Wordlist: Warfare

This page will contain a list of words related to art of war, terms for army groupings, ranks, etc. Words for weapon and armor are listed on separate page.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
abandon rang- v DS
aim akt- v NL < ULK “aktum” (accuracy; precision; marksmanship) use with object in allative case
alarm razd n NL, merging “razg-” with “tan” (see corresponding articles)
alarm razg- v NL < Quenya “raxë” (danger)
alert razd n NL, merging “razg-” with “tan” (see corresponding articles)
alert razg- v NL < Quenya “raxë” (danger)
arm piz- v LOS indirect object (what to equip) in Comitative case
army khoth n DS (PO) “kʰotʰ” < Etym. (not in LR) “KHOT” [2] (strive, quarrel);
IMO Etym. “KHOT(H)” [1] (to gather, together in confusion, jumble) is also nice;
compare with Sindarin “hoth” (horde, host)
assault dîs- v LOS
attack dîs- v LOS
back (part, side) krûm n NL < LOS “krum”, changed to avoid ambiguity with suffix “-um”; see also “krut”
band lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
banner hluth n LOS < MB
batter pûlp- v NL < LOS (to beat), probably from Quenya “palpa” (to beat, batter) < Etym. “PALAP”;
see also “plup-”
to beat repeatedly
battle dogr n NL < Sindarin “dagor” < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
battle with tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
battlefield dogrîz n NL, see “dogr”, “rîz”
battlefield maukrîz n NL, see “mauk-”, “rîz”
be deprived (of) bûf- v NL < MB, LOS “brûf”, SV & HG “buf”
beat bump- v HG < LOS “bum” < MB mostly about sound
beat drîg- v NL < Noldorin “dringa” (to beat, strike) < Etym. “DRING”, e.g. in sword name “Glamdring” aka “Foe-hammer”, called “Beater” by goblins;
see also “drang”
beat fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
beat pûlp- v NL < LOS (to beat), probably from Quenya “palpa” (to beat, batter) < Etym. “PALAP”;
see also “plup-”
to beat repeatedly
beset raugd- v NL < “raug” (round) + MERP “roth” (round) < Albanian “rreth”
besiege raugd- v NL < “raug” (round) + MERP “roth” (round) < Albanian “rreth”
betrayal fûrthurm n NL, abstract noun from “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat, cf.)
betrayer fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
bivouac ikt n NL < LP “ikat”< Sindarin “echad”
booty raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
border zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
bound zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
bounty raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
calm borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
camp ikt n NL < LP “ikat”< Sindarin “echad”
captain hizd n NL < Ilkorin “hest”, Quenya “hesto” < Etym. (AC) “KHES” (to command)
captive glûr n LOS, HG
capture dik- v LOS
castle goit n NL, merging TK DBS “goi” (city with citadel) with LOS, SV “kûtotaz” < MERP < Albanian “qytet” (city) < Latin “civitas”, SV “kûtoz” (garrison, fortification) < MERP with TK DBS “goth”, NL “ghûth” (war) < Etym. “KOT” with Noldorin “ost” (walled city, town), Sindarin “ost” (fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel, fortified town), Quenya PN “Mandos” (Castle of Custody) < “osto” < Etym. “OS” (around); compare with “ozd” (house)
casualties dogauk n from TK “dog-” (to slay, cf.) + suffix “-auk”
champion maurd n NL, merging “mau” (warrior) with Qenya “mordo” (warrior, hero) < early Primitive Elvish “mau̯ard” (shepherd)
charge (army maneuvre) dunr- v NL, merging LOS “du-” with Quenya and Sindarin “nor” (to run, leap) < roots “NOR”, “NORO” (to run, ride, roll on wheels) especially mounted or chariot attack
citadel goit n NL, merging TK DBS “goi” (city with citadel) with LOS, SV “kûtotaz” < MERP < Albanian “qytet” (city) < Latin “civitas”, SV “kûtoz” (garrison, fortification) < MERP with TK DBS “goth”, NL “ghûth” (war) < Etym. “KOT” with Noldorin “ost” (walled city, town), Sindarin “ost” (fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel, fortified town), Quenya PN “Mandos” (Castle of Custody) < “osto” < Etym. “OS” (around); compare with “ozd” (house)
civil narmauhûrz adj NL, see “nar”, “mauh” opposite of “military”
clash thlazg- v NL < Noldorin “tlach(a)” (to clap, clash, clatter) + Russian “лязг” [lʲæzg] source of sound should be in Genitive or Instrumental case
class dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

cling together gragh- v NL, see “gragh” (n) intransitive
column shalg n NL, merging LOS “shalk”< SV with ZA “shak” (line); probably related to TK DBS “sha”;
compare with ZA “shâlkshur” (line-up, formation, arrangement)
a line of people
combat dogr n NL < Sindarin “dagor” < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
