Wordlist: Terrain

This page will contain list of words for types of terrain, relief, geographical and topographical terms and objects.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(flat) surface pald n NL < Noldorin “palath” < Primitive Elvish “palda” (flat surface) < Etym. “PAL” (wide open) e.g. of water, Earth
(mountain) pass zagh n all major dialects < AA
abyss skâmb n HG < Hungarian “szakadék”
apex maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
arid thizg adj NL < LOS “thag” < MERP < Albanian “thaj” (to dry);
see also “thig-”
compare with Gnomish “thisc” (dry), Qenya “sisi” (scorch);
compare with Hurrian “šiba” (exhausted)
ash hîsht n LOS < SV uncountable
bank (of river) fâlz n NL < Sindarin “falas” < Etym. “PHAL” (foam); compare with LOS “fâl”
barren lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
barrow kaup n ZA natural hill
barrow khâr n ZA, ZB < Valarin “Ezellôchâr” (green mound);
compare with “khad”
artificial hill
bay faz n NL < Qenya “fáse”
beach fâlz n NL < Sindarin “falas” < Etym. “PHAL” (foam); compare with LOS “fâl”
bog loshk n NL, merging SV, MERP “losh” with Qenya “luksor” wide meaning of “mires”
border zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
bosom pald n NL < Noldorin “palath” < Primitive Elvish “palda” (flat surface) < Etym. “PAL” (wide open) e.g. of water, Earth
bound zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
brook hulz n NL, merging LOS, SV “hul” (flow, stream) < MB with Primitive Elvish “kelus” (brook) < Etym. “KEL” (to flow, run)
burrow gronk n SV < TK “bagronk” (dung-pit);
compare with NL “grik”, TK “grish”, “ronk”
usually about hole in the earth, rocks; also blind hole
bush drûth n all major dialects < MERP
cascade nînzad n NL, calque from English and Russian; see “nîn”, “zad-”
cataract nargh n NL < Sindarin “Narog” (“Torrent”, river name), “Nargothrond” < Primitive Elvish “narāka” (rapid, rushing, violent) < Etym. “NÁRAK” (to rend, tear) or from Khuzdul “NRG”, “narâg” (black)
cataract nînzad n NL, calque from English and Russian; see “nîn”, “zad-”
cave filk n NL, merging LOS “fil” (cave) with its original etymologies from Quenya “felya”, “felco”, Sindarin “feleg” < Etym. “PHÉLEG”, Khuzdul “felak”
cave yath n NL < Noldorin PN “Doriath” (Land of the Cave) < Etym. “GAT(H)” карстовая пещера, грот
cavern yath n NL < Noldorin PN “Doriath” (Land of the Cave) < Etym. “GAT(H)” карстовая пещера, грот
channel hulm n NL, merging LOS, SV “hul” (flow, stream) < MB with Primitive Elvish “kelma” (channel) < Etym. “KEL” (to flow, run) natural channel with water
chasm skâmb n HG < Hungarian “szakadék”
cinder hîsht n LOS < SV uncountable
clay karm n NL, merging Hurrian “kawr”, Urartian “qiura” with Quenya “kentano”, “kemnaro” (potter) < Etym. “KEM” (soil, earth); see also “ghâmp” (earth) uncountable
cleft grik n NL < Qenya “kirkis”, see also “grish” also the sound of making a crack
cliff fip n NL, merging Qenya “falqa” with Sindarin “îf” and SV, MERP “thop” < Albanian “thepisur” (craggy)
cloam karm n NL, merging Hurrian “kawr”, Urartian “qiura” with Quenya “kentano”, “kemnaro” (potter) < Etym. “KEM” (soil, earth); see also “ghâmp” (earth) uncountable
coast fâlz n NL < Sindarin “falas” < Etym. “PHAL” (foam); compare with LOS “fâl”
country uzg n EL, all major DBS dialects country, land as ownership
