====== Expressions of absence ====== **//Expressions of absence//** may be counted as a subgroup of [[syntax_possession|expressions of possession]], but are [[syntax_negative|negated]]. They usually show that [[syntax_subject|subject]] do not possess the [[syntax_object|object]] (which may be not a material object but an abstract quality). Absence in [[Nûrlâm]] may be expressed with five different constructions: - Negated verb of possession + object in accusative case; - Negation of object in comitative case; - Object of possession becomes grammatical subject; - Impersonal clause with object in genitive case (usually in subordinate sentences); - Short colloquial form. ===== 1. Verbs of possession ===== Typical verbs that express ownership in Nûrlâm are "tabz-" (to possess, to own) and "brus-" (to have [got]). To express absence they should be negated by prefix "nar-". This way looks like calque from English and is mostly used in colloquial speech. Example: "You have no power here!" = "Fi__**nar**brus__ bal zin!". ===== 2. Negation of comitative case ===== Straightforward translation of English preposition "without" is done by adding negative particle "nar" **after** postposition of [[case_comitative|comitative case]] "sha" (with). Example: "Fikul balshanar zin" = "You're without power here!" ===== 3. Raising object to subject ===== Object of (lacked) possession may be raised to grammatical subject the following way: - Object is being put into nominative case, thus becoming the subject. - Absence of possession is expressed by prefix "nar-" added to the verb "kul-" (to be) which is frequently omitted, thus often just by particle "nar". - Subject of possession becomes grammatical object being put into [[case_comitative|comitative case]]. For example: "You have no power here!" = "Finarbrus bal zin!" => "Bal __**nar**(kulâ)__ (zin) fi__sha__!" ("Balnarfisha", lit. "Power isn't (here) with you!") ===== 4. Impersonal clauses ===== [[syntax_impersonal|Impersonal clauses]] may be used to translate English negative [[syntax_existential|existential clauses]] "there is/are no...": - Dummy subject "there" is not used in Nûrlâm - The verb "to be" (kûl) is usually omitted in present tense - Object is put into [[case_genitive|genitive case]]. Example 1: "He runs like __there is no__ tomorrow" = "Takhîg oth __nar__ ârshab__ob__". Example 2((combined with variant 3)): "__Nar__ bal__ob__ fisha" = "There is no power with you!" ===== 5. Short colloquial form ===== The 4th form may be further reduced colloquially in short sentences. Just use the noun in default form and the particle "nar" as separate word: "There is no light": "Ghâzh nar" (literally "no light"). ------------------------------------ \_Please note, that English impersonal expressions of prohibition like "No way!" or "No smoking!" do not mean absence and are translated differently: "no way" = "nararz"((this is not how)) = "nardabhaga"((not allowed)), "no smoking" = "trim nardabhaga"((smoke is not allowed)).