Wordlist: Measure

This page will contain list of words related to measuring of size, distance and weight. For measures of time see category Time. For strength and some moral values see category Quality. For relative direction of movement see category Directions. For exact and relative quantity see category Quantity

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(far) away baubarz adv HG “baub” (cf.) only as standalone adverb
(to the) inside ishi postp TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
Quenya locative case ending “-ssë”
Illative case suffix. Motion inside place or object
a lot mak pro SV if used together with noun, then noun should be in genitive case
above tala prep EL;
? probably from Etym. “TÂ, TAGH-” (high, lofty) or “TALAM” (floor, base) or “DAL” (flat)
use with objects in accusative case
afar baubarz adv HG “baub” (cf.) only as standalone adverb
altitude târurm n NL < LOS “târ” (high) < Quenya “tára” uncountable
amidst ri postp LOS intrative case suffix
among ri postp LOS intrative case suffix
amongst ri postp LOS intrative case suffix
area lurm n NL < merging enya “larma” (area, space, room) < Primitive Elvish roots “LAÐA”, “lařa” (broad) < Etym. “LAD” (wide) with Etym. “LAT” (open, free) and with abstract suffix “-urm” space, room for people, storage;
at or postp LOS Inessive case suffix, static presence; only about space in Standard Nûrlâm; in colloquial speech preposition “shi” is used
at r postp LOS “ir”, “or” adessive or inessive case suffix after vowel in colloquial speech; denotes static presence at or inside object
at shi prep LOS only about exact time in Standard Nûrlâm, may refer to place in colloquial speech
at zor postp LOS “or” Inessive case suffix after vowel, static presence
atop tala prep EL;
? probably from Etym. “TÂ, TAGH-” (high, lofty) or “TALAM” (floor, base) or “DAL” (flat)
use with objects in accusative case
average nodûrz adj NL “nod” (centre) < Quenya “endë”, Sindarin “enedh”, “enaid”, Noldorin “ened” < Etym. “ÉNED”, “NÉD”
awayness baub n HG (prep) see also “gâb”
barrel kralt n NL < Primitive Elvish “keréldǝ”, Gnomish “ceral”
between ri postp LOS intrative case suffix
beyond ithu prep NL, merging LOS “it” + LOS “thu” + HG “izu” use with objects in genitive case
big dau adj NL < Sindarin “daer” (great, large);
compare with LOS “dur” (big, large) with same etymology
big pol adj NL < Quenya “polda” (big), “poldor” (physical strength, might) < Etym. “POL” usually about person;
see also “Bolg”
broad plan adj NL < Quenya “palan” < Etym. “PAL” as in “Palantir”
circle raug n HG (only “round”) < LOS “rag” < SV (to turn); compare with Etym. “RAG” (crooked)
close mushûrz adj see “mush”
close mûsh adj NL, see “mush”, revert to original SV word
closely mush adv LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at) used only as standalone adverb, see “mush” (n) for directions
closeness mush n LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at)
colossal bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
cubit holb n NL, merging Qenya “óleme” (elbow) < root “OLO” with Noldorin “golf”, “-holf” (branch, wand) < Primitive Elvish “golbâ” < Etym. “GÓLOB” also unit of measure
cycle raug n HG (only “round”) < LOS “rag” < SV (to turn); compare with Etym. “RAG” (crooked)
deep dhun adj, adv NL < HG “dhu” (downward), “nû” (deep);
compare with Etym. “NDU” (go down, sink) from which PN “Númenór” came (sink > sunset > West > West-land);
compare with Etym. “NŪ”, “UNU” (down, underneath);
compare with Quenya PN “Utumno”, Sindarin “Udûn” (lit. “Dark Pit”, a fortress of Morgoth) < Etym. “TUB” (fall low, go down, sink, dive, deep valley)
deep nûrm n NL < HG “nû” (deep) < Etym. “NŪ” (below, under) + abstract suffix “-urm” uncountable
deep nûz adj NL < HG “nû” (deep) < “NŪ” (below, under); changed to avoid cognates
depth nûrm n NL < HG “nû” (deep) < Etym. “NŪ” (below, under) + abstract suffix “-urm” uncountable
dimension dulz n HG
distance gâb n LOS, SV, HG < MB
distant baubûrz adj HG “baub” (cf.)