course (of river) hulm n NL, merging LOS, SV “hul” (flow, stream) < MB with Primitive Elvish “kelma” (channel) < Etym. “KEL” (to flow, run) natural channel with water
crack grik n NL < Qenya “kirkis”, see also “grish” also the sound of making a crack
crag fip n NL, merging Qenya “falqa” with Sindarin “îf” and SV, MERP “thop” < Albanian “thepisur” (craggy)
creek hulz n NL, merging LOS, SV “hul” (flow, stream) < MB with Primitive Elvish “kelus” (brook) < Etym. “KEL” (to flow, run)
dale nild n NL < Primitive Elvish root “NḶĐḶ” (dell)
dam grash n NL < Sindarin “caras” (circular earthwall with dike) < Etym. “KAR” (do, make, build)
declivity pînd n NL < Quenya “penda”, Sindarin “pend” < Etym. “PEN”, “PÉNED”
dell grik n NL < Qenya “kirkis”, see also “grish” also the sound of making a crack
dell nildhun n NL, merging of “nild” (dale) and “dhun” (low);
compare with Sindarin “tum”, Qenya “tumbo” < Primitive Elvish “tumbu” (deep valley) < Etym. “TUB”
узкая горная долина, как правило покрытая лесом
den gronk n SV < TK “bagronk” (dung-pit);
compare with NL “grik”, TK “grish”, “ronk”
usually about hole in the earth, rocks; also blind hole
desert arm n NL < Gnomish “armin” < Primitive Elvish root “ARA” (be dry), Quenya “erume” < Etym. “ERE” (be alone, deprived) dry, sandy land
desolation lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
dike grash n NL < Sindarin “caras” (circular earthwall with dike) < Etym. “KAR” (do, make, build)
dirt dug n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC “pushdug”, HOME 12 (PM) “dungfilth” uncountable
dirty dug adj “filth” (n) < TK OC “pushdug” (stinking or dung-filth) + HG “dûg” (horrible, rotten, sour) < Sumerian “dug” (to be good, sweet)
ditch rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
downs kaup n ZA natural hill
drainage rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
dry thizg adj NL < LOS “thag” < MERP < Albanian “thaj” (to dry);
see also “thig-”
compare with Gnomish “thisc” (dry), Qenya “sisi” (scorch);
compare with Hurrian “šiba” (exhausted)
dust hîsht n LOS < SV uncountable
dust maul n NL < Quenya “malo” (pollen) < Etym. “SMAL” (pollen, powder, flour) uncountable
dyke rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
earth ghâmp n LOS;
? Etym. “KEM” + Etym. “MBAR”;
see also “karm”
not about the planet; uncountable
edge zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
falls nînzad n NL, calque from English and Russian; see “nîn”, “zad-”
fen moth n NL < Quenya “motto” < Primitive Elvish root “MOT” mires rich with peat, usually near rivers or lakes
fen slau n NL < Primitive Elvish “(s)loga” (fenland), “slowâ”; compare with Quenya “hloa”, Sindarin “(h)lô” (flood, fenland) mire, passable and more dry, with water coming from underground
field rîz n NL < Quenya “resta”, Sindarin “rîdh” < Etym. “RED” (to sow) field of grass, not area of work, not physics
filth dug n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC “pushdug”, HOME 12 (PM) “dungfilth” uncountable
filth glob n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PE, VT 26, PE 17 uncountable
filthy dug adj “filth” (n) < TK OC “pushdug” (stinking or dung-filth) + HG “dûg” (horrible, rotten, sour) < Sumerian “dug” (to be good, sweet)
flatland uzgok n NL < EL “uzg” (land) + NL “gok” (flat) < LOS “gokut” (plain) < MERP (shallow) < Albanian “cekët”?