conquer paik- v NL < Qenya “apaika”, “apaira”, “apaitya” (conquer-) < QL stem “PAÝA” (punish, take vengeance, conquer, subdue)
conquer thudurb- v NL, lit. “over-rule”, calque from Noldorin “ortur”
cover lazg- v SV, HG < MB “lâz” indirect object should be in Ablative case
damage fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
deal with tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
defeat bûf n NL < MB, LOS “brûf”, SV & HG “buf”
defeat faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
defend lazg- v SV, HG < MB “lâz” indirect object should be in Ablative case
desert rang- v DS
ditch rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
drainage rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
dyke rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
edge zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
encircle raugd- v NL < “raug” (round) + MERP “roth” (round) < Albanian “rreth”
encounter tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
enemy goth n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”, PN “Morgoth”;
Noldorin < Etym. “KOTH” (enemy);
see also “kuth”
this translation comes from Sindarin, but orcs probably replaced it with “lord, master”
enemy kuth n NL < Sindarin “coth”, “cûd”, “gud”, Noldorin “goth” as in PN “Morgoth” (Black Enemy) < Etym. “KOTH”, “KOT”;
changed to avoid confusion with other translations of “goth”
equip (weapon) piz- v LOS indirect object (what to equip) in Comitative case
error saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
exercise tail- v LOS < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
face tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
failure saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
fall zad- v DS; compare with MERP “zaduk-”, ZA “zâdûk-” (to destroy), probably from SV “sadáuk” (attack, assault) also about buildings and war (e.g. “garrison has fallen”, “city has fallen”)
fall in(to line) gaid- nâd expr NL, lit. “join inside”; see “gaid-”, “nâd” usually a command
fame imburm n NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name) uncountable
fault saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
fend off hazd- v NL < Gnomish “hadra” < “had” (opposite)
fight dogr n NL < Sindarin “dagor” < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
fight mauk- v LOS, probably from Qenya “mahtar” (warrior) < Etym. “MAK” (sword, to fight) literally, with weapons or fists;
opponent of fighting is in Accusative;
Comitative case marks people who help fighting
fight tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
fight back hazd- v NL < Gnomish “hadra” < “had” (opposite)
fighter maukal n NL, see “mauk-” mostly sport
file (of people) shalg n NL, merging LOS “shalk”< SV with ZA “shak” (line); probably related to TK DBS “sha”;
compare with ZA “shâlkshur” (line-up, formation, arrangement)
a line of people
fire (at) bauz- v LOS, HG (to shoot) < SV < MERP “bauz” (arrow, dart) requires object in Allative case
flag hluth n LOS < MB
flank ramb n ZA
flock gragh- v NL, see “gragh” (n) intransitive
foe goth n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”, PN “Morgoth”;
Noldorin < Etym. “KOTH” (enemy);
see also “kuth”
this translation comes from Sindarin, but orcs probably replaced it with “lord, master”
foe kuth n NL < Sindarin “coth”, “cûd”, “gud”, Noldorin “goth” as in PN “Morgoth” (Black Enemy) < Etym. “KOTH”, “KOT”;
changed to avoid confusion with other translations of “goth”
forepart drom n NL, see “dro”
forfeit bûf- v NL < MB, LOS “brûf”, SV & HG “buf”
forgather gragh- v NL, see “gragh” (n) intransitive
forsake rang- v DS
fortress goit n NL, merging TK DBS “goi” (city with citadel) with LOS, SV “kûtotaz” < MERP < Albanian “qytet” (city) < Latin “civitas”, SV “kûtoz” (garrison, fortification) < MERP with TK DBS “goth”, NL “ghûth” (war) < Etym. “KOT” with Noldorin “ost” (walled city, town), Sindarin “ost” (fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel, fortified town), Quenya PN “Mandos” (Castle of Custody) < “osto” < Etym. “OS” (around); compare with “ozd” (house)
front molz n HG more like “frontline”; see also “drom”
front (side) drom n NL, see “dro”
frontier zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
fuck-up saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
gang lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
glory imburm n NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name) uncountable
grade dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

group lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
guard dirn n MERP “dagor-dirn” (battle guard) < Sindarin “dagor”, “tirith”?
