Wordlist: Building

This page will contain a list of words related to architecture, houses (including underground dwellings), settlements and furniture.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(hidden) cache shkalamb n NL, lit. “hiding chamber”;
see “shkal-”, “amb”
altar gorthin n NL, lit. “worship-place”, cognate with Gnomish “gorthin” (fane, temple) place of worship, place for sacrifice
angle bonz n NL, Noldorin “bennas” < Etym. “BEN”; compare with LOS, SV, HG “bun” < MB inner angle; corner of building, street, etc.
annihilate shad- v DS “shad” (nothingness, void, destruction), “shadgar” (destroyer) ;
compare with LOS “sadâuk” (to attack, assault), ZA “zâdûk” (to destroy, wipe out, delete, erase, annihilate, obliterate), both from SV “sadáuk”
apex maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
arise tulg- v NL < LOS “tulk-” (to lift, raise) < SV stand up, rise from the dead, rise in rank
ascend tulg- v NL < LOS “tulk-” (to lift, raise) < SV stand up, rise from the dead, rise in rank
bar kolkamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
bar zulmamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
barn tomp n NL < Qenya “tumpo” (shed, barn), Gnomish “tump” < early Primitive Elvish roots “TUPU” (to cover) or “TṂPṂ” (to build); compare with NL “tup-” (to cover), “tumb-” (to build)
barrow khâr n ZA, ZB < Valarin “Ezellôchâr” (green mound);
compare with “khad”
artificial hill
base bukh n HG < MB “bughn” (root, origin, source, beginning)
base tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
basement khamb n NL, merging “ghâmp” (earth) with “amb” (room, chamber) and with Qenya “kambo”
basis bukh n HG < MB “bughn” (root, origin, source, beginning)
bed khau n NL < Noldorin “haust”, Gnomish “haus”;
compare with NL “kât”, “khad”, “khâr”, “kîf” < Etym. “KAY”, “KHAG”, “KHAW”
bed kîf n NL < melting Noldorin “caew” < Etym. “KAY” (to lie down) with DS “kîbum” (life) used only as slang with these meanings;
proper translation is “lair, nest”
bench (seat) tog n LOS, SV < MERP
bivouac ikt n NL < LP “ikat”< Sindarin “echad”
break shot- v NL < DS “shotag” < Etym. “SKAT” add “ri” as prefix or suffix to clarify meaning “interrupt”
brick thlar n NL < Qenya “telar”, Ilkorin “therr”
bridge dursh n LOS
bridge zant n DS (SOW); probably from Quenya “yanta”, Sindarin “iant”
build tumb- v NL < Qenya “tump” (to build, beat) + Noldorin “adab” (to build)
building tumbamb n NL, see “tumb”, “amb” physical object
bureau zurz n NL < LOS “zûrz” (official), in analogy with “burz” – “bûrz”
burrow rong- v HG < TK OC “bagronk”
buttery folkamb n NL, lit. “stock chamber”;
see “folk-”, “amb”
camp ikt n NL < LP “ikat”< Sindarin “echad”
carpet sparm n NL < rejected (Middle-)Quenya “farma” < Etym. (AC) “SPAR” (to spread, scatter, strew)
castle goit n NL, merging TK DBS “goi” (city with citadel) with LOS, SV “kûtotaz” < MERP < Albanian “qytet” (city) < Latin “civitas”, SV “kûtoz” (garrison, fortification) < MERP with TK DBS “goth”, NL “ghûth” (war) < Etym. “KOT” with Noldorin “ost” (walled city, town), Sindarin “ost” (fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel, fortified town), Quenya PN “Mandos” (Castle of Custody) < “osto” < Etym. “OS” (around); compare with “ozd” (house)