footprint rîn n NL < Noldorin “rhein”, Quenya “runya”
forest tau n LOS < Sindarin “taw” (wood as material), “tawar”; also Quenya “taurë” (forest), “toa” (wood as material) < Etym. “TÁWAR”; compare also with Etym. “TĀ”, “TAGH” (high, lofty)
frontier zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
gap don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
glen nildhun n NL, merging of “nild” (dale) and “dhun” (low);
compare with Sindarin “tum”, Qenya “tumbo” < Primitive Elvish “tumbu” (deep valley) < Etym. “TUB”
узкая горная долина, как правило покрытая лесом
gorge grik n NL < Qenya “kirkis”, see also “grish” also the sound of making a crack
grass barth n NL < Sindarin “parth” (field, sward) + all major Neo-BS dialects “bar” (grass, hay) < MERP < Albanian uncountable
ground ghâmp n LOS;
? Etym. “KEM” + Etym. “MBAR”;
see also “karm”
not about the planet; uncountable
gulf faz n NL < Qenya “fáse”
gullet hulm n NL, merging LOS, SV “hul” (flow, stream) < MB with Primitive Elvish “kelma” (channel) < Etym. “KEL” (to flow, run) natural channel with water
heath bîshk n NL < LOS & all major dialects “bîshûk” < MERP
heath lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
herb barth n NL < Sindarin “parth” (field, sward) + all major Neo-BS dialects “bar” (grass, hay) < MERP < Albanian uncountable
hill kaup n ZA natural hill
hole gronk n SV < TK “bagronk” (dung-pit);
compare with NL “grik”, TK “grish”, “ronk”
usually about hole in the earth, rocks; also blind hole
hollow gronk n SV < TK “bagronk” (dung-pit);
compare with NL “grik”, TK “grish”, “ronk”
usually about hole in the earth, rocks; also blind hole
home mokh n LOS < HG uncountable
homeland mokh n LOS < HG uncountable
ice gogh n NL < Sindarin “gochel” (a mass of ice) < Etym. “KHEL” uncountable
incline pînd n NL < Quenya “penda”, Sindarin “pend” < Etym. “PEN”, “PÉNED”
island dhôl n ZA < all major dialects “ugadhol” < MERP; compare with Sindarin & Quenya “tol”, Early Noldorin “dol”
isle dhôl n ZA < all major dialects “ugadhol” < MERP; compare with Sindarin & Quenya “tol”, Early Noldorin “dol”
kingdom arnuzg n NL, lit. “king's land”; see “arn”, “uzg”
knap maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
lake ain n NL < Quenya “ailo”, “ailin” (lake, pool) < Etym. “AY” + “LIN”[1]
lake rink n NL < TK, OC “ronk” (see article) + Quenya “ringwë” = “cold pool or lake (in mountains)” < Etym. “RINGI” (cold)
land uzg n EL, all major DBS dialects country, land as ownership
lava rûsh n NL < ZA “rushûr” < Valarin “rušur” (fire) uncountable
limit zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
loam karm n NL, merging Hurrian “kawr”, Urartian “qiura” with Quenya “kentano”, “kemnaro” (potter) < Etym. “KEM” (soil, earth); see also “ghâmp” (earth) uncountable
local area hof n NL, merging Sindarin “ephel” (outer fence, surrounding ring) < Noldorin “hebel” (fence) < Gnomish “heb” (around, about) with AO “oth” interpretated as “about, around” < Etym. “OS” any territory in close proximity, not necessary outside the borders like “outskirts” or “suburb”;
location sazg n NL, merging Sindarin “sad” (place, spot) with LOS “stazg”< SV < Icelandic “staður”?
