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Wordlist: Mind & Thoughts

This page will contain list of words related to thinking and emotions. For personal qualities and abstract traits of character see category Quality, for sensory perception see category Senses. Words related to speech and verbal expression of thoughts are listed in category Speech.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(prospective aspect suffix) uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
abandon hôgh- v NL < Quenya “hehta”, Telerin “hecta” < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate); compare with “hîg-”
abhor dolb- v NL < Noldorin “delb” (horrible, abominable, loathsome), “delw” (hateful, deadly, fell) < Etym. “DYEL” (feel fear and disgust, abhor) as in early “Dor Deadhelos” (Land of the Shadow of Abomination) strong disgust
abide bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
accept bhûl- v LOS more about thoughts than material objects
accuse slog- v NL < LOS “sloi-” (to accuse); changed according to Nûrlâm rules
act okt- v NL, merging “ok” with Primitive Elvish “okma” (an evil deed), Qenya “ohta-karo” (act of war); resemblance to English “act” is accidental or through Tolkien’s pun in QL
actual kog adj NL < ZA “kog-” (to speak, tell truth)
actually kogarz adv see “kog”
admire ilm- v NL < Gnomish “elm(en)” (wonder, marvel, n.) usually passive with object in Instrumental case
afraid uglaga pastp see “ugl-” object of fear should be in Instrumental case, however in colloquial speech it may be in Genitive, as in English
agree akh- v LOS with somebody – use Comitative case
altar gorthin n NL, lit. “worship-place”, cognate with Gnomish “gorthin” (fane, temple) place of worship, place for sacrifice
anger uruth n NL < Sindarin “oroth”, “rûth”, Quenya “ursa”
annoy fizg- v NL < Gnomish “fesca”
argue bugb- v LOS, HG < SV “bugjab-” (lit. “against say”) use with objects in Comitative or Accusative case
arouse yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
assume ton- v NL < LOS “tonprakh” < SV (to suppose, presume) < LL “prakh” (to lure)
astute tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
attaint bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
attitude okturm n NL, merging “ok” with Primitive Elvish “okma” (an evil deed), Qenya “ohta-karo” (act of war)
augur falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
await darb- v NL < Etym. “DAR”
awry raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
be about to pant- v NL < Qenya “panya-” (to plan, arrange, intend, mean) + Quenya “tel-”, Sindarin “thel” (to intend); Gnomish “panta-” (to arrange, order, settle, set, put, place) used together with other verb in infinitive;
may be replaced with suffix of prospective aspect (-uth) or gerundive of dependent verb
be about to uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
be blue dimb- v NL < Ilkorin “dimb” (sad), “dim” (gloom) < Etym. “DEM”
be curious kizg- v NL < Quenya “cesya” (to cause interest, to cause one to enquire) < “ces” (to search, examine) to want to know;

use with object in instrumental case
be glad glaz- v NL, see “glaz” (adj.) usually intransitive, clarify meaning “to delight” with object in Dative case instead of Accusative
be going to pant- v NL < Qenya “panya-” (to plan, arrange, intend, mean) + Quenya “tel-”, Sindarin “thel” (to intend); Gnomish “panta-” (to arrange, order, settle, set, put, place) used together with other verb in infinitive;
may be replaced with suffix of prospective aspect (-uth) or gerundive of dependent verb
be going to uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
be interested (in) kizg- v NL < Quenya “cesya” (to cause interest, to cause one to enquire) < “ces” (to search, examine) to want to know;

use with object in instrumental case
be sad dimb- v NL < Ilkorin “dimb” (sad), “dim” (gloom) < Etym. “DEM”
be up to pant- v NL < Qenya “panya-” (to plan, arrange, intend, mean) + Quenya “tel-”, Sindarin “thel” (to intend); Gnomish “panta-” (to arrange, order, settle, set, put, place) used together with other verb in infinitive;
may be replaced with suffix of prospective aspect (-uth) or gerundive of dependent verb
be wise gol- v TK, AO, UT, PN “golug”;
Etym. “ÑGOL” (wise), compare with “gûl”
means deeper, secret knowledge, wisdom
bear (pain, trouble) bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
before long uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
behave okt- v NL, merging “ok” with Primitive Elvish “okma” (an evil deed), Qenya “ohta-karo” (act of war); resemblance to English “act” is accidental or through Tolkien’s pun in QL
behavior okturm n NL, merging “ok” with Primitive Elvish “okma” (an evil deed), Qenya “ohta-karo” (act of war)
behaviour okturm n NL, merging “ok” with Primitive Elvish “okma” (an evil deed), Qenya “ohta-karo” (act of war)
belief samburm n NL, see “samb-” uncountable
believe kân- v LOS < HG “kan-” believe what the person says
believe (in) samb- v NL, merging Quenya “sav-” (to believe) < Primitive Elvish “SAB” with LOS “tum” < SV believe in what person does, believe in idea
bet (on) fadr- v NL < Quenya “vanda” (oath, pledge, solemn promise)
betray fûrth- v NL < LOS (LUG) “fûr-” + Noldorin “gwarth” (betrayer) < Etym. “WAR” (give way, yield, not endure, let down, betray)
bewail brûg- v LOS (SN) (only “to lament”)
blame slog- v NL < LOS “sloi-” (to accuse); changed according to Nûrlâm rules
bode faltan n NL, merging “falg”, “falt” with “tan” (see corresponding articles); lit. “sign of fortune”
boring frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
bother mudh- v NL < RN < LOS, HG “mudhn-”
brain tunk n NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
bring up ûrth- v NL < LOS “ûrt-” (to raise) < Quenya “orta” (to raise, rise, lift);
changed to avoid cognates
take care of children
calm (down) bort- v NL < HG “borz” (n)