guard tud- v DS (to watch) < Westron “tud”, “tudnas”, “tunnas” (watch, guard)
guardian dirn n MERP “dagor-dirn” (battle guard) < Sindarin “dagor”, “tirith”?
hang together gragh- v NL, see “gragh” (n) intransitive
harry lîzd- v NL < rejected Qenya “lehesta”, “lehasta” (to ride, riding, raid)
have mercy on kask- v NL < SV (BA) “kaskût” (mercy, n) use with object in accusative case
have victory over faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
hero maurd n NL, merging “mau” (warrior) with Qenya “mordo” (warrior, hero) < early Primitive Elvish “mau̯ard” (shepherd)
hind krûm n NL < LOS “krum”, changed to avoid ambiguity with suffix “-um”; see also “krut”
hit fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
hold fîth- v LOS also military term
hold together gragh- v NL, see “gragh” (n) intransitive
horde hurm n NL, merging Qenya “horma” with Sindarin “hoth” < Etym. “KHOTH” (to gather, assmebly);
see also “khoth”, “hog-”, “-hai”
set noun
host hurm n NL, merging Qenya “horma” with Sindarin “hoth” < Etym. “KHOTH” (to gather, assmebly);
see also “khoth”, “hog-”, “-hai”
set noun
hurt fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
insurrect shadm- v NL, merging SV “shataum” (trouble, unrest, restleness, worry, revolt, rebellion, uprising, turmoil) (n), probably from MERP “shatarg-” (to storm) < Albanian “shtrëngatë” or MERP “shâtaz” (brute) < Albanian “shtazë” with DS “shad” (destruction)
intrude shûkh- v NL, merging “(i)shi” (in, into) with “ukh-” (to go) in analogy with Latin word to move troops in; to enter a territory without allowance or invitation;
use with objects in Illative or Allative case
invade shûkh- v NL, merging “(i)shi” (in, into) with “ukh-” (to go) in analogy with Latin word to move troops in; to enter a territory without allowance or invitation;
use with objects in Illative or Allative case
join the ranks gaid- nâd expr NL, lit. “join inside”; see “gaid-”, “nâd” usually a command
keep fîth- v LOS also military term
keep together gragh- v NL, see “gragh” (n) intransitive
kill dog- v TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
knight lûghoth n NL, melting “lûkh” (horse) with “goth” (lord), a calque from Sindarin “rochir”
leave rang- v DS
limit zugl n SV, MB; compare with LOS “zug” (lip)
line ting n NL < Noldorin “tî” < Etym. “TEÑ” (line, row)
line(up) shalg n NL, merging LOS “shalk”< SV with ZA “shak” (line); probably related to TK DBS “sha”;
compare with ZA “shâlkshur” (line-up, formation, arrangement)
a line of people
loot raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
lose bûf- v NL < MB, LOS “brûf”, SV & HG “buf”
loss bûf n NL < MB, LOS “brûf”, SV & HG “buf”
losses dogauk n from TK “dog-” (to slay, cf.) + suffix “-auk”
lot lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
lubber nalzauk n NL, see “nalz” a clumsy, lazy, stupid or inexperienced person;
army slang word for newbies
march thûkh- v NL < “thul” + “ukh-” (lit. “foot walking”)
meet at battlefield tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
military mauhûrz adj NL < TK “mau(h)” (see “mau”, “mauh”)
miss saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
mistake saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
newbie nalzauk n NL, see “nalz” a clumsy, lazy, stupid or inexperienced person;
army slang word for newbies
non-military narmauhûrz adj NL, see “nar”, “mauh” opposite of “military”
