Wordlist: Weapon and Armor

This page will contain names for weapons, armor and their parts. Some of these words are listed also in category Tools.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(battering) ram grond n ZA < Noldorin (club), Sindarin name “Grond” (Hammer of the Underworld, weighty, ponderous) weapon
aim akt- v NL < ULK “aktum” (accuracy; precision; marksmanship) use with object in allative case
armor khang n NL < SV & MERP “khangaral” (armourer) generic term, protective clothes as a whole
armour khang n NL < SV & MERP “khangaral” (armourer) generic term, protective clothes as a whole
arrow pîl n LOS < Quenya “pilin” < Etym. “PÍLIM”
axe pulk n HG < LOS “pilik” < Qenya “pelek(ko)” < PIE “pelekus” wood-cutting axe
beat drîg- v NL < Noldorin “dringa” (to beat, strike) < Etym. “DRING”, e.g. in sword name “Glamdring” aka “Foe-hammer”, called “Beater” by goblins;
see also “drang”
beat fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
Beater Drîgal n NL < Noldorin “dringa” (to beat, strike) < Etym. “DRING”, e.g. in sword name “Glamdring” aka “Foe-hammer”, called “Beater” by goblins;
see also “drang”
name of the sword of Gandalf
Biter Nâkhâl n NL, lit. “biter”; see “nâkh-” name of the sword of Thorin
blade maik n NL < Quenya “maica” (blade of weapon)
blade (of knife, sword, razor) gand n NL < Quenya “hyanda”
blunt drag adj NL < LOS “darg” < SV “darga” (club), changed to avoid ambiguity with verb “to send”; compare with NL “drang” (hammer) about weapon, tools
bolt pîl n LOS < Quenya “pilin” < Etym. “PÍLIM”
bow (weapon) kugh n SV, compare with LOS “quîn” < Qenya “qinga” < Etym. “KWIG”
bowstring sorm n NL < Qenya “serma”
casque khazn n NL < LOS (UNF) “kazn” < SV “kazan” (cauldron) + NL “kaz” (head) < Quenya “cas” < Etym. “KAS” + NL “khang” (armor)
cast af- v LOS
chainmail gairom n NL, calque from English; see “gai”, “rom”
clash thlazg- v NL < Noldorin “tlach(a)” (to clap, clash, clatter) + Russian “лязг” [lʲæzg] source of sound should be in Genitive or Instrumental case
cleave grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
control gazg- v NL < MERP “gazog-” mostly about weapon or tool, implies the subject do it skillfully
cord sorm n NL < Qenya “serma”
crack grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
cut ak- v LOS < Quenya “ecet” (short stabbing sword)
cut grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
dagger kirm n DS “kirm(a)” (blade) < Quenya “cirma” (knife)
dagger shkil n NL, “sikil”, Sindarin “sigil” < Etym. “SIK”
damage fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
dirk shkil n NL, “sikil”, Sindarin “sigil” < Etym. “SIK”
drag sûh- v NL < DS (Moria) “sû” < DS (PO) “tugu” < Middle-Quenya “tuk-” (to draw, pull behind) also about weapon
draw sûh- v NL < DS (Moria) “sû” < DS (PO) “tugu” < Middle-Quenya “tuk-” (to draw, pull behind) also about weapon
dull drag adj NL < LOS “darg” < SV “darga” (club), changed to avoid ambiguity with verb “to send”; compare with NL “drang” (hammer) about weapon, tools
empale ghrûth- v NL, merging “ghru” with SV “hûth-” may refer to coitus
feather pozg n NL < Noldorin “pesseg” (pillow), Quenya “quessë” (feather) < Etym. “KWES” (feather) also part of arrow, costume, etc.
