====== Ring Verse ====== Insription on the [[wp>One_Ring|One Ring]] is the only example of text in //[[black_speech|Classical Black Speech]]// and one of the earliest samples of [[Tengwar]]'s General use mode.\\ {{ :one_ring.png|The One Ring Inscription}} "Ash nazg durbatulûk ash nazg gimbatul ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul" which translates as\\ "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them" The journal "Parma Eldalamberon", issue 17, provides Tolkien's alternative meanings of these Black Speech words in addition to literal translation. ^ Black Speech\\ word ^ English translation ^ //Probable// Etymology ^ | agh | and | Urartian "aye" | | ash | one | Urartian "she" ((cited from [[Alexandre Nemirovsky]]'s [[https://www.wirade.ru/arda/arda_ring_spell_and_black_speech.html|analysis]], Hurrian word seems was "shukki")) | | -at | //(participle/infinitive suffix)// | Hurrian future tense marker //-ed//((cited from Alexandre Nemirovsky's analysis, other forms are //-êti, -êto, -êtta//)) | | burzum | darkness | Noldorin "maur" (gloom) < Etym. MOR (black)\\ Hurrian((cited from Alexandre Nemirovsky's analysis, actually more like Urartian)) "wurikk-" (to be blind) from "wur-" (to see) | | durb- | rule,\\ constrain,\\ force,\\ dominate | Quenya "tur-" (to control, govern, wield) < Etym. TUR- (power, control, mastery, victory)\\ Hurrian "turobe" (predestined evil, enemy) | | gimb- | find,\\ seek out,\\ discover | Quenya "hir-"\\ Hurrian "ki(b)-" (take, gather) | | -ishi | in,\\ inside,\\ into\\ within | Quenya locative case ending "-ssë" | | krimp- | bind,\\ tie | Hurrian "ker-imbu" (lenghten or tie) | | nazg | ring (for finger) | Valarin "naškad"\\ Gaelic "nasg, nasc" | | thrak- | bring (by force),\\ hale,\\ drag | Etym. TUK- (bring, draw)\\ Hurrian "thar-ik-" (to demand someone to send something) | | -ûk | all,\\ completely,\\ totally,\\ fully | Hurrian "-ok-" (fully, really) | | -ul | them | Hurrian "-lla" | | -um | //(particularizing suffix or article)// | | The full Ring Verse however is longer an is not translated into Black Speech by Tolkien himself. One of the first fan's attempt was done by [[elerrina_list|Elerrina]]. And approach by Nûrlâm's author: [[full_ring_verse_in_nurlam|full Ring Verse in Nûrlâm]]. --------------- ==== Links ==== - Black Speech at [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noir_parler|French Wikipedia]] - One Ring at [[wp>One_Ring|Wikipedia]] - One Ring at [[tg>Ring_Verse|Tolkien Gateway]] - [[https://folk.uib.no/hnohf/orkish.htm|Analysis by Helge Kåre Fauskanger]] - [[https://folk.uib.no/hnohf/blackspeech.htm|Analysis by Craig Daniel]] - [[http://blackspeech.de/Appleyard.txt|Analysis by A. Appleyard]] - [[http://blackspeech.de/board/viewtopic.php?id=47|Full Ring Verse translation]]