cathedral faltamb n NL, lit. “chamber of luck”; compare with LOS “faltor” < SV see also “gorthamb”
ceiling dîlg n NL < Valarin “delgûmâ” (exact meaning unknown);
compare with “dalgûm” in ZB and “dîlgum” in ZA;
compare with Quenya “telluma” (dome), “telumë” (roof, canopy, heaven, sky), Qenya “tel” (roof), Noldorin “telu” (dome, high roof), Gnomish “teld”, “telm” < Etym. “TEL”, “TELU”;
compare with MERP “dîl” (Sun)
semi-spherical roof;
may be used as epithetic name for “sky”, “heaven”
ceiling pulz n NL < SV, HG “pulaz” < MERP flat roof
cellar khamb n NL, merging “ghâmp” (earth) with “amb” (room, chamber) and with Qenya “kambo”
chair lîm n NL, merging HG “li” (chair) < EL “ulîma” (throne) with Valarin PN “Maχallām” (one of the seats of Valar), also Quenya “mahalma” (throne)
chamber amb n NL < Noldorin “thamb” (hall), Quenya “sambe” (room, chamber), Primitive Elvish “stambē”, “stabnē” < Etym. “STAB” may be used in compond words, as a suffix, usually about some room, building or space (like -ry in “armory”, “cemetary”, “mortuary”)
chamber ronk n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC “bagronk”, PE 17;
? Quenya “rondo”, Noldorin “rhond”, “rhonn” < Etym. “ROD” (cave)
channel hulm n NL, merging LOS, SV “hul” (flow, stream) < MB with Primitive Elvish “kelma” (channel) < Etym. “KEL” (to flow, run) natural channel with water
church faltamb n NL, lit. “chamber of luck”; compare with LOS “faltor” < SV see also “gorthamb”
church gorthamb n NL, lit. “worship-chamber” see also “faltamb”
citadel goit n NL, merging TK DBS “goi” (city with citadel) with LOS, SV “kûtotaz” < MERP < Albanian “qytet” (city) < Latin “civitas”, SV “kûtoz” (garrison, fortification) < MERP with TK DBS “goth”, NL “ghûth” (war) < Etym. “KOT” with Noldorin “ost” (walled city, town), Sindarin “ost” (fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel, fortified town), Quenya PN “Mandos” (Castle of Custody) < “osto” < Etym. “OS” (around); compare with “ozd” (house)
city goi n TK, DBS, WJ, WR, SD, “Dushgoi” (Minas Morgul), AA translates as “city” = “Minas”;
compare with Noldorin “gobel” (walled house, town)
City, town with citadel or central watch tower
collapse dhund- v NL < HG “dhu” (downward); compare with Etym. “NDU” (go down, sink) from which PN “Númenór” came (sink > sunset > West > West-land), also “NŪ”, “UNU” (down, underneath); may be related to Etym. “DAT” (to fall down) or “TALÁT” (to slip down, collapse, fall in ruin); compare with Quenya “Atalantë” (Downfallen)
column târm n NL < Quenya “tarma” < “tar” (high); compare with Adûnaic “târik”; compare with NL “târ”
come in shisk- v NL, merging LOS “-shi” (at) < TK “-ishi” (into, in) with LOS “skât-” (to come) object describing area, building, etc. should be in Illative case
construct tumb- v NL < Qenya “tump” (to build, beat) + Noldorin “adab” (to build)
construction tumbamb n NL, see “tumb”, “amb” physical object
corner bonz n NL, Noldorin “bennas” < Etym. “BEN”; compare with LOS, SV, HG “bun” < MB inner angle; corner of building, street, etc.