fight mauk- v LOS, probably from Qenya “mahtar” (warrior) < Etym. “MAK” (sword, to fight) literally, with weapons or fists;
opponent of fighting is in Accusative;
Comitative case marks people who help fighting
flog hauk n HG (v) < MERP “fashaukalog” < Albanian “fshikulloj”
Foe-hammer Drîgal n NL < Noldorin “dringa” (to beat, strike) < Etym. “DRING”, e.g. in sword name “Glamdring” aka “Foe-hammer”, called “Beater” by goblins;
see also “drang”
name of the sword of Gandalf
Glamdring Drîgal n NL < Noldorin “dringa” (to beat, strike) < Etym. “DRING”, e.g. in sword name “Glamdring” aka “Foe-hammer”, called “Beater” by goblins;
see also “drang”
name of the sword of Gandalf
Goblin-cleaver Nâkhâl n NL, lit. “biter”; see “nâkh-” name of the sword of Thorin
hammer drang n NL < LOS < HG “drâgh” + Sindarin “dring” (Glamdring aka “Foe-hammer” aka “Beater”) < Etym. (to beat, strike); compare with NL “drag” (dull, blunt) and SV “darga” (club)
handle gazg- v NL < MERP “gazog-” mostly about weapon or tool, implies the subject do it skillfully
helmet khazn n NL < LOS (UNF) “kazn” < SV “kazan” (cauldron) + NL “kaz” (head) < Quenya “cas” < Etym. “KAS” + NL “khang” (armor)
hit fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
hurl af- v LOS
hurt fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
impale ghrûth- v NL, merging “ghru” with SV “hûth-” may refer to coitus
insert thruth- v NL, merging Qenya “ter” (to pierce), Gnomish “tertha” (to destroy, devour) < Etym. “TER” with LOS “thrug” (killer) < MERP and SV “thumbog-” (to stab, stick) < MERP (sting, spike) < Albanian “thumb”;
see also “thurb”
may refer to coitus;
target may be but in Illative case
jab hât- v NL < SV, MERP “hashat” (spear) + all DBS dialects “shatîg-” (to press, push, weigh down) < MERP, probably from Albanian “shtyj” or Quenya “sahtië” (pressure, forcing);
compare with Noldorin “had” (to hurl), Gnomish “hada” (to throw, aim at), “hant” (throw, cast), “hantha” (to fling, hurl), Quenya “hatal” (spear) < Etym. “KHAT” (to hurl)
knife kirm n DS “kirm(a)” (blade) < Quenya “cirma” (knife)
lash hauk n HG (v) < MERP “fashaukalog” < Albanian “fshikulloj”
lug sûh- v NL < DS (Moria) “sû” < DS (PO) “tugu” < Middle-Quenya “tuk-” (to draw, pull behind) also about weapon
mail rom n NL < Sindarin “rem”;
compare with LOS “rît” < SV “rrît” < Albanian “rrjetë” < Latin “reticulum” < “rete” (to ensnare);
looks like Sindarin word was also inspired by the same Latin root
mesh rom n NL < Sindarin “rem”;
compare with LOS “rît” < SV “rrît” < Albanian “rrjetë” < Latin “reticulum” < “rete” (to ensnare);
looks like Sindarin word was also inspired by the same Latin root
net rom n NL < Sindarin “rem”;
compare with LOS “rît” < SV “rrît” < Albanian “rrjetë” < Latin “reticulum” < “rete” (to ensnare);
looks like Sindarin word was also inspired by the same Latin root
Orcrist Nâkhâl n NL, lit. “biter”; see “nâkh-” name of the sword of Thorin
pierce ghrûth- v NL, merging “ghru” with SV “hûth-” may refer to coitus
pierce thruth- v NL, merging Qenya “ter” (to pierce), Gnomish “tertha” (to destroy, devour) < Etym. “TER” with LOS “thrug” (killer) < MERP and SV “thumbog-” (to stab, stick) < MERP (sting, spike) < Albanian “thumb”;
see also “thurb”
may refer to coitus;
target may be but in Illative case
piercing maig adj NL < Quenya “maica”, Sindarin “maeg” (sharp, piercing); compare with MERP “maj” (to spike) < Albanian
plume pozg n NL < Noldorin “pesseg” (pillow), Quenya “quessë” (feather) < Etym. “KWES” (feather) also part of arrow, costume, etc.