care girkh- v NL < merging Gnomish “grith-” (to attend to, tend, care, care for), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind) with LOS “gakh” (to care) < HG use with object in Dative case
carouse dafr- v LOS, HG < SV “dafar” < MERP; compare with Gnomish “dair” (play, merriment) < Etym. “TYAL” (play)
catastrophe nîrth n NL, merging “nîth-” (complain), “nirz” (corrupted) (see corresponding articles) with Qenya “nyére” (grief), Gnomish “nîr” (compare with “Mornie”, a ship of the dead souls) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), Primitive Elvish roots “NAY” (cause bitter grief or pain), “ŊAHYA” (hurt, grieve), “NYEHE” (weep) more like about some disastrous event;
add abstract suffix “-urm” to clarify meaning of reaction to it
celebrate flûst- v LOS to make party in honor of some person or event
certain durt adj LOS
certainly durtarz adv see “durt”
certainly rûzarz adv see “rûz”
cheat fûrth- v NL < LOS (LUG) “fûr-” + Noldorin “gwarth” (betrayer) < Etym. “WAR” (give way, yield, not endure, let down, betray)
cheat prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
cheer gomb- v NL < Qenya “yambo” (cheer, shout of triumph), Gnomish “gôm” (shout, call) < Primitive Elvish root “YAMA”
cherish ûrth- v NL < LOS “ûrt-” (to raise) < Quenya “orta” (to raise, rise, lift);
changed to avoid cognates
take care of children
clever tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
competition mund n SV < MERP скорее “игры”
conceive noth- v NL < Noldorin “nauth” (thought), “nautha-” (to conceive), Quenya “nause” (imagination) < Etym. “NOWO”
conception nobh n NL < Noldorin “naw” (idea) < Etym. “NOWO” (to think, imagine)
conjecture falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
connotate idr- v NL < Etym. “ID” (heart, desire, wish); compare with Noldorin “idhren” (pondering, wise, thoughtful), “idher” (thoughtfulness) of same etymology
consider ûst- v NL, merging LOS “ûs-” (to think) with Gnomish “sad” (to reck, care, value, esteem, show respect for, consider)
considering that ûstug zamash expr NL, see “ûst-”, “zamash”
considering this ûstug za expr NL, see “ûst-”, “za”
contemn graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
contemn poin- v NL < SV, HG “ponî-” < MERP (n.) (awe);
compare with Etym. “SPAY”;
compare with NL “pûth” (to spit) < Etym. “PIW”
less strong than “dolb-”
contest mund n SV < MERP скорее “игры”
contradict bugb- v LOS, HG < SV “bugjab-” (lit. “against say”) use with objects in Comitative or Accusative case
correct than adj NL < Sindarin “thand”, Noldorin “thenid”, Quenya “sanda” < Etym. “STAN” (firm, fix, decide, true, regular)
count (on) samb- v NL, merging Quenya “sav-” (to believe) < Primitive Elvish “SAB” with LOS “tum” < SV believe in what person does, believe in idea
cradle lûrzh- v NL, merging “lor-” (to sleep) with “lûzh-” (to swing); see corresponding articles rock, swing to sleep smb.
crazy trîn adj LOS < SV
credo samburm n NL, see “samb-” uncountable
creed samburm n NL, see “samb-” uncountable
cry blord- v LOS cry with tears
cunning krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
cunning tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
curious kizgûrz adj NL, see “kizg-”
danger bai n all major DBS dialects < MB
danger razg n NL < Quenya “raxë”
dare hûr- v LOS < TK PN “Mauhûr”, Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
daresay ton- v NL < LOS “tonprakh” < SV (to suppose, presume) < LL “prakh” (to lure)
deal (with) magd- v NL < Quenya “mahta”, Sindarin “maetha” (to handle, wield, deal with, treat) < Etym. “MAGH” (hand), “MAG” (to use, handle), Primitive Elvish root “MAH” (to handle, manage, control, wield);
compare with NL “mâgz”, “maug-”, “mog”[3]
deceit krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
deceive prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
decide prudh- v NL, merging Gnomish “pridu” < Primitive Elvish root “PṚTṚ” (to judge) with LOS “urdan-” < SV < MERP “urdân” (command, n), “urdanog-” (to command) < Albanian “urdhëroj” ?
defame bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
defy bugb- v LOS, HG < SV “bugjab-” (lit. “against say”) use with objects in Comitative or Accusative case
defy graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
delight glaz- v NL, see “glaz” (adj.) usually intransitive, clarify meaning “to delight” with object in Dative case instead of Accusative
demeanor okturm n NL, merging “ok” with Primitive Elvish “okma” (an evil deed), Qenya “ohta-karo” (act of war)
desire ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
despair narkh- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + NL “khard-” (to hope) < Noldorin “hartha-” with Sindarin “naer”, Quenya “naira” (dreadful, unendurable) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), “NÁYAK” (pain) with Qenya “naira” (dire, grievous) < Primitive Elvish “ŊAHYA” intansitive
desperate hîrd adj NL, merging Gnomish “uchirthol” (reckless, careless) with NL “khard-” (to hope); see also “narkh-” (to despair)
desperate hûrz adj NL < TK PN “Mauhúr”;
? Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
despise graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
despise poin- v NL < SV, HG “ponî-” < MERP (n.) (awe);
compare with Etym. “SPAY”;
compare with NL “pûth” (to spit) < Etym. “PIW”
less strong than “dolb-”
detest poin- v NL < SV, HG “ponî-” < MERP (n.) (awe);
compare with Etym. “SPAY”;
compare with NL “pûth” (to spit) < Etym. “PIW”
less strong than “dolb-”
difficulty traz n NL < Noldorin “trasta” (to harass, trouble), Old Noldorin “tarsa” (trouble, n.) light inconvenience
disagree bugb- v LOS, HG < SV “bugjab-” (lit. “against say”) use with objects in Comitative or Accusative case
discard hôgh- v NL < Quenya “hehta”, Telerin “hecta” < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate); compare with “hîg-”
discredit bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
disdain poin- v NL < SV, HG “ponî-” < MERP (n.) (awe);