couch khau n NL < Noldorin “haust”, Gnomish “haus”;
compare with NL “kât”, “khad”, “khâr”, “kîf” < Etym. “KAY”, “KHAG”, “KHAW”
course (of river) hulm n NL, merging LOS, SV “hul” (flow, stream) < MB with Primitive Elvish “kelma” (channel) < Etym. “KEL” (to flow, run) natural channel with water
court thazd n NL, merging “thant” (garden, hedge) with “ozd” (house); see corresponding articles the whole yard with house(s)

двор вместе со всеми постройками
crossover dursh n LOS
dam grash n NL < Sindarin “caras” (circular earthwall with dike) < Etym. “KAR” (do, make, build)
damage dul- v HG < SV, MB
debris ladh n NL, merging “lata” (under), “latr” (bottom) with “dhu” (down), “dhund-” (to collapse); see corresponding articles
delve rong- v HG < TK OC “bagronk”
demolish ladn- v NL, merging “lata” (under) with “dhu” (down), “dhund-” (to collapse); see corresponding articles
department zurz n NL < LOS “zûrz” (official), in analogy with “burz” – “bûrz”
destroy dul- v HG < SV, MB
destroy guzd- v NL < Gnomish “gusta”, “husta” (burn smth., destroy); compare with DS “gûda-”, “gutja-”
destroy shad- v DS “shad” (nothingness, void, destruction), “shadgar” (destroyer) ;
compare with LOS “sadâuk” (to attack, assault), ZA “zâdûk” (to destroy, wipe out, delete, erase, annihilate, obliterate), both from SV “sadáuk”
dig rong- v HG < TK OC “bagronk”
dike grash n NL < Sindarin “caras” (circular earthwall with dike) < Etym. “KAR” (do, make, build)
ditch rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
dome dîlg n NL < Valarin “delgûmâ” (exact meaning unknown);
compare with “dalgûm” in ZB and “dîlgum” in ZA;
compare with Quenya “telluma” (dome), “telumë” (roof, canopy, heaven, sky), Qenya “tel” (roof), Noldorin “telu” (dome, high roof), Gnomish “teld”, “telm” < Etym. “TEL”, “TELU”;
compare with MERP “dîl” (Sun)
semi-spherical roof;
may be used as epithetic name for “sky”, “heaven”
door pand n NL < Quenya “ando”, “fendë”, Sindarin “annon”, “fenn” simple door
drainage rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
dungeon bagronk n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PE 17
dwell fulg- v LOS (RE) < Valarin “phelûn” (dwelling)
dyke rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
enclosure thurk n NL, merging SV and MERP “thur”, “thark” < Albanian with Qenya “tar” (hedge, fence), Noldorin “thora” (to fence) < Etym. “THUR” (surround, fence, ward); compare also with Primitive Elvish “TAÐA” (hedge, fence, enclosure), “TAŘA”
enter shisk- v NL, merging LOS “-shi” (at) < TK “-ishi” (into, in) with LOS “skât-” (to come) object describing area, building, etc. should be in Illative case
excavate rong- v HG < TK OC “bagronk”
excavation krond n NL, merging MERP “kra” (mines) with NL “rond” (trench), Sindarin “groth” (as in PN “Menegroth”) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (bore, tunnel);
resemblance with “grotto” is probably Tolkien's play on words;
resemblance with Russian “крот” (mole) is accidental
farm thazd n NL, merging “thant” (garden, hedge) with “ozd” (house); see corresponding articles the whole yard with house(s)

двор вместе со всеми постройками
fence thurk n NL, merging SV and MERP “thur”, “thark” < Albanian with Qenya “tar” (hedge, fence), Noldorin “thora” (to fence) < Etym. “THUR” (surround, fence, ward); compare also with Primitive Elvish “TAÐA” (hedge, fence, enclosure), “TAŘA”
flank ramb n ZA
floor tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
forge ânghamb n see “ângh-”, “amb”
fortress goit n NL, merging TK DBS “goi” (city with citadel) with LOS, SV “kûtotaz” < MERP < Albanian “qytet” (city) < Latin “civitas”, SV “kûtoz” (garrison, fortification) < MERP with TK DBS “goth”, NL “ghûth” (war) < Etym. “KOT” with Noldorin “ost” (walled city, town), Sindarin “ost” (fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel, fortified town), Quenya PN “Mandos” (Castle of Custody) < “osto” < Etym. “OS” (around); compare with “ozd” (house)