noob nalzauk n NL, see “nalz” a clumsy, lazy, stupid or inexperienced person;
army slang word for newbies
noose hnûf n NL < Noldorin “hnuif”, “hniof”, “nû” (noose, snare) < Etym. “SNEW” (entangle)
occupy shûkh- v NL, merging “(i)shi” (in, into) with “ukh-” (to go) in analogy with Latin word to move troops in; to enter a territory without allowance or invitation;
use with objects in Illative or Allative case
officer zurzal n NL < LOS “zûrz” (official)
official zurzal n NL < LOS “zûrz” (official)
opponent kuth n NL < Sindarin “coth”, “cûd”, “gud”, Noldorin “goth” as in PN “Morgoth” (Black Enemy) < Etym. “KOTH”, “KOT”;
changed to avoid confusion with other translations of “goth”
oppose hazd- v NL < Gnomish “hadra” < “had” (opposite)
outfit piz- v LOS indirect object (what to equip) in Comitative case
overcome faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
overthrow faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
overwhelm faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
paladin lûghoth n NL, melting “lûkh” (horse) with “goth” (lord), a calque from Sindarin “rochir”
patrol tudukh- v NL, lit. “guard-walk”; see “tud-”, “ukh-”
peace borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
pillage prauk- v NL < SV “plauk” < probably Albanian “plaçkit” or debased English words;
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “raun-”
take other's property by force
play tail- v LOS < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
plunder prauk- v NL < SV “plauk” < probably Albanian “plaçkit” or debased English words;
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “raun-”
take other's property by force
plunder raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
point akt- v NL < ULK “aktum” (accuracy; precision; marksmanship) use with object in allative case
posterior krûm n NL < LOS “krum”, changed to avoid ambiguity with suffix “-um”; see also “krut”
practice tail- v LOS < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
prisoner glûr n LOS, HG
profit raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
protect lazg- v SV, HG < MB “lâz” indirect object should be in Ablative case
rabble lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
raid lîzd- v NL < rejected Qenya “lehesta”, “lehasta” (to ride, riding, raid)
range ting n NL < Noldorin “tî” < Etym. “TEÑ” (line, row)
rank dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

rank ting n NL < Noldorin “tî” < Etym. “TEÑ” (line, row)
ransom raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
rear krûm n NL < LOS “krum”, changed to avoid ambiguity with suffix “-um”; see also “krut”
rebel shadm- v NL, merging SV “shataum” (trouble, unrest, restleness, worry, revolt, rebellion, uprising, turmoil) (n), probably from MERP “shatarg-” (to storm) < Albanian “shtrëngatë” or MERP “shâtaz” (brute) < Albanian “shtazë” with DS “shad” (destruction)
reluct shadm- v NL, merging SV “shataum” (trouble, unrest, restleness, worry, revolt, rebellion, uprising, turmoil) (n), probably from MERP “shatarg-” (to storm) < Albanian “shtrëngatë” or MERP “shâtaz” (brute) < Albanian “shtazë” with DS “shad” (destruction)
renegade fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
repose borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
reputation imburm n NL < Gnomish “emfeg” (infamous, of evil name) uncountable
resist hazd- v NL < Gnomish “hadra” < “had” (opposite)
rest borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