elbow holb n NL, merging Qenya “óleme” (elbow) < root “OLO” with Noldorin “golf”, “-holf” (branch, wand) < Primitive Elvish “golbâ” < Etym. “GÓLOB” also unit of measure
elbow-room lurm n NL < merging enya “larma” (area, space, room) < Primitive Elvish roots “LAÐA”, “lařa” (broad) < Etym. “LAD” (wide) with Etym. “LAT” (open, free) and with abstract suffix “-urm” space, room for people, storage;
emptiness shad n DS also with suffix “-urm” or “-um”;
empty lushd adj NL, merging Etym. “LUS” with DS “shad”; compare with Sindarin “lost”, Quenya “lusta”, Ilkorin “lost”, Noldorin “lhost”
enormous bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
enough thlûk adv LOS < SV
extensive yan adj NL < Quenya “yána”, Sindarin “iaun” (wide, vast, huge)
far baubûrz adj HG “baub” (cf.)
far (away) baubarz adv HG “baub” (cf.) only as standalone adverb
far (from) baub postp HG use with nouns in Ablative
farness baub n HG (prep) see also “gâb”
fast hîs adj LOS
feet thul n DS (Isengard) “tʰul” < Quenya “tál”, Sindarin “tâl” also a unit of measure
few mik adj, pro SV may be treated as diminutive suffix when merged with noun
following ab adj DS prefix “ab-” (after, behind, following) only about time and order, not “next to” (see “mush” instead)
foot thul n DS (Isengard) “tʰul” < Quenya “tál”, Sindarin “tâl” also a unit of measure
formidable bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
gap don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
gauge glâd- v SV, also noun in LOS
giant bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
giant nûrs n LOS < Middle-Quenya “norsa”, Noldorin “noroth”
gigantic bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
great bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
great dau adj NL < Sindarin “daer” (great, large);
compare with LOS “dur” (big, large) with same etymology
grow ghalb- v NL < Noldorin “galw” (growth), Quenya “alwa” (well-grown) < Etym. “GALA” (to grow; thrive);
compare with ZA “ghald-” (to grow stately, greatly);
compare with Sindarin “gala” (to grow)
to become big
hasty hîs adj LOS
heap hosh n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PE 17 set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “heap of dung” = “hosh bûbob” = “bûb-hosh” = “dung-heap”
heap tub n MERP set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “pile of shit” = “tub pushob” = “pushtub” = “shit-pile”
heavy bûrd adj NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bur” (weight), “burûrz” (heavy) < MB with LP “brauda” < Adûnaic “burôda”, “buruda”; resemblance to English “burden” is accidental
height târurm n NL < LOS “târ” (high) < Quenya “tára” uncountable
high târ adj LOS < Quenya “tára”
high(est) (status) talûrz adj NL, standard adjective from EL “tala” (cf.)
highness târurm n NL < LOS “târ” (high) < Quenya “tára” uncountable
hindmost tîl adj LOS < Quenya “talla”, “telu” mostly about numerical order or distance
hollow lushd adj NL, merging Etym. “LUS” with DS “shad”; compare with Sindarin “lost”, Quenya “lusta”, Ilkorin “lost”, Noldorin “lhost”
huge bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
immense bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
in ishi postp TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
Quenya locative case ending “-ssë”
Illative case suffix. Motion inside place or object
in or postp LOS Inessive case suffix, static presence; only about space in Standard Nûrlâm; in colloquial speech preposition “shi” is used
in r postp LOS “ir”, “or” adessive or inessive case suffix after vowel in colloquial speech; denotes static presence at or inside object
in shi postp see “ishi” Illative case suffix after vowel. Motion inside place, object or static presence inside one place
in shi prep LOS only about exact time in Standard Nûrlâm, may refer to place in colloquial speech
in zor postp LOS “or” Inessive case suffix after vowel, static presence
inside shi postp see “ishi” Illative case suffix after vowel. Motion inside place, object or static presence inside one place
interval gâb n LOS, SV, HG < MB
into ishi postp TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
Quenya locative case ending “-ssë”
Illative case suffix. Motion inside place or object
into shi postp see “ishi” Illative case suffix after vowel. Motion inside place, object or static presence inside one place
inwards ishi postp TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
Quenya locative case ending “-ssë”
Illative case suffix. Motion inside place or object
inwards shi postp see “ishi” Illative case suffix after vowel. Motion inside place, object or static presence inside one place
large dau adj NL < Sindarin “daer” (great, large);