fortress lug n TK, DBS, LOTR PN “Lugbúrz” (Barad-dûr, Dark Tower) also spelled “lûg”
foundation bukh n HG < MB “bughn” (root, origin, source, beginning)
founder dhund- v NL < HG “dhu” (downward); compare with Etym. “NDU” (go down, sink) from which PN “Númenór” came (sink > sunset > West > West-land), also “NŪ”, “UNU” (down, underneath); may be related to Etym. “DAT” (to fall down) or “TALÁT” (to slip down, collapse, fall in ruin); compare with Quenya “Atalantë” (Downfallen)
gap don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
garth thazd n NL, merging “thant” (garden, hedge) with “ozd” (house); see corresponding articles the whole yard with house(s)

двор вместе со всеми постройками
gate hûm n SV, HG < MERP big door, double door, barbican
grade dilm n NL, merging speculative Sindarin “dim” (stair) with Quenya “tyellë” (grade, step)
grave khad n NL < Noldorin “hauð” (mound, grave, tomb) < Primitive Elvish “khagda” < Etym. “KHAG” (pile, mound) + “KHAW” (bed)
grave matronk n lit. “dead-pit”, see “mat”, “ronk”
ground tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
gullet hulm n NL, merging LOS, SV “hul” (flow, stream) < MB with Primitive Elvish “kelma” (channel) < Etym. “KEL” (to flow, run) natural channel with water
hall shamb n NL < Noldorin “tham, thamb” (hall), Gnomish “tham” (chamber, room), Quenya “sambe” (room, chamber), Primitive Elvish “stambē”, “stabnē” < Etym. “STAB”
hamlet fulz n NL, merging Quenya “opele” (walled house, village, town), Gnomish “pel” (village, hamlet, -ham), Edain “obel” (town) < Etym. “PEL(ES)” (fenced field) with LOS “fulg-” (to dwell) < Valarin “phelûn” city, town, village with walls or fence, but without castle or tower (see “goi”)
hedge thurk n NL, merging SV and MERP “thur”, “thark” < Albanian with Qenya “tar” (hedge, fence), Noldorin “thora” (to fence) < Etym. “THUR” (surround, fence, ward); compare also with Primitive Elvish “TAÐA” (hedge, fence, enclosure), “TAŘA”
home kîf n NL < melting Noldorin “caew” < Etym. “KAY” (to lie down) with DS “kîbum” (life) used only as slang with these meanings;
proper translation is “lair, nest”
home mokh n LOS < HG uncountable
homeland mokh n LOS < HG uncountable
house ozd n NL < Qenya “os”, “ost” (cottage, house), “osto” (city), Gnomish “ost” (enclosure, yard), Noldorin “ost” (fortress, city) < Etym. “OS” (around, about); compare also with Primitive Elvish “sōđā” (house)
hut ozd n NL < Qenya “os”, “ost” (cottage, house), “osto” (city), Gnomish “ost” (enclosure, yard), Noldorin “ost” (fortress, city) < Etym. “OS” (around, about); compare also with Primitive Elvish “sōđā” (house)
idol kort n NL < Qenya “kordon”, Gnomish “gort”; compare with NL “gorth” (to worship)
inn kolkamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
inn zulmamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
interrupt shot- v NL < DS “shotag” < Etym. “SKAT” add “ri” as prefix or suffix to clarify meaning “interrupt”
key lalt n NL < Neo-Quenya “latil” < Etym. “LAT” (lie open) door key
kitchen throbamb n NL < “throb-” (to cook) + suffix “-amb”; lit. “cookery”; see corresponding articles
knap maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
labyrinth humb n NL < SV, HG “humbor” < MERP may refer to thicket of forest
lair kîf n NL < melting Noldorin “caew” < Etym. “KAY” (to lie down) with DS “kîbum” (life) may also mean “home”, “bed” in slang
larder folkamb n NL, lit. “stock chamber”;
see “folk-”, “amb”
level tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
lock-up lug n TK, DBS, LOTR PN “Lugbúrz” (Barad-dûr, Dark Tower) also spelled “lûg”
mark mûm n HG
mast grud n NL, merging HG “gru”, “gadur” (pole) with SV “gaddur” < MERP (thorn) thin pillar
