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Wordlist: Motion

This page will contain list of words mostly for self-movement of living beings. For motion of objects see categories Hand actions and Ownership. See also directions and measure of motion.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
abandon rang- v DS
approach skât- v LOS (to come) add prefix “kru-” to transform into “come back”, “return”;
object describing location should be in Allative case
arrive barl- v HG < SV “burlash-” (to reach, attain, gain) come to, find way, reach by travelling

use with object in Allative case
arrive skât- v LOS (to come) add prefix “kru-” to transform into “come back”, “return”;
object describing location should be in Allative case
ascend talg- v NL, merging EL “tala” and LOS “tulg-” (to rise) move up on ground, in air, but not in water
back away krut- v NL < LOS (back, adv) to make a step back
banish hîg- v NL < Sindarin “eglan”, “eglath” (“forsaken”, self-name of Sindar elves), Quenya “hecil” (outcast, outlaw) < Primitive Elvish “hekelā” (n) (outcast, waif) < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate)
be lost lûtr- v NL, merging “lût” (outside) < LOS with Neo-Sindarin “lítha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost, forget) < root “LIK” (glide, slip, slide, drip) and Gnomish “laitha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost), “laithra” (forget) < early root “LIÞI” (flow of time) transitive with words like “way”, “track”; may be used intransitive with “îm” (self)
bewilder lûtr- v NL, merging “lût” (outside) < LOS with Neo-Sindarin “lítha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost, forget) < root “LIK” (glide, slip, slide, drip) and Gnomish “laitha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost), “laithra” (forget) < early root “LIÞI” (flow of time) transitive with words like “way”, “track”; may be used intransitive with “îm” (self)
bolt irz- v LOS; compare with Etym. “YUR” together with object in Elative case to clarify meaning “escape”
cast out hîg- v NL < Sindarin “eglan”, “eglath” (“forsaken”, self-name of Sindar elves), Quenya “hecil” (outcast, outlaw) < Primitive Elvish “hekelā” (n) (outcast, waif) < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate)
cease puzg- v LOS < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS” with suffix of partial aspect (“-âzh”) means “to suspend, postpone”
charge (army maneuvre) dunr- v NL, merging LOS “du-” with Quenya and Sindarin “nor” (to run, leap) < roots “NOR”, “NORO” (to run, ride, roll on wheels) especially mounted or chariot attack
climb gung- v HG < Proto-Uralic “kaŋk”
climb (down) dhut- v NL, merging HG “dhu” (downward) with Quenya “núya” (to descend), “núta” (to lower) < Etym. “NDU” move down on ground, in air, but not in water
climb (up) talg- v NL, merging EL “tala” and LOS “tulg-” (to rise) move up on ground, in air, but not in water
come skât- v LOS (to come) add prefix “kru-” to transform into “come back”, “return”;
object describing location should be in Allative case
come back kruskât- v NL, lit. “come back”; see “kru”, “skât-”
come down dhut- v NL, merging HG “dhu” (downward) with Quenya “núya” (to descend), “núta” (to lower) < Etym. “NDU” move down on ground, in air, but not in water
come in shisk- v NL, merging LOS “-shi” (at) < TK “-ishi” (into, in) with LOS “skât-” (to come) object describing area, building, etc. should be in Illative case
competition mund n SV < MERP скорее “игры”
contest mund n SV < MERP скорее “игры”
cradle lûrzh- v NL, merging “lor-” (to sleep) with “lûzh-” (to swing); see corresponding articles rock, swing to sleep smb.
crawl okh- v NL < SV (BA) “okh” (knee) and MERP “ok-” (to crawl) more like “crawl” (on knees and elbows)
crawl smûgh- v NL < DS “shmûgh” (Moria), “smugu(ku)” (PO, Mordor) < Old English “smūgan” (to creep); compare with PN “Smaug”, “Smeagol”, “smial” more like “creep” (on the belly, like snake or worm)
creep hligh- v NL < middle-Quenya “hlik”; compare with Neo-Sindarin “lhig”
creep okh- v NL < SV (BA) “okh” (knee) and MERP “ok-” (to crawl) more like “crawl” (on knees and elbows)
creep smûgh- v NL < DS “shmûgh” (Moria), “smugu(ku)” (PO, Mordor) < Old English “smūgan” (to creep); compare with PN “Smaug”, “Smeagol”, “smial” more like “creep” (on the belly, like snake or worm)
cross dursh- v about some obstacle: water, chasm, etc.
cross laut- v NL < Quenya “lahta” < Primitive Elvish “LA”, “LAGH” and others
curl sûnd- v NL < Etym. “SWIN”, Quenya “hwinya”, Noldorin “chwinia” to move fast or chaotically in circles
dance lîd- v NL < Quenya “lilta” < Primitive Elvish root “LḶTḶ”
defer puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
delay puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
depart bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
deport hîg- v NL < Sindarin “eglan”, “eglath” (“forsaken”, self-name of Sindar elves), Quenya “hecil” (outcast, outlaw) < Primitive Elvish “hekelā” (n) (outcast, waif) < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate)
descend dhut- v NL, merging HG “dhu” (downward) with Quenya “núya” (to descend), “núta” (to lower) < Etym. “NDU” move down on ground, in air, but not in water
desert rang- v DS
disappear bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
dispatch hîst- v LOS; compare with “hîs” (quick) also “to ship” (e.g. parcel)
disperse bûsn- v SV to move smth./self onto all directions, over huge area, etc.