revolt shadm- v NL, merging SV “shataum” (trouble, unrest, restleness, worry, revolt, rebellion, uprising, turmoil) (n), probably from MERP “shatarg-” (to storm) < Albanian “shtrëngatë” or MERP “shâtaz” (brute) < Albanian “shtazë” with DS “shad” (destruction)
reward raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
riot shadm- v NL, merging SV “shataum” (trouble, unrest, restleness, worry, revolt, rebellion, uprising, turmoil) (n), probably from MERP “shatarg-” (to storm) < Albanian “shtrëngatë” or MERP “shâtaz” (brute) < Albanian “shtazë” with DS “shad” (destruction)
rookie nalzauk n NL, see “nalz” a clumsy, lazy, stupid or inexperienced person;
army slang word for newbies
row ting n NL < Noldorin “tî” < Etym. “TEÑ” (line, row)
rush khîzg- v NL, merging DS “khîg-” (to run, hurry) with LOS “hîs” (fast) (see corresponding articles) to move oneself quickly and suddenly
rut rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
sack prauk- v NL < SV “plauk” < probably Albanian “plaçkit” or debased English words;
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “raun-”
take other's property by force
scout nûsh n NL < Easterling “nûs” (spy) as in Gandalf's name “Incánus”
sellout fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
sentinel dirn n MERP “dagor-dirn” (battle guard) < Sindarin “dagor”, “tirith”?
sentry dirn n MERP “dagor-dirn” (battle guard) < Sindarin “dagor”, “tirith”?
serie ting n NL < Noldorin “tî” < Etym. “TEÑ” (line, row)
servant snaga n TK, DBS, WJ, PN, a name of many orcs;
? Etym. “SNAR” (tie);
? Noldorin “mâgâ” < Etym. “SMAG” (soil, stain)
may refer to orcs of breed lesser than uruk, or to lowest rank in orcish hierarchy
shield lazg- v SV, HG < MB “lâz” indirect object should be in Ablative case
shoot bauz- v LOS, HG (to shoot) < SV < MERP “bauz” (arrow, dart) requires object in Allative case
side ramb n ZA
signal razd n NL, merging “razg-” with “tan” (see corresponding articles)
slain dogauk n from TK “dog-” (to slay, cf.) + suffix “-auk”
slave snaga n TK, DBS, WJ, PN, a name of many orcs;
? Etym. “SNAR” (tie);
? Noldorin “mâgâ” < Etym. “SMAG” (soil, stain)
may refer to orcs of breed lesser than uruk, or to lowest rank in orcish hierarchy
slay dog- v TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay)
slayer dog n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay); explicitly translated as “slayer” in Etymologies
smite fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
snare hnûf n NL < Noldorin “hnuif”, “hniof”, “nû” (noose, snare) < Etym. “SNEW” (entangle)
soldier dog n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay); explicitly translated as “slayer” in Etymologies
spare kask- v NL < SV (BA) “kaskût” (mercy, n) use with object in accusative case
spoil raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
spy nûsh n NL < Easterling “nûs” (spy) as in Gandalf's name “Incánus”
squad lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
stand together gragh- v NL, see “gragh” (n) intransitive
standard hluth n LOS < MB
status dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

stern krûm n NL < LOS “krum”, changed to avoid ambiguity with suffix “-um”; see also “krut”
stick together gragh- v NL, see “gragh” (n) intransitive
strife ghûth n NL < TK, AO, DBS, “goth” < LOTR, Silm., BOLT 2, PN “Gothmog”;
from Etym. “KOT” (strive, quarrel);
modified to differentiate from other meanings of “goth” (cf.)
