Wordlist: Anatomy

This page will contain list of words for parts of body and organs. For actions and products of metabolism see category Physiology, for sensory perception see Senses. For parts specific to animals or plants see corresponding wordlists. As some of organs are used in cooking, you can also check category Food.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(dead) body loik n LOS < Quenya “loico”
abdomen thûn n NL < SV & most major dialects “thlûn”
arm bazg n SV (hand, arm)
arse rof n SV
ass rof n SV
back krûm n NL < LOS “krum”, changed to avoid ambiguity with suffix “-um” part of body
beak pund n NL, merging Hurrian “punhi” with Qenya “penta” with Noldorin “bunn” < Etym. “(M)BUD”
beard thârg n NL, merging Khuzdul “tarâg” (beard) with Sindarin “fang” < Etym. “SPÁNAG”
belly thûn n NL < SV & most major dialects “thlûn”
bill (of bird) pund n NL, merging Hurrian “punhi” with Qenya “penta” with Noldorin “bunn” < Etym. “(M)BUD”
bladder frûb n RN < LOS “frîb” < SV
blister frûb n RN < LOS “frîb” < SV
blood ghor n NL < Sindarin “iûr”, “iâr” < Etym. “YAR”, Sindarin “agar”, Primitive Elvish “okhor”;
compare with “gor” (violent) and “gorg” (butcher); resemblance to English “gore” is through these Tolkien's words
blood shirk n NL < DS “sherku”, “shirku” < Quenya “sercë”, Sindarin “sereg” uncountable
body kraur n LOS < MB
body turm n MERP more like scientific “physical form”, “physical body”, or religious “incarnation”, like Quenya “hröa”
bone takh n NL < SV “tach”;
compare with Etym. “TELEK” (stalk, stem, leg), Sindarin “talch” (stem)
in other dialects may refer to leg (from SV “thach”)
bowels khurg n DS
brain tunk n NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
breast nirn n NL < Hurrian “neḫerni” part of body
buttocks rof n SV
chest nirn n NL < Hurrian “neḫerni” part of body
claw glamb n NL < Gnomish “clamp” (grasp, claw), Noldorin “gamp” (hook, claw) < Etym. “GAP” (hook); compare with “khlaf-”
corpse loik n LOS < Quenya “loico”
cubit holb n NL, merging Qenya “óleme” (elbow) < root “OLO” with Noldorin “golf”, “-holf” (branch, wand) < Primitive Elvish “golbâ” < Etym. “GÓLOB” also unit of measure
cunnus htu n NL, merging LOS “htol-” (to fuck) with Noldorin “huch” (vagina) < Primitive Elvish root “PUHU” (generate)
cunnus pukh n NL < Primitive Elvish “pukku” < root “PUHU” (generate) Совпадения с LOS “pukhl-” (говорить) < HG, “pukhal” (язык) случайны
cunt htu n NL, merging LOS “htol-” (to fuck) with Noldorin “huch” (vagina) < Primitive Elvish root “PUHU” (generate)
cunt pukh n NL < Primitive Elvish “pukku” < root “PUHU” (generate) Совпадения с LOS “pukhl-” (говорить) < HG, “pukhal” (язык) случайны
disembowel dakh- v HG < SV “dakog” < Noldorin “dag” (to slay, kill)? < Etym. “NDAK” to remove guts
drool kubd- v NL, Qenya “kupta” (to look humpy, lumpy), Qenya “kauko” (humpback), Gnomish “caug” (humping, bent) < early roots “KUPU” (to hump), “KAẆA” (to stoop);
NOT related to “kû”, “kûb-”, “kûbr-”
ear khlau n NL, merging LOS “khlât” < Quenya “hlar” (hear) with Sindarin “law” (a pair of ears) < Etym. “LAS”[2]; changed to escape ambiguity with verb
egg fird n NL, merging LOS “fîl” (bird), Hurrian “erade” (bird), Gnomish “uitha” (to lay eggs) with NL “fir” (to mate)
elbow holb n NL, merging Qenya “óleme” (elbow) < root “OLO” with Noldorin “golf”, “-holf” (branch, wand) < Primitive Elvish “golbâ” < Etym. “GÓLOB” also unit of measure
eviscerate dakh- v HG < SV “dakog” < Noldorin “dag” (to slay, kill)? < Etym. “NDAK” to remove guts
eye hont n LOS < Quenya, Sindarin “hend” < Etym. “KHEN-D-E”
face thak n TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Ufthak”;
? LOS < Etym. “THÊ” (a look, face)
translation is speculative
fang hark n NL < Quenya “carca” < Etym. “KARAK” (sharp fand, tooth, spike); compare with Sindarin PN “Carcharoth” (Red Maw, Great Red Fang) may apply to ivory
fat tôm n NL < LOS “tûm” < MB, SV “tû” (fatty, fleshy, flabby) < ? Sindarin “tûg” (fat, thick) < Etym. “TIW”; changed to avoid cognates uncountable
feather pozg n NL < Noldorin “pesseg” (pillow), Quenya “quessë” (feather) < Etym. “KWES” (feather) also part of arrow, costume, etc.
feet thul n DS (Isengard) “tʰul” < Quenya “tál”, Sindarin “tâl” also a unit of measure
finger krûr n majority of DBS dialects < MB (also “number”, “to count”)
fist krark n NL, merging HG “kraku” (fist) < EL “krâk” (five) with DS (SOW) “kôr” < Quenya “quárë”, Qenya “qáre” < Etym. “KWAR” clenched hand