двигать(ся) в разные стороны, по большой территории и т. п.
do (smth.) secretly hligh- v NL < middle-Quenya “hlik”; compare with Neo-Sindarin “lhig”
drag sûh- v NL < DS (Moria) “sû” < DS (PO) “tugu” < Middle-Quenya “tuk-” (to draw, pull behind) also about weapon
draw sûh- v NL < DS (Moria) “sû” < DS (PO) “tugu” < Middle-Quenya “tuk-” (to draw, pull behind) also about weapon
drop gumb- v HG < SV
drown drûsh- v LOS, HG < SV
eddy sûnd- v NL < Etym. “SWIN”, Quenya “hwinya”, Noldorin “chwinia” to move fast or chaotically in circles
encroach rogd- v NL < Quenya “rohta” object describing the location should be in Allative case
enter shisk- v NL, merging LOS “-shi” (at) < TK “-ishi” (into, in) with LOS “skât-” (to come) object describing area, building, etc. should be in Illative case
escape irz- v LOS; compare with Etym. “YUR” together with object in Elative case to clarify meaning “escape”
evict hîg- v NL < Sindarin “eglan”, “eglath” (“forsaken”, self-name of Sindar elves), Quenya “hecil” (outcast, outlaw) < Primitive Elvish “hekelā” (n) (outcast, waif) < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate)
exile hîg- v NL < Sindarin “eglan”, “eglath” (“forsaken”, self-name of Sindar elves), Quenya “hecil” (outcast, outlaw) < Primitive Elvish “hekelā” (n) (outcast, waif) < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate)
expel hîg- v NL < Sindarin “eglan”, “eglath” (“forsaken”, self-name of Sindar elves), Quenya “hecil” (outcast, outlaw) < Primitive Elvish “hekelā” (n) (outcast, waif) < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate)
fall zad- v DS; compare with MERP “zaduk-”, ZA “zâdûk-” (to destroy), probably from SV “sadáuk” (attack, assault) also about buildings and war (e.g. “garrison has fallen”, “city has fallen”)
fall (down) lûmp- v LOS also morally
fast hîs adj LOS
flee irz- v LOS; compare with Etym. “YUR” together with object in Elative case to clarify meaning “escape”
float gump- v NL < SV “gûm-” (to fly)
float lunt- v LOS “lunt” (boat) (n) < Quenya “luntë” < Etym. “LUT” (float, swim)
flow sir- v NL < Quenya “sir-” < Etym. “SIR” (to flow); compare with ZA “sûr-”; compare with Hurrian “šiye” (water, river)
fly skoir- v LOS “skoi-”, also noun; LOS “skoir” (wing, see above) adding suffix of perfective aspect (“-ûk”) transforms meaning into “fly away”
follow hîl- v LOS < Quenya “hilya” < Etym. “KHIL”;
probably Tolkien's pun on English “heel”
following ab adj DS prefix “ab-” (after, behind, following) only about time and order, not “next to” (see “mush” instead)
foot (it) prak- v MERP (step, n.)
foot-walk prak- v MERP (step, n.)
forsake hîg- v NL < Sindarin “eglan”, “eglath” (“forsaken”, self-name of Sindar elves), Quenya “hecil” (outcast, outlaw) < Primitive Elvish “hekelā” (n) (outcast, waif) < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate)
forsake rang- v DS
game(s) mund n SV < MERP скорее “игры”
get lost lûtr- v NL, merging “lût” (outside) < LOS with Neo-Sindarin “lítha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost, forget) < root “LIK” (glide, slip, slide, drip) and Gnomish “laitha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost), “laithra” (forget) < early root “LIÞI” (flow of time) transitive with words like “way”, “track”; may be used intransitive with “îm” (self)
get out bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
get to barl- v HG < SV “burlash-” (to reach, attain, gain) come to, find way, reach by travelling