compare with Etym. “SPAY”;
compare with NL “pûth” (to spit) < Etym. “PIW”
less strong than “dolb-”
disgrace bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
dishonor bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
dislike poin- v NL < SV, HG “ponî-” < MERP (n.) (awe);
compare with Etym. “SPAY”;
compare with NL “pûth” (to spit) < Etym. “PIW”
less strong than “dolb-”
disobey graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
disregard graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
distorted raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
distress nîrth n NL, merging “nîth-” (complain), “nirz” (corrupted) (see corresponding articles) with Qenya “nyére” (grief), Gnomish “nîr” (compare with “Mornie”, a ship of the dead souls) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), Primitive Elvish roots “NAY” (cause bitter grief or pain), “ŊAHYA” (hurt, grieve), “NYEHE” (weep) more like about some disastrous event;
add abstract suffix “-urm” to clarify meaning of reaction to it
disturb mudh- v NL < RN < LOS, HG “mudhn-”
divine falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
dogma samburm n NL, see “samb-” uncountable
dolor nîrth n NL, merging “nîth-” (complain), “nirz” (corrupted) (see corresponding articles) with Qenya “nyére” (grief), Gnomish “nîr” (compare with “Mornie”, a ship of the dead souls) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), Primitive Elvish roots “NAY” (cause bitter grief or pain), “ŊAHYA” (hurt, grieve), “NYEHE” (weep) more like about some disastrous event;
add abstract suffix “-urm” to clarify meaning of reaction to it
doubt hush n LOS < MB (opinion?) uncountable
dread goth adj TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”;
Etym. “GOTH”, “GOS” (dread, terror);
compare with PN “Osse”, “Mandos”;
see also “gozd”
dread ufur n NL < LOS “ufum”, “ufur-” (fear), also “uf-” (to frighten) < TK PN “Ufthak”;
only noun in NL, see “furg-” for verb
fear of smth., not frighten smb. else;
dreadful goth adj TK, AO, DBS, LOTR, Silm., PN “Gothmog”;
Etym. “GOTH”, “GOS” (dread, terror);
compare with PN “Osse”, “Mandos”;
see also “gozd”
dream taur- v NL < Summoning “taurzur” (dreams, n) dream about, not sleep
dull frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
duty bul n NL < DS (PO) “bulu” < Quenya “mólë” (n) < Etym. (AC) “(M)BOL”?
education tailurm n LOS, SV < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
effort rîthurm n NL, see “rîth-” uncountable
endeavour rîthurm n NL, see “rîth-” uncountable
endure bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
enigma darn n NL, merging LOS “ândar” < MERP “ândartar” (adj.) with Sindarin “torn”, “thurin” (hidden, secret, adj.) something unknown
enjoy glaz- v NL, see “glaz” (adj.) usually intransitive, clarify meaning “to delight” with object in Dative case instead of Accusative
enquire hozd- v NL < Quenya “cesta” (to ask, seek), “ces” (to search, examine)
error saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
esteem ûst- v NL, merging LOS “ûs-” (to think) with Gnomish “sad” (to reck, care, value, esteem, show respect for, consider)
exalt yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
examine hozd- v NL < Quenya “cesta” (to ask, seek), “ces” (to search, examine)
excite yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
excuse gont- v NL, merging LOS, HG “gotl” < SV with Sindarin “gohena” < root “SEN” (let loose, free, let go) indirect object or recipient shall be in Dative case
exercise tailurm n LOS, SV < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
expect darb- v NL < Etym. “DAR”
explain rizûrb- v NL, lit. “to between-understand”, “to inter-understand”; see “ri”, “zûrb-”
exult gomb- v NL < Qenya “yambo” (cheer, shout of triumph), Gnomish “gôm” (shout, call) < Primitive Elvish root “YAMA”
fact kogurm n see “kog”
failure saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
fair than adj NL < Sindarin “thand”, Noldorin “thenid”, Quenya “sanda” < Etym. “STAN” (firm, fix, decide, true, regular)
faith samburm n NL, see “samb-” uncountable
fall (down) lûmp- v LOS also morally
fault saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
fear furg- v NL, merging Quenya “þorya” (to dread, feel fear) < root “THOS”, with Qenya “varka” (to bode, dread, fear) < Primitive Elvish root “VṚKṚ” and with LOS “ufur-”, also “uf-” (to frighten) < TK PN “Ufthak”;
see also “uf-”, “ufur”
passive, fear of smth., not frighten smb. else
fear ufur n NL < LOS “ufum”, “ufur-” (fear), also “uf-” (to frighten) < TK PN “Ufthak”;
only noun in NL, see “furg-” for verb
fear of smth., not frighten smb. else;
feast dafr- v LOS, HG < SV “dafar” < MERP; compare with Gnomish “dair” (play, merriment) < Etym. “TYAL” (play)
feel gusn- v SV usage:
1) with noun
2) with reflexive pronoun + adverb
3) may be replaced with impersonal clause with dative
feel disgust dolb- v NL < Noldorin “delb” (horrible, abominable, loathsome), “delw” (hateful, deadly, fell) < Etym. “DYEL” (feel fear and disgust, abhor) as in early “Dor Deadhelos” (Land of the Shadow of Abomination) strong disgust
feel sadness dimb- v NL < Ilkorin “dimb” (sad), “dim” (gloom) < Etym. “DEM”
flattery glizg n NL < Gnomish “glisc” (fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering); compare with Quenya “lissë” and Sindarin “laich” both meaning “sweet” uncountable
flout graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
focus (circus) krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
fool glob n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, HOME 12 (PM)
fool pah n HG
fool (smb. else) prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
for sure durtarz adv see “durt”
for sure rûzarz adv see “rûz”
forebode falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
forecast falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
foresight drothakurm n NL, see “dro”, “thak” divine intervention