lot (land property) lazd n NL < Neo-Quenya “latsë” < Qenya “larma” < Etym. “LAT” (lie open)
magma rûsh n NL < ZA “rushûr” < Valarin “rušur” (fire) uncountable
map hlamp n NL, merging MB “hlu” (to sew) with Noldorin “hamp” (garment), “hammad” (clothing) < Etym. “KHAP” (enfold); compare with etymology of English “map” < Latin “mappa” (napkin, cloth)
marsh moth n NL < Quenya “motto” < Primitive Elvish root “MOT” mires rich with peat, usually near rivers or lakes
mire bolt n NL, merging Sindarin “both” (marsh, fen) < Primitive Elvish root “MOT” with MERP “balt” < Albanian “baltë”, also “swamp, marsh” in LOS and HG and “clay” in SV very wet, hardly passable soil, usually clay or peat, soil on the bottom of the river
mire loshk n NL, merging SV, MERP “losh” with Qenya “luksor” wide meaning of “mires”
moor bîshk n NL < LOS & all major dialects “bîshûk” < MERP
motherland mokh n LOS < HG uncountable
mound kaup n ZA natural hill
mound khâr n ZA, ZB < Valarin “Ezellôchâr” (green mound);
compare with “khad”
artificial hill
mountain rod n TK, AO, BOLT, PN “Othrod”;
Etym. “ÓROT”, Sindarin “orod”, “ôr”;
compare with Sindarin “raud”, “arod” (noble, high, tall) as in PN “Finrod”
translation is speculative
mountain urbh n LOS < HG set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “pile of gold” = “urbh lûrob” = “lûrurbh” = “gold-pile”
mountain urun n NL < Quenya “oron” < Etym. “ÓROT”
mud bolt n NL, merging Sindarin “both” (marsh, fen) < Primitive Elvish root “MOT” with MERP “balt” < Albanian “baltë”, also “swamp, marsh” in LOS and HG and “clay” in SV very wet, hardly passable soil, usually clay or peat, soil on the bottom of the river
nearby (territory) hof n NL, merging Sindarin “ephel” (outer fence, surrounding ring) < Noldorin “hebel” (fence) < Gnomish “heb” (around, about) with AO “oth” interpretated as “about, around” < Etym. “OS” any territory in close proximity, not necessary outside the borders like “outskirts” or “suburb”;
neighbour(hood) hof n NL, merging Sindarin “ephel” (outer fence, surrounding ring) < Noldorin “hebel” (fence) < Gnomish “heb” (around, about) with AO “oth” interpretated as “about, around” < Etym. “OS” any territory in close proximity, not necessary outside the borders like “outskirts” or “suburb”;
ocean kârsh n NL, merging Quenya “Ekkaia” (outer sea), probably from Quenya “ëar”, Sindarin “gaear” with Hurrian “kiaše”
opening don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
outskirts hof n NL, merging Sindarin “ephel” (outer fence, surrounding ring) < Noldorin “hebel” (fence) < Gnomish “heb” (around, about) with AO “oth” interpretated as “about, around” < Etym. “OS” any territory in close proximity, not necessary outside the borders like “outskirts” or “suburb”;
passage don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
path mong n DS; probably from Quenya and Sindarin “men” (way) in Nûrlâm like any path (including hardly passable)
path mûl n LOS < Quenya “malle” (street, road) < “MBAL” in Nûrlâm more like wide, easily visible path
peak maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
pile urbh n LOS < HG set noun, requires another noun to be in genitive case or to be placed before as modifier: “pile of gold” = “urbh lûrob” = “lûrurbh” = “gold-pile”
pinnacle maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
pit gronk n SV < TK “bagronk” (dung-pit);
compare with NL “grik”, TK “grish”, “ronk”
usually about hole in the earth, rocks; also blind hole
place in n NL < ? Qenya “erin” (v) (remains), however “-in” in Qenya is 3rd person suffix (changed to 1st person in later Quenya) not “town place”;
used as suffix in various relative and indefinite adverbs
place sazg n NL, merging Sindarin “sad” (place, spot) with LOS “stazg”< SV < Icelandic “staður”?
plain uzgok n NL < EL “uzg” (land) + NL “gok” (flat) < LOS “gokut” (plain) < MERP (shallow) < Albanian “cekët”?
