth|Cirth at Wikipedia]] * [[tg>Cirth|Cirth at Tolkien Gateway]] * [[|BSSScribe]] -- Nûrlâm's official transcriber (see also [[bssscribe|documentation page]]) * [[|Glǽmscribe – The Tolkien language transcriber]] * [[Tengwar]]