compare with LOS “dur” (big, large) with same etymology
large pol adj NL < Quenya “polda” (big), “poldor” (physical strength, might) < Etym. “POL” usually about person;
see also “Bolg”
last tîl adj LOS < Quenya “talla”, “telu” mostly about numerical order or distance
league laur n NL, merging Sindarin “daur” and Quenya “lár” < Etym. “DAR” (stay, wait, stop, remain) unit of measure, distance walked in 1 hour
least mikaz adj, adv SV
length rodhurm n NL < HG “rodh” (long) uncountable
lengthen sig- v LOS
less mikar adj, adv SV
lesser mikar adj, adv SV
lieu laur n NL, merging Sindarin “daur” and Quenya “lár” < Etym. “DAR” (stay, wait, stop, remain) unit of measure, distance walked in 1 hour
light-weight sta adj SV, HG “sta” (small, little, low, short, puny, light-weight); compare with Etym. “STINT” (short) may be treated as diminutive affix when merged with noun
little mik adj, pro SV may be treated as diminutive suffix when merged with noun
little sta adj SV, HG “sta” (small, little, low, short, puny, light-weight); compare with Etym. “STINT” (short) may be treated as diminutive affix when merged with noun
little stârz adv see “sta” + adv. suffix “-arz”
long rodh adj HG
long sigûrz adj see “sig”
longitude rodhurm n NL < HG “rodh” (long) uncountable
longness rodhurm n NL < HG “rodh” (long) uncountable
low dhun adj, adv NL < HG “dhu” (downward), “nû” (deep);
compare with Etym. “NDU” (go down, sink) from which PN “Númenór” came (sink > sunset > West > West-land);
compare with Etym. “NŪ”, “UNU” (down, underneath);
compare with Quenya PN “Utumno”, Sindarin “Udûn” (lit. “Dark Pit”, a fortress of Morgoth) < Etym. “TUB” (fall low, go down, sink, dive, deep valley)
low sta adj SV, HG “sta” (small, little, low, short, puny, light-weight); compare with Etym. “STINT” (short) may be treated as diminutive affix when merged with noun
many mak pro SV if used together with noun, then noun should be in genitive case
massive bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
mean nodûrz adj NL “nod” (centre) < Quenya “endë”, Sindarin “enedh”, “enaid”, Noldorin “ened” < Etym. “ÉNED”, “NÉD”
measure glâd- v SV, also noun in LOS
medium nodûrz adj NL “nod” (centre) < Quenya “endë”, Sindarin “enedh”, “enaid”, Noldorin “ened” < Etym. “ÉNED”, “NÉD”
middle nodûrz adj NL “nod” (centre) < Quenya “endë”, Sindarin “enedh”, “enaid”, Noldorin “ened” < Etym. “ÉNED”, “NÉD”
much mak pro SV if used together with noun, then noun should be in genitive case
narrow yat adj NL < Quenya “yatta” (narrow neck) < Etym. “YAK”
near mushûrz adj see “mush”
near mûsh adj NL, see “mush”, revert to original SV word
nearby mush adv LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at) used only as standalone adverb, see “mush” (n) for directions
nearness mush n LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at)
next ab adj DS prefix “ab-” (after, behind, following) only about time and order, not “next to” (see “mush” instead)
nigh mush n LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at)
nighness mush n LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at)
nihil shad n DS also with suffix “-urm” or “-um”;
nothingness shad n DS also with suffix “-urm” or “-um”;
on r postp LOS “ir”, “or” adessive or inessive case suffix after vowel in colloquial speech; denotes static presence at or inside object
on top of r postp LOS “ir”, “or” adessive or inessive case suffix after vowel in colloquial speech; denotes static presence at or inside object
on top of tala prep EL;
? probably from Etym. “TÂ, TAGH-” (high, lofty) or “TALAM” (floor, base) or “DAL” (flat)
use with objects in accusative case
opening don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
over tala prep EL;
? probably from Etym. “TÂ, TAGH-” (high, lofty) or “TALAM” (floor, base) or “DAL” (flat)
use with objects in accusative case
pace prak n MERP also unit of measure
passage don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
pile tub n MERP set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “pile of shit” = “tub pushob” = “pushtub” = “shit-pile”
place in n NL < ? Qenya “erin” (v) (remains), however “-in” in Qenya is 3rd person suffix (changed to 1st person in later Quenya) not “town place”;
used as suffix in various relative and indefinite adverbs
prompt hîs adj LOS
proximity mush n LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at)
quick hîs adj LOS
range gâb n LOS, SV, HG < MB
rapid hîs adj LOS
rathe hîs adj LOS
reach bazgurm n NL < SV, see “bazg”, “bazg-” a distance to which a person could touch with their hand;

расстояние, область до которой можно дотянуться рукой
rectangle tîrbonz n NL, lit. “straight angle”; see “tîr”, “bonz”
remote baubûrz adj HG “baub” (cf.)