сжатая рука
flesh hrau n NL < Quenya “hroa” (body, flesh, physical form), Sindarin “rhaw” (flesh) equivalent of Quenya “hröa” is MERP “turm”, however “hrau” may also mean “physical form”;
flesh âps n LOS < Quenya “apsa” (cooked food, meat), Etym. “AP” more like meal (for cooking)

foot thul n DS (Isengard) “tʰul” < Quenya “tál”, Sindarin “tâl” also a unit of measure
grease tôm n NL < LOS “tûm” < MB, SV “tû” (fatty, fleshy, flabby) < ? Sindarin “tûg” (fat, thick) < Etym. “TIW”; changed to avoid cognates uncountable
gut hosh n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, VT 26
guts hosh n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, VT 26
guts khurg n DS
hair zud n NL < EH “azud” < Valarin “(a)šata” in Standard Nûrlâm refers to all hairs as a whole
hand bazg n SV (hand, arm)
hand nalg n SV
head kaz n NL < Quenya “cas”
heart tish n NL < Hurrian “tiša”, “tiža”, “tižna”, “tižni”
heel pragl n NL, merging “prak” with “hîl-” (see corresponding articles)
horn ras n LOS < Quenya “rasco”, “rassë” < Etym. “RAS” part of animal
hump kubd- v NL, Qenya “kupta” (to look humpy, lumpy), Qenya “kauko” (humpback), Gnomish “caug” (humping, bent) < early roots “KUPU” (to hump), “KAẆA” (to stoop);
NOT related to “kû”, “kûb-”, “kûbr-”
hunch kubd- v NL, Qenya “kupta” (to look humpy, lumpy), Qenya “kauko” (humpback), Gnomish “caug” (humping, bent) < early roots “KUPU” (to hump), “KAẆA” (to stoop);
NOT related to “kû”, “kûb-”, “kûbr-”
jaw ânkh n NL < Quenya “anca” < Etym. “ÁNAK”, “NAK”; compare with TK BS “nâkh” (to bite, cf.)
joint ghot n NL < Gnomish “gôd” “gadr”
knee okh n SV (BA) < (neo?-)Quenya “occa”
language lâm n LOS < Quenya “lamba” (physical tongue) < Etym. “LAB” (lick); Quenya “lambë” (language, speech), Noldorin “glamb”, “glamm” (shouting noise; barbarous, orc speech) < Etym. “ÑGALAM” (talk loud)
leg pakh n NL, merging Middle-Quenya and Qenya “pelko” with Gnomish “bachta”
limb ogz n NL < Qenya “oksa” (joint); compare with “okh” (knee)
link ghot n NL < Gnomish “gôd” “gadr”
lips pug n NL < LOS, HG “pu” < Quenya “pé” (lip, mouth) < Etym. “PEG”
liver slârg n NL, merging LOS “slai-” (to live), “sâr” (bitter) and “snâg” (soft, smooth)
lode râth n NL < Noldorin “rant” (vein), Sindarin “rath” (street, course) < Etym. “RAT” (to walk)
maw korl n NL < MERP “korlash” (jaw, mouth), also “gap” in SV; compare with Sindarin “carch” (fang) < Etym. “KARAK” from mouth to stomach
meat hrau n NL < Quenya “hroa” (body, flesh, physical form), Sindarin “rhaw” (flesh) equivalent of Quenya “hröa” is MERP “turm”, however “hrau” may also mean “physical form”;
meat âps n LOS < Quenya “apsa” (cooked food, meat), Etym. “AP” more like meal (for cooking)

member (of body) ogz n NL < Qenya “oksa” (joint); compare with “okh” (knee)
mind tunk n NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
mouth gaz n TK, DBS, WR, PN “Gazmog”, replaced by “Shagrat” in LOTR;
? Etym. “GAS” (yawn, gap, hole, mouth), Qenya “asse” (hole, mouth);
compare also with “gashn-” (say, speak) and “gazd-” (swear)
translation is speculative
mouth pug n NL < LOS, HG “pu” < Quenya “pé” (lip, mouth) < Etym. “PEG”
nail (of finger) glamb n NL < Gnomish “clamp” (grasp, claw), Noldorin “gamp” (hook, claw) < Etym. “GAP” (hook); compare with “khlaf-”
neck mâs n NL < LOS, SV “mâsl” < MB also of a bottle