use with object in Allative case
glide tât- v NL < Noldorin “talt”, Quenya “talta-” (verb) < Etym. “TALAT”
go ukh- v LOS;

compare with Hurrian “ušš-”
together with object in Illative case to clarify meaning “enter”
go (over, beyond, through) laut- v NL < Quenya “lahta” < Primitive Elvish “LA”, “LAGH” and others
go astray lûtr- v NL, merging “lût” (outside) < LOS with Neo-Sindarin “lítha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost, forget) < root “LIK” (glide, slip, slide, drip) and Gnomish “laitha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost), “laithra” (forget) < early root “LIÞI” (flow of time) transitive with words like “way”, “track”; may be used intransitive with “îm” (self)
go away bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
go back krut- v NL < LOS (back, adv) to make a step back
go backwards krut- v NL < LOS (back, adv) to make a step back
go by stealth hligh- v NL < middle-Quenya “hlik”; compare with Neo-Sindarin “lhig”
go down dhut- v NL, merging HG “dhu” (downward) with Quenya “núya” (to descend), “núta” (to lower) < Etym. “NDU” move down on ground, in air, but not in water
go off bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
go unnoticed hligh- v NL < middle-Quenya “hlik”; compare with Neo-Sindarin “lhig”
go up talg- v NL, merging EL “tala” and LOS “tulg-” (to rise) move up on ground, in air, but not in water
guide dugh- v HG; compare with “duke”, “conduct”
gyrate sûnd- v NL < Etym. “SWIN”, Quenya “hwinya”, Noldorin “chwinia” to move fast or chaotically in circles
halt puzg- v LOS < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS” with suffix of partial aspect (“-âzh”) means “to suspend, postpone”
hasten khîg- v NL < DS “kʰīga-” (to hurry) (Isengard), “khîghâ-” (Moria) < PO “klikja-”
hasty hîs adj LOS
heel hîl- v LOS < Quenya “hilya” < Etym. “KHIL”;
probably Tolkien's pun on English “heel”
hobble told- v NL < Quenya “talta” (tottering, unsteady), Qenya “talta” (shaky, wobbling, tottering, sloping, slanting), Telerin “Tolta” (leaning, tottering) < Etym. “TALÁT” (to slope, lean), Primitive Elvish root “TḶTḶ” (slope) to move slowly, unstable