point akt- v NL < ULK “aktum” (accuracy; precision; marksmanship) use with object in allative case
point dulg- v LOS < HG делать острым
pointed maig adj NL < Quenya “maica”, Sindarin “maeg” (sharp, piercing); compare with MERP “maj” (to spike) < Albanian
poke hât- v NL < SV, MERP “hashat” (spear) + all DBS dialects “shatîg-” (to press, push, weigh down) < MERP, probably from Albanian “shtyj” or Quenya “sahtië” (pressure, forcing);
compare with Noldorin “had” (to hurl), Gnomish “hada” (to throw, aim at), “hant” (throw, cast), “hantha” (to fling, hurl), Quenya “hatal” (spear) < Etym. “KHAT” (to hurl)
prick thruth- v NL, merging Qenya “ter” (to pierce), Gnomish “tertha” (to destroy, devour) < Etym. “TER” with LOS “thrug” (killer) < MERP and SV “thumbog-” (to stab, stick) < MERP (sting, spike) < Albanian “thumb”;
see also “thurb”
may refer to coitus;
target may be but in Illative case
prickle thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
pull sûh- v NL < DS (Moria) “sû” < DS (PO) “tugu” < Middle-Quenya “tuk-” (to draw, pull behind) also about weapon
push hât- v NL < SV, MERP “hashat” (spear) + all DBS dialects “shatîg-” (to press, push, weigh down) < MERP, probably from Albanian “shtyj” or Quenya “sahtië” (pressure, forcing);
compare with Noldorin “had” (to hurl), Gnomish “hada” (to throw, aim at), “hant” (throw, cast), “hantha” (to fling, hurl), Quenya “hatal” (spear) < Etym. “KHAT” (to hurl)
saber naig n NL, merging SV “nicaj” (sabre) with NL “maik” (sword, blade) < Quenya “maica” any curved single-edged sword
sable naig n NL, merging SV “nicaj” (sabre) with NL “maik” (sword, blade) < Quenya “maica” any curved single-edged sword
sabre naig n NL, merging SV “nicaj” (sabre) with NL “maik” (sword, blade) < Quenya “maica” any curved single-edged sword
scimitar naig n NL, merging SV “nicaj” (sabre) with NL “maik” (sword, blade) < Quenya “maica” any curved single-edged sword
share (of plow) gand n NL < Quenya “hyanda”
sharp dulgûrz adj LOS < HG;
RE “dulgûrz” < RE “dulug” (weapon) < SV “dul-” (to destroy)
about weapon, tools
sharp maig adj NL < Quenya “maica”, Sindarin “maeg” (sharp, piercing); compare with MERP “maj” (to spike) < Albanian
sharpen dulg- v LOS < HG делать острым
sharpened dulgûrz adj LOS < HG;
RE “dulgûrz” < RE “dulug” (weapon) < SV “dul-” (to destroy)
about weapon, tools
shield lâzg n LOS < MB “lâz”
slash grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
slice grish- v TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Grishnákh”;
? Etym. “KIRIS”, “RIS” (cut), compare with Sindarin “criss”
smite fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
spear hasht n NL < MERP “hashat” + Quenya “hatal”
spike thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
stab ak- v LOS < Quenya “ecet” (short stabbing sword)
stab thruth- v NL, merging Qenya “ter” (to pierce), Gnomish “tertha” (to destroy, devour) < Etym. “TER” with LOS “thrug” (killer) < MERP and SV “thumbog-” (to stab, stick) < MERP (sting, spike) < Albanian “thumb”;
see also “thurb”
may refer to coitus;
target may be but in Illative case
stick (in) thruth- v NL, merging Qenya “ter” (to pierce), Gnomish “tertha” (to destroy, devour) < Etym. “TER” with LOS “thrug” (killer) < MERP and SV “thumbog-” (to stab, stick) < MERP (sting, spike) < Albanian “thumb”;
see also “thurb”
may refer to coitus;
target may be but in Illative case
stick (through) ghrûth- v NL, merging “ghru” with SV “hûth-” may refer to coitus
sting thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
strike drîg- v NL < Noldorin “dringa” (to beat, strike) < Etym. “DRING”, e.g. in sword name “Glamdring” aka “Foe-hammer”, called “Beater” by goblins;
see also “drang”
strike fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
string sorm n NL < Qenya “serma”
sword lag n TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Lagduf”;
? Etym. “LAG” (sword)
translation is speculative
sword maik n NL < Quenya “maica” (blade of weapon)
target akt- v NL < ULK “aktum” (accuracy; precision; marksmanship) use with object in allative case
thorn thurb n NL, merging Etym. “TER(EW)” (to pierce) with MERP “thumb” (spike) < Albanian;
see also “thrug”, “thruth-”;
compare with Qenya “tinda”, Quenya “tilde” (spike, horn)
throw af- v LOS
thrust hât- v NL < SV, MERP “hashat” (spear) + all DBS dialects “shatîg-” (to press, push, weigh down) < MERP, probably from Albanian “shtyj” or Quenya “sahtië” (pressure, forcing);
compare with Noldorin “had” (to hurl), Gnomish “hada” (to throw, aim at), “hant” (throw, cast), “hantha” (to fling, hurl), Quenya “hatal” (spear) < Etym. “KHAT” (to hurl)
toss af- v LOS
use gazg- v NL < MERP “gazog-” mostly about weapon or tool, implies the subject do it skillfully
weapon yak n NL, see “yag” and “yazg”
whip hauk n HG (v) < MERP “fashaukalog” < Albanian “fshikulloj”
whip thup n LOS, HG (v) < SV, MERP “thupar” (n) < Albanian “thupër” (rod, stick, wand);
compare with Qenya “tump” (to beat)
wield gazg- v NL < MERP “gazog-” mostly about weapon or tool, implies the subject do it skillfully
yatagan naig n NL, merging SV “nicaj” (sabre) with NL “maik” (sword, blade) < Quenya “maica” any curved single-edged sword

See also