mat sparm n NL < rejected (Middle-)Quenya “farma” < Etym. (AC) “SPAR” (to spread, scatter, strew)
maze humb n NL < SV, HG “humbor” < MERP may refer to thicket of forest
mill blûzozd n NL “blûz” < MERP “blûg-” (to grind) + NL “ozd” (house) lit. “mill-house”
mine krond n NL, merging MERP “kra” (mines) with NL “rond” (trench), Sindarin “groth” (as in PN “Menegroth”) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (bore, tunnel);
resemblance with “grotto” is probably Tolkien's play on words;
resemblance with Russian “крот” (mole) is accidental
minster faltamb n NL, lit. “chamber of luck”; compare with LOS “faltor” < SV see also “gorthamb”
mortar rauk n NL < LOS “aurok” < MERP uncountable
motherland mokh n LOS < HG uncountable
mound khâr n ZA, ZB < Valarin “Ezellôchâr” (green mound);
compare with “khad”
artificial hill
nest kîf n NL < melting Noldorin “caew” < Etym. “KAY” (to lie down) with DS “kîbum” (life) may also mean “home”, “bed” in slang
office zurz n NL < LOS “zûrz” (official), in analogy with “burz” – “bûrz”
opening don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
origin bukh n HG < MB “bughn” (root, origin, source, beginning)
overpass dursh n LOS
paddock thurk n NL, merging SV and MERP “thur”, “thark” < Albanian with Qenya “tar” (hedge, fence), Noldorin “thora” (to fence) < Etym. “THUR” (surround, fence, ward); compare also with Primitive Elvish “TAÐA” (hedge, fence, enclosure), “TAŘA”
pale grud n NL, merging HG “gru”, “gadur” (pole) with SV “gaddur” < MERP (thorn) thin pillar
pantry folkamb n NL, lit. “stock chamber”;
see “folk-”, “amb”
passage don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
passage hûm n SV, HG < MERP big door, double door, barbican
passage pand n NL < Quenya “ando”, “fendë”, Sindarin “annon”, “fenn” simple door
peak maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
pen (for animals) tomp n NL < Qenya “tumpo” (shed, barn), Gnomish “tump” < early Primitive Elvish roots “TUPU” (to cover) or “TṂPṂ” (to build); compare with NL “tup-” (to cover), “tumb-” (to build)
pillar grud n NL, merging HG “gru”, “gadur” (pole) with SV “gaddur” < MERP (thorn) thin pillar
pillar târm n NL < Quenya “tarma” < “tar” (high); compare with Adûnaic “târik”; compare with NL “târ”
pinnacle maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
pit ronk n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC “bagronk”, VT26;
? Quenya “rondo”, Noldorin “rhond”, “rhonn” < Etym. “ROD” (cave)
plane tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
pole grud n NL, merging HG “gru”, “gadur” (pole) with SV “gaddur” < MERP (thorn) thin pillar
pool ronk n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC “bagronk”, HOME 12 (PM);
? Quenya “ringwë” (cold pool, lake) < Etym. “RINGI” (cold)
portal hûm n SV, HG < MERP big door, double door, barbican
post grud n NL, merging HG “gru”, “gadur” (pole) with SV “gaddur” < MERP (thorn) thin pillar
prison lug n TK, DBS, LOTR PN “Lugbúrz” (Barad-dûr, Dark Tower) also spelled “lûg”
prop stal n NL, merging Etym. “STÁLAG” (firm, steady), Gnomish “taul” (pillar); compare with NL “stalg”; compare with all major dialects “shatûl” (pillar, column) < MERP < Albanian “shtylla” < Greek “στήλη” (stele, pylon) supporting construction
pub kolkamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
pub zulmamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
pylon grud n NL, merging HG “gru”, “gadur” (pole) with SV “gaddur” < MERP (thorn) thin pillar
raze ladn- v NL, merging “lata” (under) with “dhu” (down), “dhund-” (to collapse); see corresponding articles
rise tulg- v NL < LOS “tulk-” (to lift, raise) < SV stand up, rise from the dead, rise in rank
roof dîlg n NL < Valarin “delgûmâ” (exact meaning unknown);
compare with “dalgûm” in ZB and “dîlgum” in ZA;