идти с трудом, медленно, неуверенно
hop fargh- v SV, all major dialects jump left or right, forward or back; more like “evade”, “dodge” or “strafe” in FPS; compare with “farkh” (left) and “forg” (right)
hop kamd- v NL < Sindarin “cabed” (n), Quenya “cap-” (v), Gnomish “cab” (v), “camp” (n) < Etym. “KAP” (leap); compare with MERP “kamb” (leg) jump up and down
hurry khîg- v NL < DS “kʰīga-” (to hurry) (Isengard), “khîghâ-” (Moria) < PO “klikja-”
idle rubh adj NL < Qenya “rua”, “rúva” (steady, still, tranquil) not moving
infringe rogd- v NL < Quenya “rohta” object describing the location should be in Allative case
intrude rogd- v NL < Quenya “rohta” object describing the location should be in Allative case
intrude shûkh- v NL, merging “(i)shi” (in, into) with “ukh-” (to go) in analogy with Latin word to move troops in; to enter a territory without allowance or invitation;
use with objects in Illative or Allative case
invade shûkh- v NL, merging “(i)shi” (in, into) with “ukh-” (to go) in analogy with Latin word to move troops in; to enter a territory without allowance or invitation;
use with objects in Illative or Allative case
jab hât- v NL < SV, MERP “hashat” (spear) + all DBS dialects “shatîg-” (to press, push, weigh down) < MERP, probably from Albanian “shtyj” or Quenya “sahtië” (pressure, forcing);
compare with Noldorin “had” (to hurl), Gnomish “hada” (to throw, aim at), “hant” (throw, cast), “hantha” (to fling, hurl), Quenya “hatal” (spear) < Etym. “KHAT” (to hurl)
journey gab- v HG < MB;
compare with LOS and other dialects “gâb” (distance) < SV;
compare with Gnomish “gwada-” (to wander, roam, travel far);
jump fargh- v SV, all major dialects jump left or right, forward or back; more like “evade”, “dodge” or “strafe” in FPS; compare with “farkh” (left) and “forg” (right)
jump kamd- v NL < Sindarin “cabed” (n), Quenya “cap-” (v), Gnomish “cab” (v), “camp” (n) < Etym. “KAP” (leap); compare with MERP “kamb” (leg) jump up and down
kneel okh- v NL < SV (BA) “okh” (knee) and MERP “ok-” (to crawl) more like “crawl” (on knees and elbows)
lead dugh- v HG; compare with “duke”, “conduct”
leap fargh- v SV, all major dialects jump left or right, forward or back; more like “evade”, “dodge” or “strafe” in FPS; compare with “farkh” (left) and “forg” (right)
leap kamd- v NL < Sindarin “cabed” (n), Quenya “cap-” (v), Gnomish “cab” (v), “camp” (n) < Etym. “KAP” (leap); compare with MERP “kamb” (leg) jump up and down
leave bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
leave rang- v DS
leg pakh n NL, merging Middle-Quenya and Qenya “pelko” with Gnomish “bachta”
leg (it) prak- v MERP (step, n.)
lift tulk- v LOS < SV move another object up
limp told- v NL < Quenya “talta” (tottering, unsteady), Qenya “talta” (shaky, wobbling, tottering, sloping, slanting), Telerin “Tolta” (leaning, tottering) < Etym. “TALÁT” (to slope, lean), Primitive Elvish root “TḶTḶ” (slope) to move slowly, unstable