foretell falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
forget ribhol- v NL, see “ri”, “bhol-”
forgive gont- v NL, merging LOS, HG “gotl” < SV with Sindarin “gohena” < root “SEN” (let loose, free, let go) indirect object or recipient shall be in Dative case
form idea noth- v NL < Noldorin “nauth” (thought), “nautha-” (to conceive), Quenya “nause” (imagination) < Etym. “NOWO”
foster ûrth- v NL < LOS “ûrt-” (to raise) < Quenya “orta” (to raise, rise, lift);
changed to avoid cognates
take care of children
frighten ugl- v TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PN “Uglúk”;
? Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” (horrible, hideous);
? Hurrian “ugil” (frighten);
? Etym. “UGU” (negative prefix)
translation is speculative
frightened uglaga pastp see “ugl-” object of fear should be in Instrumental case, however in colloquial speech it may be in Genitive, as in English
frown lork- v NL < merging Gnomish “laur” (threatening), “lur” (to frown), “lurc” (frown, n.) < root “LURU” about facial expression
fuck-up saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
fun glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
funny glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
gambit krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
game(s) mund n SV < MERP скорее “игры”
gay glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
gimmick krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
give clue gît- v NL < Quenya “hiuta”, Old Noldorin “gyûta” < Etym. (AC) “ÑIW” (wink, hint); also Gnomish “nautha” (to hint) < Primitive Elvish root “NAVA” to somebody – use with Dative case
glad glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
goal krauk n HG < MB (task)
greed for ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
grief nîrth n NL, merging “nîth-” (complain), “nirz” (corrupted) (see corresponding articles) with Qenya “nyére” (grief), Gnomish “nîr” (compare with “Mornie”, a ship of the dead souls) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), Primitive Elvish roots “NAY” (cause bitter grief or pain), “ŊAHYA” (hurt, grieve), “NYEHE” (weep) more like about some disastrous event;
add abstract suffix “-urm” to clarify meaning of reaction to it
grieve brûg- v LOS (SN) (only “to lament”)
guess ton- v NL < LOS “tonprakh” < SV (to suppose, presume) < LL “prakh” (to lure)
guilt gob n NL < EH “gobu” < Qenya “káma” uncountable
habit okturm n NL, merging “ok” with Primitive Elvish “okma” (an evil deed), Qenya “ohta-karo” (act of war)
hack krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
handle magd- v NL < Quenya “mahta”, Sindarin “maetha” (to handle, wield, deal with, treat) < Etym. “MAGH” (hand), “MAG” (to use, handle), Primitive Elvish root “MAH” (to handle, manage, control, wield);
compare with NL “mâgz”, “maug-”, “mog”[3]
happy glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
harsh hazt adj MERP; probably from Icelandic “harðdrægur” metaphorically, about character, speech
hate mok- v LOS < Qenya “moko” in Quenya PN “Kosomoko” (war-hate, strife-and-hatred) aka “Gothmog”
have faith (in) samb- v NL, merging Quenya “sav-” (to believe) < Primitive Elvish “SAB” with LOS “tum” < SV believe in what person does, believe in idea
have mercy on kask- v NL < SV (BA) “kaskût” (mercy, n) use with object in accusative case
hazard razg n NL < Quenya “raxë”
hint gît- v NL < Quenya “hiuta”, Old Noldorin “gyûta” < Etym. (AC) “ÑIW” (wink, hint); also Gnomish “nautha” (to hint) < Primitive Elvish root “NAVA” to somebody – use with Dative case
hope khard- v NL < Noldorin “hartha-”, “harthad” (n), Gnomish (n) “hodhir”, “hôth”
hopeless hîrd adj NL, merging Gnomish “uchirthol” (reckless, careless) with NL “khard-” (to hope); see also “narkh-” (to despair)
horror ufur n NL < LOS “ufum”, “ufur-” (fear), also “uf-” (to frighten) < TK PN “Ufthak”;
only noun in NL, see “furg-” for verb
fear of smth., not frighten smb. else;
hypocrisy glizg n NL < Gnomish “glisc” (fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering); compare with Quenya “lissë” and Sindarin “laich” both meaning “sweet” uncountable
I am fed of (…) brus-(uz)-(â/û) thlûk (…)-ob dazûr expr lit. “There it have enough of … for me”
I am over (…) brus-(uz)-(â/û) thlûk (…)-ob dazûr expr lit. “There it have enough of … for me”
I have had enough of (…) brus-(uz)-(â/û) thlûk (…)-ob dazûr expr lit. “There it have enough of … for me”
idea nobh n NL < Noldorin “naw” (idea) < Etym. “NOWO” (to think, imagine)
idiot pah n HG
idle frûz adj LOS
ignore graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
image nobh n NL < Noldorin “naw” (idea) < Etym. “NOWO” (to think, imagine)
imagine noth- v NL < Noldorin “nauth” (thought), “nautha-” (to conceive), Quenya “nause” (imagination) < Etym. “NOWO”
imply idr- v NL < Etym. “ID” (heart, desire, wish); compare with Noldorin “idhren” (pondering, wise, thoughtful), “idher” (thoughtfulness) of same etymology
incite yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
indeed kogarz adv see “kog”
information îsturm n NL < LOS “îst-” (to know) uncountable
inkle nath- v NL < Qenya “naus” (suspicion), Gnomish “naf” (to suspect, have inkling of) < Primitive Elvish Root “NAVA”
insane trîn adj LOS < SV
intelligence tunkurm n NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty) uncountable
intend pant- v NL < Qenya “panya-” (to plan, arrange, intend, mean) + Quenya “tel-”, Sindarin “thel” (to intend); Gnomish “panta-” (to arrange, order, settle, set, put, place) used together with other verb in infinitive;
may be replaced with suffix of prospective aspect (-uth) or gerundive of dependent verb
intention dind n NL, merging Quenya “indo” (state of mind, inner thought, mood, will), “indu” (do on purpose), Sindarin “ind” (purpose, intention), “nîdh” (full vigorous purpose, exertion of will) < Primitive Elvish roots “NID”, “IN(ID)” with NL “dirb” (will, cf.)