compare with Quenya “telluma” (dome), “telumë” (roof, canopy, heaven, sky), Qenya “tel” (roof), Noldorin “telu” (dome, high roof), Gnomish “teld”, “telm” < Etym. “TEL”, “TELU”;
compare with MERP “dîl” (Sun)
semi-spherical roof;
may be used as epithetic name for “sky”, “heaven”
roof pulz n NL < SV, HG “pulaz” < MERP flat roof
room amb n NL < Noldorin “thamb” (hall), Quenya “sambe” (room, chamber), Primitive Elvish “stambē”, “stabnē” < Etym. “STAB” may be used in compond words, as a suffix, usually about some room, building or space (like -ry in “armory”, “cemetary”, “mortuary”)
root bukh n HG < MB “bughn” (root, origin, source, beginning)
rug sparm n NL < rejected (Middle-)Quenya “farma” < Etym. (AC) “SPAR” (to spread, scatter, strew)
ruin ladh n NL, merging “lata” (under), “latr” (bottom) with “dhu” (down), “dhund-” (to collapse); see corresponding articles
rundle dilm n NL, merging speculative Sindarin “dim” (stair) with Quenya “tyellë” (grade, step)
rut rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
sanctuary faltamb n NL, lit. “chamber of luck”; compare with LOS “faltor” < SV see also “gorthamb”
school nurlamb n NL, lit. “chamber of learning”, see “nûrl-”, “amb”
seat lîm n NL, merging HG “li” (chair) < EL “ulîma” (throne) with Valarin PN “Maχallām” (one of the seats of Valar), also Quenya “mahalma” (throne)
shed tomp n NL < Qenya “tumpo” (shed, barn), Gnomish “tump” < early Primitive Elvish roots “TUPU” (to cover) or “TṂPṂ” (to build); compare with NL “tup-” (to cover), “tumb-” (to build)
side ramb n ZA
sleeping bag khau n NL < Noldorin “haust”, Gnomish “haus”;
compare with NL “kât”, “khad”, “khâr”, “kîf” < Etym. “KAY”, “KHAG”, “KHAW”
smithery ânghamb n see “ângh-”, “amb”
source bukh n HG < MB “bughn” (root, origin, source, beginning)
space don n NL < Noldorin “dîn” (opening, gap, mountain pass) < Etym. “DEN”
stable tomp n NL < Qenya “tumpo” (shed, barn), Gnomish “tump” < early Primitive Elvish roots “TUPU” (to cover) or “TṂPṂ” (to build); compare with NL “tup-” (to cover), “tumb-” (to build)
stair dilm n NL, merging speculative Sindarin “dim” (stair) with Quenya “tyellë” (grade, step)
stall tomp n NL < Qenya “tumpo” (shed, barn), Gnomish “tump” < early Primitive Elvish roots “TUPU” (to cover) or “TṂPṂ” (to build); compare with NL “tup-” (to cover), “tumb-” (to build)
stand up tulg- v NL < LOS “tulk-” (to lift, raise) < SV stand up, rise from the dead, rise in rank
stash shkalamb n NL, lit. “hiding chamber”;
see “shkal-”, “amb”
step (of ladder) dilm n NL, merging speculative Sindarin “dim” (stair) with Quenya “tyellë” (grade, step)
stockroom folkamb n NL, lit. “stock chamber”;
see “folk-”, “amb”
stool hamd n NL < Primitive Elvish “khadmā” (seat); compare with Sindarin “hadhu”, “hadhma” (to seat), Quenya “hamma”, “handa” (chair)
storehouse folkamb n NL, lit. “stock chamber”;
see “folk-”, “amb”
storeroom folkamb n NL, lit. “stock chamber”;
see “folk-”, “amb”
stronghold goit n NL, merging TK DBS “goi” (city with citadel) with LOS, SV “kûtotaz” < MERP < Albanian “qytet” (city) < Latin “civitas”, SV “kûtoz” (garrison, fortification) < MERP with TK DBS “goth”, NL “ghûth” (war) < Etym. “KOT” with Noldorin “ost” (walled city, town), Sindarin “ost” (fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel, fortified town), Quenya PN “Mandos” (Castle of Custody) < “osto” < Etym. “OS” (around); compare with “ozd” (house)
structure tumbamb n NL, see “tumb”, “amb” physical object
sty tomp n NL < Qenya “tumpo” (shed, barn), Gnomish “tump” < early Primitive Elvish roots “TUPU” (to cover) or “TṂPṂ” (to build); compare with NL “tup-” (to cover), “tumb-” (to build)
subside dhund- v NL < HG “dhu” (downward); compare with Etym. “NDU” (go down, sink) from which PN “Númenór” came (sink > sunset > West > West-land), also “NŪ”, “UNU” (down, underneath); may be related to Etym. “DAT” (to fall down) or “TALÁT” (to slip down, collapse, fall in ruin); compare with Quenya “Atalantë” (Downfallen)