идти с трудом, медленно, неуверенно
lob sorn- v NL < SV “soranog-” (to throw)
loft (ball) sorn- v NL < SV “soranog-” (to throw)
lose gumb- v HG < SV
lose (oneself) lûtr- v NL, merging “lût” (outside) < LOS with Neo-Sindarin “lítha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost, forget) < root “LIK” (glide, slip, slide, drip) and Gnomish “laitha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost), “laithra” (forget) < early root “LIÞI” (flow of time) transitive with words like “way”, “track”; may be used intransitive with “îm” (self)
lose (way, track) lûtr- v NL, merging “lût” (outside) < LOS with Neo-Sindarin “lítha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost, forget) < root “LIK” (glide, slip, slide, drip) and Gnomish “laitha” (to let slip, lose, to be lost), “laithra” (forget) < early root “LIÞI” (flow of time) transitive with words like “way”, “track”; may be used intransitive with “îm” (self)
lower dhut- v NL, merging HG “dhu” (downward) with Quenya “núya” (to descend), “núta” (to lower) < Etym. “NDU” move down on ground, in air, but not in water
lug sûh- v NL < DS (Moria) “sû” < DS (PO) “tugu” < Middle-Quenya “tuk-” (to draw, pull behind) also about weapon
lull lûrzh- v NL, merging “lor-” (to sleep) with “lûzh-” (to swing); see corresponding articles rock, swing to sleep smb.
march thûkh- v NL < “thul” + “ukh-” (lit. “foot walking”)
mount (animal) bambork n NL, lit. “riding animal”; see “bam-”, “bork”
move har- v DS
move mrûn- v NL, merging LOS “rûm-” < Quenya “rúma” with Etym. “MEN” (basic root for any motion);
compare with ZA “mâr-” (to go on, continue, proceed)
next ab adj DS prefix “ab-” (after, behind, following) only about time and order, not “next to” (see “mush” instead)
oar kofr- v NL < SV (ZF) “kovr-”
occupy shûkh- v NL, merging “(i)shi” (in, into) with “ukh-” (to go) in analogy with Latin word to move troops in; to enter a territory without allowance or invitation;
use with objects in Illative or Allative case
outlaw hîg- v NL < Sindarin “eglan”, “eglath” (“forsaken”, self-name of Sindar elves), Quenya “hecil” (outcast, outlaw) < Primitive Elvish “hekelā” (n) (outcast, waif) < root “HEK” (aside, apart, separate)
pace prak n MERP also unit of measure
paddle kofr- v NL < SV (ZF) “kovr-”
pass (about time) bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
pass (over) laut- v NL < Quenya “lahta” < Primitive Elvish “LA”, “LAGH” and others
pass away bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
patrol tudukh- v NL, lit. “guard-walk”; see “tud-”, “ukh-”
pause puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
poke hât- v NL < SV, MERP “hashat” (spear) + all DBS dialects “shatîg-” (to press, push, weigh down) < MERP, probably from Albanian “shtyj” or Quenya “sahtië” (pressure, forcing);
compare with Noldorin “had” (to hurl), Gnomish “hada” (to throw, aim at), “hant” (throw, cast), “hantha” (to fling, hurl), Quenya “hatal” (spear) < Etym. “KHAT” (to hurl)
postpone puzg- v LOS < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS” with suffix of partial aspect (“-âzh”) means “to suspend, postpone”
precede bhûsh- v NL < prefix “bhû-” + “ush-” (to go), see corresponding articles
predate bhûsh- v NL < prefix “bhû-” + “ush-” (to go), see corresponding articles
preface bhûsh- v NL < prefix “bhû-” + “ush-” (to go), see corresponding articles
procrastinate puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
prompt hîs adj LOS
pull sûh- v NL < DS (Moria) “sû” < DS (PO) “tugu” < Middle-Quenya “tuk-” (to draw, pull behind) also about weapon
push hât- v NL < SV, MERP “hashat” (spear) + all DBS dialects “shatîg-” (to press, push, weigh down) < MERP, probably from Albanian “shtyj” or Quenya “sahtië” (pressure, forcing);
compare with Noldorin “had” (to hurl), Gnomish “hada” (to throw, aim at), “hant” (throw, cast), “hantha” (to fling, hurl), Quenya “hatal” (spear) < Etym. “KHAT” (to hurl)
put off puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
quest sogurm n see “sog-”
quick hîs adj LOS
raise tulk- v LOS < SV move another object up
rapid hîs adj LOS
rathe hîs adj LOS
reach barl- v HG < SV “burlash-” (to reach, attain, gain) come to, find way, reach by travelling

use with object in Allative case
recede krut- v NL < LOS (back, adv) to make a step back
reel nazh- v SV “nazh-” (to turn, screw with tools), LOS “naz-” (to spin) < MB; compare with “nazg”
respite puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
rest puzt- v NL < LOS “puzg-” (to stop, cf.) < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS”
return kruskât- v NL, lit. “come back”; see “kru”, “skât-”
revolve nazh- v SV “nazh-” (to turn, screw with tools), LOS “naz-” (to spin) < MB; compare with “nazg”
ride bam- v HG < SV, MERP “bartom-” move on back of animal
roam gab- v HG < MB;
compare with LOS and other dialects “gâb” (distance) < SV;
compare with Gnomish “gwada-” (to wander, roam, travel far);
roll nazh- v SV “nazh-” (to turn, screw with tools), LOS “naz-” (to spin) < MB; compare with “nazg”
rotate nazh- v SV “nazh-” (to turn, screw with tools), LOS “naz-” (to spin) < MB; compare with “nazg”
row lunt- v LOS “lunt” (boat) (n) < Quenya “luntë” < Etym. “LUT” (float, swim)
run khîg- v NL < DS “kʰīga-” (to hurry) (Isengard), “khîghâ-” (Moria) < PO “klikja-”
run (away, from, off) irz- v LOS; compare with Etym. “YUR” together with object in Elative case to clarify meaning “escape”
run (business) dugh- v HG; compare with “duke”, “conduct”
rush khîzg- v NL, merging DS “khîg-” (to run, hurry) with LOS “hîs” (fast) (see corresponding articles) to move oneself quickly and suddenly
sail lunt- v LOS “lunt” (boat) (n) < Quenya “luntë” < Etym. “LUT” (float, swim)
scamble told- v NL < Quenya “talta” (tottering, unsteady), Qenya “talta” (shaky, wobbling, tottering, sloping, slanting), Telerin “Tolta” (leaning, tottering) < Etym. “TALÁT” (to slope, lean), Primitive Elvish root “TḶTḶ” (slope) to move slowly, unstable