plot (of land) lazd n NL < Neo-Quenya “latsë” < Qenya “larma” < Etym. “LAT” (lie open)
pollen maul n NL < Quenya “malo” (pollen) < Etym. “SMAL” (pollen, powder, flour) uncountable
powder maul n NL < Quenya “malo” (pollen) < Etym. “SMAL” (pollen, powder, flour) uncountable
precipise skâmb n HG < Hungarian “szakadék”
profound gord n NL < Quenya “orda” < root “GOR” (deep) deep pit in water
proximity hof n NL, merging Sindarin “ephel” (outer fence, surrounding ring) < Noldorin “hebel” (fence) < Gnomish “heb” (around, about) with AO “oth” interpretated as “about, around” < Etym. “OS” any territory in close proximity, not necessary outside the borders like “outskirts” or “suburb”;
rapid (of river) nargh n NL < Sindarin “Narog” (“Torrent”, river name), “Nargothrond” < Primitive Elvish “narāka” (rapid, rushing, violent) < Etym. “NÁRAK” (to rend, tear) or from Khuzdul “NRG”, “narâg” (black)
ravine grik n NL < Qenya “kirkis”, see also “grish” also the sound of making a crack
ravine nildhun n NL, merging of “nild” (dale) and “dhun” (low);
compare with Sindarin “tum”, Qenya “tumbo” < Primitive Elvish “tumbu” (deep valley) < Etym. “TUB”
узкая горная долина, как правило покрытая лесом
rift nargh n NL < Sindarin “Narog” (“Torrent”, river name), “Nargothrond” < Primitive Elvish “narāka” (rapid, rushing, violent) < Etym. “NÁRAK” (to rend, tear) or from Khuzdul “NRG”, “narâg” (black)
river sîr n NL < Quenya “sírë” < Etym. “SIR” (to flow)
road mong n DS; probably from Quenya and Sindarin “men” (way) in Nûrlâm like any path (including hardly passable)
road mûl n LOS < Quenya “malle” (street, road) < “MBAL” in Nûrlâm more like wide, easily visible path
rock fip n NL, merging Qenya “falqa” with Sindarin “îf” and SV, MERP “thop” < Albanian “thepisur” (craggy)
route mûl n LOS < Quenya “malle” (street, road) < “MBAL” in Nûrlâm more like wide, easily visible path
rut rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
sand tus n NL < Qenya “tyusse” uncountable
sea kârsh n NL, merging Quenya “Ekkaia” (outer sea), probably from Quenya “ëar”, Sindarin “gaear” with Hurrian “kiaše”
shore fâlz n NL < Sindarin “falas” < Etym. “PHAL” (foam); compare with LOS “fâl”
shrub drûth n all major dialects < MERP
site sazg n NL, merging Sindarin “sad” (place, spot) with LOS “stazg”< SV < Icelandic “staður”?
slant pînd n NL < Quenya “penda”, Sindarin “pend” < Etym. “PEN”, “PÉNED”
slime bolt n NL, merging Sindarin “both” (marsh, fen) < Primitive Elvish root “MOT” with MERP “balt” < Albanian “baltë”, also “swamp, marsh” in LOS and HG and “clay” in SV very wet, hardly passable soil, usually clay or peat, soil on the bottom of the river
slope pînd n NL < Quenya “penda”, Sindarin “pend” < Etym. “PEN”, “PÉNED”
snow fau n NL < Gnomish “fô”, Qenya “fáwe” (n), “fauta-” (v) uncountable
snow shrish n NL < Etym. “SRIS”, “SRITH” uncountable
soil ghâmp n LOS;
? Etym. “KEM” + Etym. “MBAR”;
see also “karm”
not about the planet; uncountable
space don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
spoor rîn n NL < Noldorin “rhein”, Quenya “runya”
spot sazg n NL, merging Sindarin “sad” (place, spot) with LOS “stazg”< SV < Icelandic “staður”?