в т.ч. бутылки
nipple zûz n NL < LOS, SV, MB “zu-” (to suck) merged with early Noldorin “tith”, Qenya “titte”, “tyetse”
nose glup n LOS < MB
nose pund n NL, merging Hurrian “punhi” with Qenya “penta” with Noldorin “bunn” < Etym. “(M)BUD”
oil tôm n NL < LOS “tûm” < MB, SV “tû” (fatty, fleshy, flabby) < ? Sindarin “tûg” (fat, thick) < Etym. “TIW”; changed to avoid cognates uncountable
palm nalg n SV
pee tukh n SV uncountable
peel daft n NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
penis ghru n LOS (stick, pole, penis, club) < SV “ghrû” (erected penis) < ? MB “rû” lit. “peg”
physical form turm n MERP more like scientific “physical form”, “physical body”, or religious “incarnation”, like Quenya “hröa”
pincers dan n MERP
piss glu n LOS < MB uncountable
piss tukh n SV uncountable
plume pozg n NL < Noldorin “pesseg” (pillow), Quenya “quessë” (feather) < Etym. “KWES” (feather) also part of arrow, costume, etc.
prickle thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
rind daft n NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
shoulder amd n NL, merging Qenya “aldamo” with early Noldorin “amoth” may refer to broad-back (back from one shoulder to other shoulder)
skeleton khilg n NL < Gnomish “cweleg” (corpse) < Primitive Elvish “kwelett” < Etym. “KWEL” (to fade, wither)
skin daft n NL, melting Gnomish “daf”, “dôf”, “dauth”
skull rash n NL < MERP “rrashat”
slouch kubd- v NL, Qenya “kupta” (to look humpy, lumpy), Qenya “kauko” (humpback), Gnomish “caug” (humping, bent) < early roots “KUPU” (to hump), “KAẆA” (to stoop);
NOT related to “kû”, “kûb-”, “kûbr-”
slump kubd- v NL, Qenya “kupta” (to look humpy, lumpy), Qenya “kauko” (humpback), Gnomish “caug” (humping, bent) < early roots “KUPU” (to hump), “KAẆA” (to stoop);
NOT related to “kû”, “kûb-”, “kûbr-”
snout pund n NL, merging Hurrian “punhi” with Qenya “penta” with Noldorin “bunn” < Etym. “(M)BUD”
sole (of foot, boots) thuln n NL, merging DS “thul” (foot, cf.) with Noldorin “tellen” (sole of foot)
speech lâm n LOS < Quenya “lamba” (physical tongue) < Etym. “LAB” (lick); Quenya “lambë” (language, speech), Noldorin “glamb”, “glamm” (shouting noise; barbarous, orc speech) < Etym. “ÑGALAM” (talk loud)
spike thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
sting thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
stomach thûn n NL < SV & most major dialects “thlûn”
stoop kubd- v NL, Qenya “kupta” (to look humpy, lumpy), Qenya “kauko” (humpback), Gnomish “caug” (humping, bent) < early roots “KUPU” (to hump), “KAẆA” (to stoop);
NOT related to “kû”, “kûb-”, “kûbr-”
tail baut n NL, merging Qenya “pint” with LOS “baush” < MERP “baushat” < Albanian “pisht” part of animal
talon glamb n NL < Gnomish “clamp” (grasp, claw), Noldorin “gamp” (hook, claw) < Etym. “GAP” (hook); compare with “khlaf-”
teat zûz n NL < LOS, SV, MB “zu-” (to suck) merged with early Noldorin “tith”, Qenya “titte”, “tyetse”
teeth glok n LOS
teeth kug n HG
teeth nogh n DS (Moria) < DS (PO) “nakṛ” < Etym. “NAK” (to bite)
thigh nôb n NL < rejected Quenya “nöa”, Noldorin “nô” < Etym. (AC) “ÑGŌ̆W”
thorn thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
throat mâs n NL < LOS, SV “mâsl” < MB also of a bottle

в т.ч. бутылки
tongs dan n MERP
tongue lâm n LOS < Quenya “lamba” (physical tongue) < Etym. “LAB” (lick); Quenya “lambë” (language, speech), Noldorin “glamb”, “glamm” (shouting noise; barbarous, orc speech) < Etym. “ÑGALAM” (talk loud)
tooth glok n LOS
tooth kug n HG
tooth nogh n DS (Moria) < DS (PO) “nakṛ” < Etym. “NAK” (to bite)
torso kraur n LOS < MB
tusk hark n NL < Quenya “carca” < Etym. “KARAK” (sharp fand, tooth, spike); compare with Sindarin PN “Carcharoth” (Red Maw, Great Red Fang) may apply to ivory
udder zûz n NL < LOS, SV, MB “zu-” (to suck) merged with early Noldorin “tith”, Qenya “titte”, “tyetse”
urine glu n LOS < MB uncountable
urine tukh n SV uncountable
uterus moi n NL < Quenya “móna” < “moia” (to labour)?
vagina htu n NL, merging LOS “htol-” (to fuck) with Noldorin “huch” (vagina) < Primitive Elvish root “PUHU” (generate)
vagina pukh n NL < Primitive Elvish “pukku” < root “PUHU” (generate) Совпадения с LOS “pukhl-” (говорить) < HG, “pukhal” (язык) случайны
vein râth n NL < Noldorin “rant” (vein), Sindarin “rath” (street, course) < Etym. “RAT” (to walk)
wing skoir n LOS only part of animal, not of building
wit tunk n NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
womb moi n NL < Quenya “móna” < “moia” (to labour)?