идти с трудом, медленно, неуверенно
scatter bûsn- v SV to move smth./self onto all directions, over huge area, etc.

двигать(ся) в разные стороны, по большой территории и т. п.
scull kofr- v NL < SV (ZF) “kovr-”
search sogurm n see “sog-”
send hîst- v LOS; compare with “hîs” (quick) also “to ship” (e.g. parcel)
shift mrûn- v NL, merging LOS “rûm-” < Quenya “rúma” with Etym. “MEN” (basic root for any motion);
compare with ZA “mâr-” (to go on, continue, proceed)
sink drûsh- v LOS, HG < SV
skip fargh- v SV, all major dialects jump left or right, forward or back; more like “evade”, “dodge” or “strafe” in FPS; compare with “farkh” (left) and “forg” (right)
skip kamd- v NL < Sindarin “cabed” (n), Quenya “cap-” (v), Gnomish “cab” (v), “camp” (n) < Etym. “KAP” (leap); compare with MERP “kamb” (leg) jump up and down
slide tât- v NL < Noldorin “talt”, Quenya “talta-” (verb) < Etym. “TALAT”
slip tât- v NL < Noldorin “talt”, Quenya “talta-” (verb) < Etym. “TALAT”
slow fûrz adj NL < LOS “fûsh”; changed to avoid ambiguity with other dialects;
compare with Quenya “fifíru” (to slowly fade away)
sneak hligh- v NL < middle-Quenya “hlik”; compare with Neo-Sindarin “lhig”
speedy hîs adj LOS
spin nazh- v SV “nazh-” (to turn, screw with tools), LOS “naz-” (to spin) < MB; compare with “nazg”
spread bûsn- v SV to move smth./self onto all directions, over huge area, etc.

двигать(ся) в разные стороны, по большой территории и т. п.
stagnant rubh adj NL < Qenya “rua”, “rúva” (steady, still, tranquil) not moving
stationary rubh adj NL < Qenya “rua”, “rúva” (steady, still, tranquil) not moving
step prak n MERP also unit of measure
step prak- v MERP (step, n.)
still rubh adj NL < Qenya “rua”, “rúva” (steady, still, tranquil) not moving
stop puzg- v LOS < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS” with suffix of partial aspect (“-âzh”) means “to suspend, postpone”
stray gab- v HG < MB;
compare with LOS and other dialects “gâb” (distance) < SV;
compare with Gnomish “gwada-” (to wander, roam, travel far);
strew bûsn- v SV to move smth./self onto all directions, over huge area, etc.

двигать(ся) в разные стороны, по большой территории и т. п.
stride parkh- v NL, merging “pakh” (leg) with “prak-” (to walk) (see corresponding articles);
compare with Aragorn’s Quenya moniker “Telcontar” (“Strider”, lit. “leg-it”) and “Tarakil” (“Trotter”) from earlier drafts.
stumble told- v NL < Quenya “talta” (tottering, unsteady), Qenya “talta” (shaky, wobbling, tottering, sloping, slanting), Telerin “Tolta” (leaning, tottering) < Etym. “TALÁT” (to slope, lean), Primitive Elvish root “TḶTḶ” (slope) to move slowly, unstable