interesting kizgûrz adj NL, see “kizg-”
interpret rizûrb- v NL, lit. “to between-understand”, “to inter-understand”; see “ri”, “zûrb-”
interrogate hozd- v NL < Quenya “cesta” (to ask, seek), “ces” (to search, examine)
intriguing kizgûrz adj NL, see “kizg-”
irksome frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
irresponsible frûz adj LOS
irritate fizg- v NL < Gnomish “fesca”
itch fizg- v NL < Gnomish “fesca”
job bul n NL < DS (PO) “bulu” < Quenya “mólë” (n) < Etym. (AC) “(M)BOL”?
joy gomb- v NL < Qenya “yambo” (cheer, shout of triumph), Gnomish “gôm” (shout, call) < Primitive Elvish root “YAMA”
joyful glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
keep an eye (on) girkh- v NL < merging Gnomish “grith-” (to attend to, tend, care, care for), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind) with LOS “gakh” (to care) < HG use with object in Dative case
know gol- v TK, AO, UT, PN “golug”;
Etym. “ÑGOL” (wise), compare with “gûl”
means deeper, secret knowledge, wisdom
know îst- v LOS < Quenya “ista” as in “Istari” (wizards) < Etym. “IS” may be used with objects (know who or some thing) and with adverbials (know how, know what to do)
knowledge îsturm n NL < LOS “îst-” (to know) uncountable
labour bul n NL < DS (PO) “bulu” < Quenya “mólë” (n) < Etym. (AC) “(M)BOL”?
lament brûg- v LOS (SN) (only “to lament”)
lazy frûz adj LOS
learn nûrl- v LOS < HG
lech ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
lie (tell untruth) prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
like brogb- v LOS < HG “like, favor, fancy” but not in expression “I would like”
loathe dolb- v NL < Noldorin “delb” (horrible, abominable, loathsome), “delw” (hateful, deadly, fell) < Etym. “DYEL” (feel fear and disgust, abhor) as in early “Dor Deadhelos” (Land of the Shadow of Abomination) strong disgust
loathe poin- v NL < SV, HG “ponî-” < MERP (n.) (awe);
compare with Etym. “SPAY”;
compare with NL “pûth” (to spit) < Etym. “PIW”
less strong than “dolb-”
long dimb- v NL < Ilkorin “dimb” (sad), “dim” (gloom) < Etym. “DEM”
long for ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
look after girkh- v NL < merging Gnomish “grith-” (to attend to, tend, care, care for), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind) with LOS “gakh” (to care) < HG use with object in Dative case
lose hope narkh- v NL < merging TK “nar” (negative particle) + NL “khard-” (to hope) < Noldorin “hartha-” with Sindarin “naer”, Quenya “naira” (dreadful, unendurable) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), “NÁYAK” (pain) with Qenya “naira” (dire, grievous) < Primitive Elvish “ŊAHYA” intansitive
love brogb- v LOS < HG “like, favor, fancy” but not in expression “I would like”
lull lûrzh- v NL, merging “lor-” (to sleep) with “lûzh-” (to swing); see corresponding articles rock, swing to sleep smb.
lure prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
lust ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
mad trîn adj LOS < SV
make horny yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
marvel ilm- v NL < Gnomish “elm(en)” (wonder, marvel, n.) usually passive with object in Instrumental case
mean idr- v NL < Etym. “ID” (heart, desire, wish); compare with Noldorin “idhren” (pondering, wise, thoughtful), “idher” (thoughtfulness) of same etymology
memory bhûrm n NL, merging “bhol-” with “bhû” (see corresponding articles) and abstract noun suffix “-urm” uncountable
merry glaz adj NL < Noldorin “glas”, early “gell” (joy), “gair” (merry), Sindarin “gelir” (merry) < Etym. “GALÁS” (joy, be glad)
mind furm n NL, merging LOS “frûm” < MERP < Albanian “frymë” with Quenya “fairë”, Sindarin “faer” with NL abstract suffix “-urm” uncountable
mind samd n NL, merging Quenya “sáma”, “sanwe” and “indo” of similar meaning;
compare with “samb-” (to believe) and “ûs” (to think)
mind tunk n NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
mind (against) bugb- v LOS, HG < SV “bugjab-” (lit. “against say”) use with objects in Comitative or Accusative case
misfortune nîrth n NL, merging “nîth-” (complain), “nirz” (corrupted) (see corresponding articles) with Qenya “nyére” (grief), Gnomish “nîr” (compare with “Mornie”, a ship of the dead souls) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), Primitive Elvish roots “NAY” (cause bitter grief or pain), “ŊAHYA” (hurt, grieve), “NYEHE” (weep) more like about some disastrous event;
add abstract suffix “-urm” to clarify meaning of reaction to it
miss saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
mistake saug n NL < Summoning “szaug-” (v) < LOS “zaug” (debt, fault, blame) < SV
mourn brûg- v LOS (SN) (only “to lament”)
mystery darn n NL, merging LOS “ândar” < MERP “ândartar” (adj.) with Sindarin “torn”, “thurin” (hidden, secret, adj.) something unknown
need narg- v DS (want), LOS “nargzab-” (need, want, have to) < SV, probably from “nar-” (no) and “zab-” (to own, possess), so lit. “do not have”
neglect graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
nourish ûrth- v NL < LOS “ûrt-” (to raise) < Quenya “orta” (to raise, rise, lift);
changed to avoid cognates
take care of children
nuisance traz n NL < Noldorin “trasta” (to harass, trouble), Old Noldorin “tarsa” (trouble, n.) light inconvenience
numbskull pah n HG