remoteness baub n HG (prep) see also “gâb”
room (for) lurm n NL < merging enya “larma” (area, space, room) < Primitive Elvish roots “LAÐA”, “lařa” (broad) < Etym. “LAD” (wide) with Etym. “LAT” (open, free) and with abstract suffix “-urm” space, room for people, storage;
roomy yan adj NL < Quenya “yána”, Sindarin “iaun” (wide, vast, huge)
round raug n HG (only “round”) < LOS “rag” < SV (to turn); compare with Etym. “RAG” (crooked)
satisfy thlûk- v RN < LOS (adv. “enough”) < SV
shallow dalf adj NL < Sindarin PN “Nindalf”, “talf” (wang, flat field), Noldorin “dalw” (flat), “dalath” (flat surface, plain, plane) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base) antonym to “deep”
shoal dalf adj NL < Sindarin PN “Nindalf”, “talf” (wang, flat field), Noldorin “dalw” (flat), “dalath” (flat surface, plain, plane) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base) antonym to “deep”
short sta adj SV, HG “sta” (small, little, low, short, puny, light-weight); compare with Etym. “STINT” (short) may be treated as diminutive affix when merged with noun
size dulz n HG
slow fûrz adj NL < LOS “fûsh”; changed to avoid ambiguity with other dialects;
compare with Quenya “fifíru” (to slowly fade away)
small mik adj, pro SV may be treated as diminutive suffix when merged with noun
small sta adj SV, HG “sta” (small, little, low, short, puny, light-weight); compare with Etym. “STINT” (short) may be treated as diminutive affix when merged with noun
space don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
space lurm n NL < merging enya “larma” (area, space, room) < Primitive Elvish roots “LAÐA”, “lařa” (broad) < Etym. “LAD” (wide) with Etym. “LAT” (open, free) and with abstract suffix “-urm” space, room for people, storage;
speedy hîs adj LOS
square (shape) tîrbonz n NL, lit. “straight angle”; see “tîr”, “bonz”
step prak n MERP also unit of measure
stretch sig- v LOS
strong pol adj NL < Quenya “polda” (big), “poldor” (physical strength, might) < Etym. “POL” usually about person;
see also “Bolg”
suffice thlûk- v RN < LOS (adv. “enough”) < SV
swift hîs adj LOS
tall târ adj LOS < Quenya “tára”
thick hath adj HG “thick, heavy”
thin boh adj HG “slim, thin, slight, slender”, compare with LOS “bukol”, both marked as borrowed from SV, but not found there with such meaning
thrive ghalb- v NL < Noldorin “galw” (growth), Quenya “alwa” (well-grown) < Etym. “GALA” (to grow; thrive);
compare with ZA “ghald-” (to grow stately, greatly);
compare with Sindarin “gala” (to grow)
to become big
tiny mik adj, pro SV may be treated as diminutive suffix when merged with noun
tiny sta adj SV, HG “sta” (small, little, low, short, puny, light-weight); compare with Etym. “STINT” (short) may be treated as diminutive affix when merged with noun
top talûrz adj NL, standard adjective from EL “tala” (cf.)
topward talûrz adj NL, standard adjective from EL “tala” (cf.)
tremendous bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
up the (…) tala prep EL;
? probably from Etym. “TÂ, TAGH-” (high, lofty) or “TALAM” (floor, base) or “DAL” (flat)
use with objects in accusative case
upper talûrz adj NL, standard adjective from EL “tala” (cf.)
vast bha adj NL < MERP “fha”; changed according to Nûrlâm's phonetical rules;
may be also explained by shortening of “bûb-hosh” (with meaning “great”)
may be used as augmentative particle
vast yan adj NL < Quenya “yána”, Sindarin “iaun” (wide, vast, huge)
vicinity mush n LOS (“nearly”) < MB, SV “mûsh” (close, next to, near, at)
void lushd adj NL, merging Etym. “LUS” with DS “shad”; compare with Sindarin “lost”, Quenya “lusta”, Ilkorin “lost”, Noldorin “lhost”
void shad n DS also with suffix “-urm” or “-um”;
wide plan adj NL < Quenya “palan” < Etym. “PAL” as in “Palantir”
wide yan adj NL < Quenya “yána”, Sindarin “iaun” (wide, vast, huge)
within ishi postp TK, CBS, LOTR, RI;
Quenya locative case ending “-ssë”
Illative case suffix. Motion inside place or object
within shi postp see “ishi” Illative case suffix after vowel. Motion inside place, object or static presence inside one place