strife goth n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., BOLT 2, PN “Gothmog”;
Explicitly translated as Gnomish “war, strife” in BOLT II;
from Etym. “KOT” (strive, quarrel);
see also “ghûth”
strike drîg- v NL < Noldorin “dringa” (to beat, strike) < Etym. “DRING”, e.g. in sword name “Glamdring” aka “Foe-hammer”, called “Beater” by goblins;
see also “drang”
strike fulk- v HG, probably from SV “flak-” < MERP (to throw) < Albanian
stronghold goit n NL, merging TK DBS “goi” (city with citadel) with LOS, SV “kûtotaz” < MERP < Albanian “qytet” (city) < Latin “civitas”, SV “kûtoz” (garrison, fortification) < MERP with TK DBS “goth”, NL “ghûth” (war) < Etym. “KOT” with Noldorin “ost” (walled city, town), Sindarin “ost” (fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel, fortified town), Quenya PN “Mandos” (Castle of Custody) < “osto” < Etym. “OS” (around); compare with “ozd” (house)
struggle tad- v HG < MERP “bartas” (brawl) < Albanian “bërtas” (to scream, shout) object should be in accusative or comitative case
surround raugd- v NL < “raug” (round) + MERP “roth” (round) < Albanian “rreth”
swag raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
target akt- v NL < ULK “aktum” (accuracy; precision; marksmanship) use with object in allative case
thrall snaga n TK, DBS, WJ, PN, a name of many orcs;
? Etym. “SNAR” (tie);
? Noldorin “mâgâ” < Etym. “SMAG” (soil, stain)
may refer to orcs of breed lesser than uruk, or to lowest rank in orcish hierarchy
thwart hazd- v NL < Gnomish “hadra” < “had” (opposite)
title dhâr n LOS about hierarchy

train tail- v LOS < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
traitor fûrthal n NL, see “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat)
traitory fûrthurm n NL, abstract noun from “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat, cf.)
tranquility borz n HG, cited as borrowed from SV but there is no similar word attested uncountable
trap hnûf n NL < Noldorin “hnuif”, “hniof”, “nû” (noose, snare) < Etym. “SNEW” (entangle)
treachery fûrthurm n NL, abstract noun from “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat, cf.)
treason fûrthurm n NL, abstract noun from “fûrth-” (to betray, cheat, cf.)
trench rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
troop lurg n SV, MERP (squad), ZA (group, band) usually about warriors or bandits;
set noun
trophy raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
turn against shadm- v NL, merging SV “shataum” (trouble, unrest, restleness, worry, revolt, rebellion, uprising, turmoil) (n), probably from MERP “shatarg-” (to storm) < Albanian “shtrëngatë” or MERP “shâtaz” (brute) < Albanian “shtazë” with DS “shad” (destruction)
uprise shadm- v NL, merging SV “shataum” (trouble, unrest, restleness, worry, revolt, rebellion, uprising, turmoil) (n), probably from MERP “shatarg-” (to storm) < Albanian “shtrëngatë” or MERP “shâtaz” (brute) < Albanian “shtazë” with DS “shad” (destruction)
vanquish faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
war ghûth n NL < TK, AO, DBS, “goth” < LOTR, Silm., BOLT 2, PN “Gothmog”;
from Etym. “KOT” (strive, quarrel);
modified to differentiate from other meanings of “goth” (cf.)
war goth n TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., BOLT 2, PN “Gothmog”;
Explicitly translated as Gnomish “war, strife” in BOLT II;
from Etym. “KOT” (strive, quarrel);
see also “ghûth”
ward dirn n MERP “dagor-dirn” (battle guard) < Sindarin “dagor”, “tirith”?
ward tud- v DS (to watch) < Westron “tud”, “tudnas”, “tunnas” (watch, guard)
warn razg- v NL < Quenya “raxë” (danger)
warning razd n NL, merging “razg-” with “tan” (see corresponding articles)
warrior dog n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay); explicitly translated as “slayer” in Etymologies
warrior mau n LOS < TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Mauhúr”;
? Qenya “mahtar” (warrior) < Etym. “MAK” (sword)
translation is speculative
warrior mauh n TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Mauhúr”;
? Qenya “mahtar” (warrior) < Etym. “MAK” (sword)
translation is speculative
watch dirn n MERP “dagor-dirn” (battle guard) < Sindarin “dagor”, “tirith”?
watch (over) tud- v DS (to watch) < Westron “tud”, “tudnas”, “tunnas” (watch, guard)
win faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
wing (of army formation or building) ramb n ZA