nurse ûrth- v NL < LOS “ûrt-” (to raise) < Quenya “orta” (to raise, rise, lift);
changed to avoid cognates
take care of children
nurture ûrth- v NL < LOS “ûrt-” (to raise) < Quenya “orta” (to raise, rise, lift);
changed to avoid cognates
take care of children
object (to) bugb- v LOS, HG < SV “bugjab-” (lit. “against say”) use with objects in Comitative or Accusative case
objective krauk n HG < MB (task)
of course durtarz adv see “durt”
omen faltan n NL, merging “falg”, “falt” with “tan” (see corresponding articles); lit. “sign of fortune”
oppose bugb- v LOS, HG < SV “bugjab-” (lit. “against say”) use with objects in Comitative or Accusative case
pardon gont- v NL, merging LOS, HG “gotl” < SV with Sindarin “gohena” < root “SEN” (let loose, free, let go) indirect object or recipient shall be in Dative case
parent ûrth- v NL < LOS “ûrt-” (to raise) < Quenya “orta” (to raise, rise, lift);
changed to avoid cognates
take care of children
party dafr- v LOS, HG < SV “dafar” < MERP; compare with Gnomish “dair” (play, merriment) < Etym. “TYAL” (play)
perceive gusn- v SV usage:
1) with noun
2) with reflexive pronoun + adverb
3) may be replaced with impersonal clause with dative
perverted raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
picture noth- v NL < Noldorin “nauth” (thought), “nautha-” (to conceive), Quenya “nause” (imagination) < Etym. “NOWO”
plan pant- v NL < Qenya “panya-” (to plan, arrange, intend, mean) + Quenya “tel-”, Sindarin “thel” (to intend); Gnomish “panta-” (to arrange, order, settle, set, put, place) used together with other verb in infinitive;
may be replaced with suffix of prospective aspect (-uth) or gerundive of dependent verb
pluck krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
practice tailurm n LOS, SV < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
predict falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
privacy dhûr n HG (secret) confidentional or private information
problem nîrth n NL, merging “nîth-” (complain), “nirz” (corrupted) (see corresponding articles) with Qenya “nyére” (grief), Gnomish “nîr” (compare with “Mornie”, a ship of the dead souls) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), Primitive Elvish roots “NAY” (cause bitter grief or pain), “ŊAHYA” (hurt, grieve), “NYEHE” (weep) more like about some disastrous event;
add abstract suffix “-urm” to clarify meaning of reaction to it
problem traz n NL < Noldorin “trasta” (to harass, trouble), Old Noldorin “tarsa” (trouble, n.) light inconvenience
process magd- v NL < Quenya “mahta”, Sindarin “maetha” (to handle, wield, deal with, treat) < Etym. “MAGH” (hand), “MAG” (to use, handle), Primitive Elvish root “MAH” (to handle, manage, control, wield);
compare with NL “mâgz”, “maug-”, “mog”[3]
prompt gît- v NL < Quenya “hiuta”, Old Noldorin “gyûta” < Etym. (AC) “ÑIW” (wink, hint); also Gnomish “nautha” (to hint) < Primitive Elvish root “NAVA” to somebody – use with Dative case
proper than adj NL < Sindarin “thand”, Noldorin “thenid”, Quenya “sanda” < Etym. “STAN” (firm, fix, decide, true, regular)
providence drothakurm n NL, see “dro”, “thak” divine intervention
purpose dind n NL, merging Quenya “indo” (state of mind, inner thought, mood, will), “indu” (do on purpose), Sindarin “ind” (purpose, intention), “nîdh” (full vigorous purpose, exertion of will) < Primitive Elvish roots “NID”, “IN(ID)” with NL “dirb” (will, cf.)
put money (on) fadr- v NL < Quenya “vanda” (oath, pledge, solemn promise)
quest krauk n HG < MB (task)
rage uruth n NL < Sindarin “oroth”, “rûth”, Quenya “ursa”
raise (children) ûrth- v NL < LOS “ûrt-” (to raise) < Quenya “orta” (to raise, rise, lift);
changed to avoid cognates
take care of children
real kog adj NL < ZA “kog-” (to speak, tell truth)
really kogarz adv see “kog”
reason samd n NL, merging Quenya “sáma”, “sanwe” and “indo” of similar meaning;
compare with “samb-” (to believe) and “ûs” (to think)
recall bhol- v NL < Sindarin “ephola”, “ebhola” (to remember?) with object in Accusative case or with preposition “gus” (about) = remember;
with object in Dative case = remind;
with prefix “ri-” = to forget
reck girkh- v NL < merging Gnomish “grith-” (to attend to, tend, care, care for), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind) with LOS “gakh” (to care) < HG use with object in Dative case
reck ûst- v NL, merging LOS “ûs-” (to think) with Gnomish “sad” (to reck, care, value, esteem, show respect for, consider)
reckless hûrz adj NL < TK PN “Mauhúr”;
? Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
reckon ûst- v NL, merging LOS “ûs-” (to think) with Gnomish “sad” (to reck, care, value, esteem, show respect for, consider)
reject hôgh- v NL < Quenya “hehta”, Telerin “hecta” < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate); compare with “hîg-”
rejoice gomb- v NL < Qenya “yambo” (cheer, shout of triumph), Gnomish “gôm” (shout, call) < Primitive Elvish root “YAMA”
rely (on) samb- v NL, merging Quenya “sav-” (to believe) < Primitive Elvish “SAB” with LOS “tum” < SV believe in what person does, believe in idea
remember bhol- v NL < Sindarin “ephola”, “ebhola” (to remember?) with object in Accusative case or with preposition “gus” (about) = remember;
with object in Dative case = remind;
with prefix “ri-” = to forget