идти с трудом, медленно, неуверенно
submit (message) hîst- v LOS; compare with “hîs” (quick) also “to ship” (e.g. parcel)
suspend puzg- v LOS < Quenya “pusta” < Etym. “PUS” with suffix of partial aspect (“-âzh”) means “to suspend, postpone”
sway lûzh- v NL < MERP “luj” (n), probably from Albanian “lëkundje” качаться из стороны в сторону
swift hîs adj LOS
swim lunt- v LOS “lunt” (boat) (n) < Quenya “luntë” < Etym. “LUT” (float, swim)
swing lûzh- v NL < MERP “luj” (n), probably from Albanian “lëkundje” качаться из стороны в сторону
tear khîg- v NL < DS “kʰīga-” (to hurry) (Isengard), “khîghâ-” (Moria) < PO “klikja-”
throw (on) sorn- v NL < SV “soranog-” (to throw)
thrust hât- v NL < SV, MERP “hashat” (spear) + all DBS dialects “shatîg-” (to press, push, weigh down) < MERP, probably from Albanian “shtyj” or Quenya “sahtië” (pressure, forcing);
compare with Noldorin “had” (to hurl), Gnomish “hada” (to throw, aim at), “hant” (throw, cast), “hantha” (to fling, hurl), Quenya “hatal” (spear) < Etym. “KHAT” (to hurl)
toss (up) sorn- v NL < SV “soranog-” (to throw)
totter told- v NL < Quenya “talta” (tottering, unsteady), Qenya “talta” (shaky, wobbling, tottering, sloping, slanting), Telerin “Tolta” (leaning, tottering) < Etym. “TALÁT” (to slope, lean), Primitive Elvish root “TḶTḶ” (slope) to move slowly, unstable

идти с трудом, медленно, неуверенно
tranquil rubh adj NL < Qenya “rua”, “rúva” (steady, still, tranquil) not moving
transmit hîst- v LOS; compare with “hîs” (quick) also “to ship” (e.g. parcel)
travel gab- v HG < MB;
compare with LOS and other dialects “gâb” (distance) < SV;
compare with Gnomish “gwada-” (to wander, roam, travel far);
travel har- v DS
travel on foot prak- v MERP (step, n.)
trespass rogd- v NL < Quenya “rohta” object describing the location should be in Allative case
trip gab- v HG < MB;
compare with LOS and other dialects “gâb” (distance) < SV;
compare with Gnomish “gwada-” (to wander, roam, travel far);
trot parkh- v NL, merging “pakh” (leg) with “prak-” (to walk) (see corresponding articles);
compare with Aragorn’s Quenya moniker “Telcontar” (“Strider”, lit. “leg-it”) and “Tarakil” (“Trotter”) from earlier drafts.
turn kurg- v NL, merging Quenya “quer” (to turn) with LOS “rag-” < SV and with Quenya “corna” (round) < Etym. “KOR”; similarity with Russian “круг” [krug̊] is accidental also about changing form
turn nazh- v SV “nazh-” (to turn, screw with tools), LOS “naz-” (to spin) < MB; compare with “nazg”
twirl sûnd- v NL < Etym. “SWIN”, Quenya “hwinya”, Noldorin “chwinia” to move fast or chaotically in circles
vanish bhan- v NL < Quenya “vanya”, “vana” < Etym. “WAN”, Quenya and Telerin “auta” also about dying
violate rogd- v NL < Quenya “rohta” object describing the location should be in Allative case
walk prak- v MERP (step, n.)
walk ukh- v LOS;

compare with Hurrian “ušš-”
together with object in Illative case to clarify meaning “enter”
wander gab- v HG < MB;
compare with LOS and other dialects “gâb” (distance) < SV;
compare with Gnomish “gwada-” (to wander, roam, travel far);
whirl sûnd- v NL < Etym. “SWIN”, Quenya “hwinya”, Noldorin “chwinia” to move fast or chaotically in circles
wobble told- v NL < Quenya “talta” (tottering, unsteady), Qenya “talta” (shaky, wobbling, tottering, sloping, slanting), Telerin “Tolta” (leaning, tottering) < Etym. “TALÁT” (to slope, lean), Primitive Elvish root “TḶTḶ” (slope) to move slowly, unstable

идти с трудом, медленно, неуверенно
lexicon/move.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/07 19:38 by