steep pînd n NL < Quenya “penda”, Sindarin “pend” < Etym. “PEN”, “PÉNED”
stone gund n EL, all Neo-BS dialects < Sindarin “Gondor” (Stone Land), Gondolin < Etym. “GOND”;
compare with Khuzdul “gundu” (underground hall)
stream hulz n NL, merging LOS, SV “hul” (flow, stream) < MB with Primitive Elvish “kelus” (brook) < Etym. “KEL” (to flow, run)
street mûl n LOS < Quenya “malle” (street, road) < “MBAL” in Nûrlâm more like wide, easily visible path
suburb hof n NL, merging Sindarin “ephel” (outer fence, surrounding ring) < Noldorin “hebel” (fence) < Gnomish “heb” (around, about) with AO “oth” interpretated as “about, around” < Etym. “OS” any territory in close proximity, not necessary outside the borders like “outskirts” or “suburb”;
summit maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
surroundings hof n NL, merging Sindarin “ephel” (outer fence, surrounding ring) < Noldorin “hebel” (fence) < Gnomish “heb” (around, about) with AO “oth” interpretated as “about, around” < Etym. “OS” any territory in close proximity, not necessary outside the borders like “outskirts” or “suburb”;
swamp loshk n NL, merging SV, MERP “losh” with Qenya “luksor” wide meaning of “mires”
swamp lurd n NL < DS “lurdâ” (lit. “wet land”), changed according to Nûrlâm's phonotactics a mire in the forest

болото в лесу
tip (of piercing weapon) maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
torrent nargh n NL < Sindarin “Narog” (“Torrent”, river name), “Nargothrond” < Primitive Elvish “narāka” (rapid, rushing, violent) < Etym. “NÁRAK” (to rend, tear) or from Khuzdul “NRG”, “narâg” (black)
trace rîn n NL < Noldorin “rhein”, Quenya “runya”
track rîn n NL < Noldorin “rhein”, Quenya “runya”
trail mong n DS; probably from Quenya and Sindarin “men” (way) in Nûrlâm like any path (including hardly passable)
trail mûl n LOS < Quenya “malle” (street, road) < “MBAL” in Nûrlâm more like wide, easily visible path
trench rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
underground rondhûrz adj NL, merging “rond”, “rong”, “ronk” with “dhu” (see corresponding articles) + adjective suffix “-ûrz”
vale nild n NL < Primitive Elvish root “NḶĐḶ” (dell)
valley nild n NL < Primitive Elvish root “NḶĐḶ” (dell)
vestige rîn n NL < Noldorin “rhein”, Quenya “runya”
vicinity hof n NL, merging Sindarin “ephel” (outer fence, surrounding ring) < Noldorin “hebel” (fence) < Gnomish “heb” (around, about) with AO “oth” interpretated as “about, around” < Etym. “OS” any territory in close proximity, not necessary outside the borders like “outskirts” or “suburb”;
volcano urunsh n NL, merging “urun” (mountain) with “urush” (fire) (see corresponding articles)
waste lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
wasteland arm n NL < Gnomish “armin” < Primitive Elvish root “ARA” (be dry), Quenya “erume” < Etym. “ERE” (be alone, deprived) dry, sandy land
wasteland lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
water nîn n LOS < Quenya “nén”; compare with Westron “nîn” uncountable
waterfall nînzad n NL, calque from English and Russian; see “nîn”, “zad-”
way mong n DS; probably from Quenya and Sindarin “men” (way) in Nûrlâm like any path (including hardly passable)
way mûl n LOS < Quenya “malle” (street, road) < “MBAL” in Nûrlâm more like wide, easily visible path
wet mizg adj NL < Quenya “mixa” < Etym. “MISK”, compare with “miz” (rain)
wilderness lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
wood tau n LOS < Sindarin “taw” (wood as material), “tawar”; also Quenya “taurë” (forest), “toa” (wood as material) < Etym. “TÁWAR”; compare also with Etym. “TĀ”, “TAGH” (high, lofty)

See also