rememberance bholurm n NL, merging “bhol-” with “bhû” (see corresponding articles)
remind bhol- v NL < Sindarin “ephola”, “ebhola” (to remember?) with object in Accusative case or with preposition “gus” (about) = remember;
with object in Dative case = remind;
with prefix “ri-” = to forget
remit gont- v NL, merging LOS, HG “gotl” < SV with Sindarin “gohena” < root “SEN” (let loose, free, let go) indirect object or recipient shall be in Dative case
report nabh n NL < Qenya “navillo” (hint, whisper, rumour, suspicion) < Primitive Elvish Root “NAVA”
reputation nabh n NL < Qenya “navillo” (hint, whisper, rumour, suspicion) < Primitive Elvish Root “NAVA”
revel dafr- v LOS, HG < SV “dafar” < MERP; compare with Gnomish “dair” (play, merriment) < Etym. “TYAL” (play)
revere gorth- v merging NL “gorm” (reverence) < Etym. “ÑGOROTH” (dread, fear) with Sindarin “gorth” (dread, horror, dead), PN “Gorthaur” (moniker of Sauron) of same etymology and with Gnomish “gort” (idol), “gorthin” (fane, temple), “dungort”, “dumgort(h)” (evil idol) and Qenya “korda” (temple) believe in deity;
object of worship should be in Dative case
riddle darn n NL, merging LOS “ândar” < MERP “ândartar” (adj.) with Sindarin “torn”, “thurin” (hidden, secret, adj.) something unknown
right than adj NL < Sindarin “thand”, Noldorin “thenid”, Quenya “sanda” < Etym. “STAN” (firm, fix, decide, true, regular)
risk hûr- v LOS < TK PN “Mauhûr”, Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
risk razg n NL < Quenya “raxë”
rough hazt adj MERP; probably from Icelandic “harðdrægur” metaphorically, about character, speech
rumor nabh n NL < Qenya “navillo” (hint, whisper, rumour, suspicion) < Primitive Elvish Root “NAVA”
rumour nabh n NL < Qenya “navillo” (hint, whisper, rumour, suspicion) < Primitive Elvish Root “NAVA”
ruse krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
sake gob n NL < EH “gobu” < Qenya “káma” uncountable
scare ugl- v TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PN “Uglúk”;
? Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” (horrible, hideous);
? Hurrian “ugil” (frighten);
? Etym. “UGU” (negative prefix)
translation is speculative
scared uglaga pastp see “ugl-” object of fear should be in Instrumental case, however in colloquial speech it may be in Genitive, as in English
school nurlamb n NL, lit. “chamber of learning”, see “nûrl-”, “amb”
scorn graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
scowl lork- v NL < merging Gnomish “laur” (threatening), “lur” (to frown), “lurc” (frown, n.) < root “LURU” about facial expression
secret darn n NL, merging LOS “ândar” < MERP “ândartar” (adj.) with Sindarin “torn”, “thurin” (hidden, secret, adj.) something unknown
secret dhûr n HG (secret) confidentional or private information
seduce prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
seem bozd- v EH “bozd” (face, n) < Gnomish “gwint”, compare with LOS “ozt-” < HG “ozut-” (appear, seem) modal meaning in expressions like “it seems”
sense gusn- v SV usage:
1) with noun
2) with reflexive pronoun + adverb
3) may be replaced with impersonal clause with dative
sense samd n NL, merging Quenya “sáma”, “sanwe” and “indo” of similar meaning;
compare with “samb-” (to believe) and “ûs” (to think)
shame bagd- v NL, merging LOS, SV, HG “bâk” (n) < MB with TK “bag” (excrement), Gnomish “naud” (ashamed, abashed) < early Primitive Elvish root “NAWA” (dwarf) and Qenya “naitya” (to damage, abuse, put to shame) add clitic reflexive pronoun “-îm” for meaning “be ashamed, cringe”
shirk graid- v NL < Neo-Sindarin “agreitha” (to despise, contemn) < Gnomish “agrectha” < “craitho-” (to spit) < early roots “KEREK”, “KREK”, “KEREKE” to openly, intentionally disobey a rule, law, person

целенаправленно игнорировать правило, закон, команды; также “не повиноваться”
shrewd tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
signify tan- v NL < Quenya “tanna” (sign, token)
smart tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
soon uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
soothe bort- v NL < HG “borz” (n)
spare kask- v NL < SV (BA) “kaskût” (mercy, n) use with object in accusative case
spirit furm n NL, merging LOS “frûm” < MERP < Albanian “frymë” with Quenya “fairë”, Sindarin “faer” with NL abstract suffix “-urm” uncountable
stand bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
stomach bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
stratagem krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
study nûrl- v LOS < HG
stupid pah adj HG
suppose ton- v NL < LOS “tonprakh” < SV (to suppose, presume) < LL “prakh” (to lure)
sure durt adj LOS
sure rûz adj LOS < HG
surely durtarz adv see “durt”
surely rûzarz adv see “rûz”
suspect nath- v NL < Qenya “naus” (suspicion), Gnomish “naf” (to suspect, have inkling of) < Primitive Elvish Root “NAVA”
sweet-speaking glizg n NL < Gnomish “glisc” (fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering); compare with Quenya “lissë” and Sindarin “laich” both meaning “sweet” uncountable
symbolize tan- v NL < Quenya “tanna” (sign, token)
take pleasure glaz- v NL, see “glaz” (adj.) usually intransitive, clarify meaning “to delight” with object in Dative case instead of Accusative
target krauk n HG < MB (task)
task bul n NL < DS (PO) “bulu” < Quenya “mólë” (n) < Etym. (AC) “(M)BOL”?