summit maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
supply room folkamb n NL, lit. “stock chamber”;
see “folk-”, “amb”
support (mounting) stal n NL, merging Etym. “STÁLAG” (firm, steady), Gnomish “taul” (pillar); compare with NL “stalg”; compare with all major dialects “shatûl” (pillar, column) < MERP < Albanian “shtylla” < Greek “στήλη” (stele, pylon) supporting construction
tavern kolkamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
tavern zulmamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
temple faltamb n NL, lit. “chamber of luck”; compare with LOS “faltor” < SV see also “gorthamb”
temple gorthamb n NL, lit. “worship-chamber” see also “faltamb”
throne daulîm n NL, lit. “great sit”, see “dau”, “lîm”
tile thlar n NL < Qenya “telar”, Ilkorin “therr”
tip (of piercing weapon) maizg n NL, merging MERP “maj” (top) < Albanian with Qenya “aikale”, “aikasse”, Noldorin “oegas”, “aiglir” (mountain peak) < Etym. “AYAK” (sharp); compare with “maig” upper point of mountain, structure
tomb khad n NL < Noldorin “hauð” (mound, grave, tomb) < Primitive Elvish “khagda” < Etym. “KHAG” (pile, mound) + “KHAW” (bed)
tower lug n TK, DBS, LOTR PN “Lugbúrz” (Barad-dûr, Dark Tower) also spelled “lûg”
town fulz n NL, merging Quenya “opele” (walled house, village, town), Gnomish “pel” (village, hamlet, -ham), Edain “obel” (town) < Etym. “PEL(ES)” (fenced field) with LOS “fulg-” (to dwell) < Valarin “phelûn” city, town, village with walls or fence, but without castle or tower (see “goi”)
tread (of stairs) dilm n NL, merging speculative Sindarin “dim” (stair) with Quenya “tyellë” (grade, step)
trench rond n NL, merging TK DBS “ronk” (pit) with Sindarin “rant” (water-channel, course) < Etym. “RAT” (run, flow) with SV, HG “hondok” < MERP < Albanian “hendek”; compare with English “rut”, Russian “рыть” [rɨtʲ] (to dig);
compare with “krond” (mine, tunnel) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (tunnel)
artificial channel, may be dry
tumble dhund- v NL < HG “dhu” (downward); compare with Etym. “NDU” (go down, sink) from which PN “Númenór” came (sink > sunset > West > West-land), also “NŪ”, “UNU” (down, underneath); may be related to Etym. “DAT” (to fall down) or “TALÁT” (to slip down, collapse, fall in ruin); compare with Quenya “Atalantë” (Downfallen)
tunnel krond n NL, merging MERP “kra” (mines) with NL “rond” (trench), Sindarin “groth” (as in PN “Menegroth”) < Etym. “ROD” (cave), Etym. AC “ROT” (bore, tunnel);
resemblance with “grotto” is probably Tolkien's play on words;
resemblance with Russian “крот” (mole) is accidental
twist dul- v HG < SV, MB
vault khamb n NL, merging “ghâmp” (earth) with “amb” (room, chamber) and with Qenya “kambo”
village fulz n NL, merging Quenya “opele” (walled house, village, town), Gnomish “pel” (village, hamlet, -ham), Edain “obel” (town) < Etym. “PEL(ES)” (fenced field) with LOS “fulg-” (to dwell) < Valarin “phelûn” city, town, village with walls or fence, but without castle or tower (see “goi”)
violate shot- v NL < DS “shotag” < Etym. “SKAT” add “ri” as prefix or suffix to clarify meaning “interrupt”
wall ramz n NL < Sindarin “rammas” (great wall) < “ram” < Etym. “RAMBĀ”
window honôz n NL, lit. “looking-hole”, merging “hon-” and “hoz” (see corresponding articles); compare with Sindarin “henneth”
wing (of army formation or building) ramb n ZA
workplace zurz n NL < LOS “zûrz” (official), in analogy with “burz” – “bûrz”
wreckage ladh n NL, merging “lata” (under), “latr” (bottom) with “dhu” (down), “dhund-” (to collapse); see corresponding articles
yard thazd n NL, merging “thant” (garden, hedge) with “ozd” (house); see corresponding articles the whole yard with house(s)

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