task krauk n HG < MB (task)
teach gust- v NL, merging Neo-Sindarin “goltha” (to teach) < Etym. “ÑGOL” (wise) with Quenya “ista” (to know) < Etym. “IS”
tedious frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
temper okturm n NL, merging “ok” with Primitive Elvish “okma” (an evil deed), Qenya “ohta-karo” (act of war)
tend girkh- v NL < merging Gnomish “grith-” (to attend to, tend, care, care for), “hirtha-” (to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind) with LOS “gakh” (to care) < HG use with object in Dative case
think ûs- v LOS < Quenya “ósanwë” (telepathy) “to think of” should be translated using preposition “gus” (about)
thought nobh n NL < Noldorin “naw” (idea) < Etym. “NOWO” (to think, imagine)
threat razg n NL < Quenya “raxë”
throw (away) hôgh- v NL < Quenya “hehta”, Telerin “hecta” < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate); compare with “hîg-”
tire kûbr- v HG active — tire smb. else, passive + noun in Genitive or Instrumental case — be tired of
tiresome frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
training tailurm n LOS, SV < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
tranquillize bort- v NL < HG “borz” (n)
treat magd- v NL < Quenya “mahta”, Sindarin “maetha” (to handle, wield, deal with, treat) < Etym. “MAGH” (hand), “MAG” (to use, handle), Primitive Elvish root “MAH” (to handle, manage, control, wield);
compare with NL “mâgz”, “maug-”, “mog”[3]
trick krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
trick prakh- v all major dialects < LL (to lure); other meanings were added in SV
trouble mudh- v NL < RN < LOS, HG “mudhn-”
trouble nîrth n NL, merging “nîth-” (complain), “nirz” (corrupted) (see corresponding articles) with Qenya “nyére” (grief), Gnomish “nîr” (compare with “Mornie”, a ship of the dead souls) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), Primitive Elvish roots “NAY” (cause bitter grief or pain), “ŊAHYA” (hurt, grieve), “NYEHE” (weep) more like about some disastrous event;
add abstract suffix “-urm” to clarify meaning of reaction to it
trouble traz n NL < Noldorin “trasta” (to harass, trouble), Old Noldorin “tarsa” (trouble, n.) light inconvenience
true kog adj NL < ZA “kog-” (to speak, tell truth)
truly kogarz adv see “kog”
trust kân- v LOS < HG “kan-” believe what the person says
truth kogurm n see “kog”
turn on yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
twist krip n NL < Qenya “karpale” (a plucking, tucking, wrenching, deceiving, tricking) < early Primitive Elvish root “KṚPṚ” (to pluck) a deceiving move
twisted raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
uncertainty hush n LOS < MB (opinion?) uncountable
understand zûrb- v ZA, probably from SV “zûr” (wise, smart)
venture hûr- v LOS < TK PN “Mauhûr”, Noldorin “hûr” (vigour, fiery spirit) < Etym. “KHOR”
vision (of thought) nobh n NL < Noldorin “naw” (idea) < Etym. “NOWO” (to think, imagine)
voice mog n TK, AO, LR;
abandoned translation of PN “Gothmog” as “Master's voice”;
see “omog”
wager fadr- v NL < Quenya “vanda” (oath, pledge, solemn promise)
wait darb- v NL < Etym. “DAR”
want hiz- v NL < DS “hiz-”, “hizi-”, “izhi-” want for self
want irm- v NL < Gnomish “erth” (wish, n.), “irm” (wish, intention, n.), “irn” (desired, wished for, adj.), Quenya “írë” < Etym. “ID” (n) “desire, wish” want for others, want something to happen
want narg- v DS (want), LOS “nargzab-” (need, want, have to) < SV, probably from “nar-” (no) and “zab-” (to own, possess), so lit. “do not have”
weary frâd adj NL < LOS “frâtûrz” (tired, weary); changed according to Nûrlâm objectives and to make connection with Gnomish “fadrog” (tiresome)
weep blord- v LOS cry with tears
whereas zasha hugor expr NL, see “za”, “sha”, “hug”, “or”
whereas ûstug za expr NL, see “ûst-”, “za”
whereas ûstug zamash expr NL, see “ûst-”, “zamash”
wile tunkûrz adj NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
will dirb n NL, merging Quenya “nirmë” (act of will, n), “Þelma” (will, n), Sindarin “thel-” (will, v) only as noun (e.g. “the will of power”, “the will to live”) with descriptive noun in Allative case;
will hiz- v NL < DS “hiz-”, “hizi-”, “izhi-” want for self
will (do smth.) soon uth adv NL < Gnomish “mu”, “mutha” (will, I am going to, I am about to) + LOS “gûth” (almost, nearly) usually have a tone of intention;
see also verb “pant-”
wink gît- v NL < Quenya “hiuta”, Old Noldorin “gyûta” < Etym. (AC) “ÑIW” (wink, hint); also Gnomish “nautha” (to hint) < Primitive Elvish root “NAVA” to somebody – use with Dative case
wisdom golurm n NL < TK “gol-” (cf.) uncountable
wish irm- v NL < Gnomish “erth” (wish, n.), “irm” (wish, intention, n.), “irn” (desired, wished for, adj.), Quenya “írë” < Etym. “ID” (n) “desire, wish” want for others, want something to happen
wit tunk n NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty)
with this in mind zasha hugor expr NL, see “za”, “sha”, “hug”, “or”
withstand bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
woe nîrth n NL, merging “nîth-” (complain), “nirz” (corrupted) (see corresponding articles) with Qenya “nyére” (grief), Gnomish “nîr” (compare with “Mornie”, a ship of the dead souls) < Etym. “NAY” (lament), Primitive Elvish roots “NAY” (cause bitter grief or pain), “ŊAHYA” (hurt, grieve), “NYEHE” (weep) more like about some disastrous event;
add abstract suffix “-urm” to clarify meaning of reaction to it
wonder ilm- v NL < Gnomish “elm(en)” (wonder, marvel, n.) usually passive with object in Instrumental case
wonder kizg- v NL < Quenya “cesya” (to cause interest, to cause one to enquire) < “ces” (to search, examine) to want to know;

use with object in instrumental case
work bul n NL < DS (PO) “bulu” < Quenya “mólë” (n) < Etym. (AC) “(M)BOL”?
worry mudh- v NL < RN < LOS, HG “mudhn-”
worship gorth- v merging NL “gorm” (reverence) < Etym. “ÑGOROTH” (dread, fear) with Sindarin “gorth” (dread, horror, dead), PN “Gorthaur” (moniker of Sauron) of same etymology and with Gnomish “gort” (idol), “gorthin” (fane, temple), “dungort”, “dumgort(h)” (evil idol) and Qenya “korda” (temple) believe in deity;
object of worship should be in Dative case
wrath uruth n NL < Sindarin “oroth”, “rûth”, Quenya “ursa”
wrong firk adj NL < LOS “fik” (bad) + Qenya “perqa” be wrong (once) by mistake
wrong raik adj NL < Quenya “raika” (also “crooked, bent”), Noldorin “rhoeg” < Etym. “RÁYAK”, “RAG”; also Gnomish “raig” (awry, twisted, distorted, perverted, wrong) systematically wrong; wrong by nature, behavior
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