Wordlist: Physiology and life-cycle

This page will contain list of words for actions of organisms related to their body parts, products of metabolism and cycle of life and death in general. Actions related to perception, hands, legs (motion), and teeth (see Food) are listed in separate categories.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(breast-)feed gazhb- v ZA (to feed, take care); compare with “gaz” (mouth)
(take a) nap dhul- v HG (to sleep) short, light sleep
abide bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
ache nûl n LOS < Quenya “nwalya-” (to pain, torment) uncountable
air shib n ZA < Valarin “šebeth” uncountable
alive kîbarz adv NL < DS (BS) “kîbum” (n), probably from Quenya “cuivië” < Etym. “KUY” (come to life, awake) (see also “kul-”, to be)
arouse yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
awake rilor- v NL, see “ri”, “lor-” intransitive
be born nozd- v NL < Qenya “nosta”, Gnomish “nost” (birth, n.) < Etym. “NŌ”, “ONO” (beget)
be hungry harb- v HG < SV
bear (pain, trouble) bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
beget nozd- v NL < Qenya “nosta”, Gnomish “nost” (birth, n.) < Etym. “NŌ”, “ONO” (beget)
belch rugd- v NL < Qenya “rukta” (to belch smoke, smoke a pipe) < root “RUKU” (smoke, reek);
resemblance with Russian “рыгать” [rɨgˈaːtʲ] (to vomit) is accidental
to make pre-vomit sound, to expel gas (but not food particles) from stomach through the mouth
blood ghor n NL < Sindarin “iûr”, “iâr” < Etym. “YAR”, Sindarin “agar”, Primitive Elvish “okhor”;
compare with “gor” (violent) and “gorg” (butcher); resemblance to English “gore” is through these Tolkien's words
blood shirk n NL < DS “sherku”, “shirku” < Quenya “sercë”, Sindarin “sereg” uncountable
blow thûth- v NL < Quenya “súta”, “susta”, “surya”, Gnomish “sûtha” < Etym. “THÛ”; see also “sûm” (to breathe) also about wind
body-build kraurgaithurm n NL, lit. “body arrangement”;
see “kraur”, “gaith-”
breathe sûm- v NL < LOS “sû-” (v), “sûm” (n); compare with Quenya “súya-”, Sindarin “thuia-” < Etym. “THÛ” (blow); see also “thûth-” (to blow)
breed bâln- v NL < LOS “bâl-” (to breed) merged with Quenya “varna” (safe) < Etym. “BAR” (to raise)
burp rugd- v NL < Qenya “rukta” (to belch smoke, smoke a pipe) < root “RUKU” (smoke, reek);
resemblance with Russian “рыгать” [rɨgˈaːtʲ] (to vomit) is accidental
to make pre-vomit sound, to expel gas (but not food particles) from stomach through the mouth
cess bag n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PN, VT 26, HOME 12 (PM);
? Etym. “WAƷ”, “WAGH” (stain, soil, filth)
chills zudgûl n NL, lit. “hair-wraiths”, calque from LOS, HG “flokolgûl-” (to give the creeps to) < HG (lit. “hair-walk-ghoul”) uncountable
constitution kraurgaithurm n NL, lit. “body arrangement”;
see “kraur”, “gaith-”
copulate htol- v LOS < SV “htog-” (bonk) or Noldorin “hoitha” ? with object in accusative (more like rape) or comitative case (if both participants have pleasure)
creeps zudgûl n NL, lit. “hair-wraiths”, calque from LOS, HG “flokolgûl-” (to give the creeps to) < HG (lit. “hair-walk-ghoul”) uncountable
cure shart n NL, see “shart-” (v) something with healing effect;
cure shart- v NL, merging Quenya “asarta” (doctor, leech), Sindarin “Athelas” (name of healing herb) < Primitive Elvish “(H)ATH(A)” with MERP “sharog” < Albanian “shëroj”
damage rul- v LOS (damage, harm) part of body or inanimate object - with Accusative case; person - in Dative case
dead gûrz adj SV “gurz” < MERP (death), probably from Sindarin “guru”, “gurth” (death, n) < Etym. “ÑGUR”
death gurz n MERP, probably from Sindarin “gurth” (death) < Etym. “ÑGUR”;
in analogy with “burz(um)” - “bûrz”
death mât n HG < EL, all major dialects “mat-” (to die) more about natural death (like in bed, of aging, etc.)
decay nirg- v NL < Qenya “narqa-” (fade, wither), Gnomish “narcos” (rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
desire ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
devour throkh- v SV < LL “throqu-”; compare with Gnomish “tercha” (to devour, destroy)
die ghur- v DS (Moria) < DS (PO) “gura-”, “guru-” < Sindarin “guru” < Etym. “ÑGUR”
die mat- v EL, all major dialects more about natural death (like in bed, of aging, etc.);
digest thûn- v NL, see “thûn” (n)
disease gôm n NL < LOS “gâm” < MB; changed to avoid cognates;
compare with Noldorin “gem” (sickly), early Noldorin and Ilkorin “côm” (sickness), Qenya “qamba”, “qáme” (sick) < Etym. “GENG-W”
doctor shartal n see “shart”
dough mugsh n LOS “mugsh” < MB (vomit; dough; paste); compare with Ilkorin “maig” (dough) < Primitive Elvish “mazgē” < Etym. “MASAG” (knead);
compare with “mazg” (bread)
may be used as euphemism for “vomit”;
doze dhul- v HG (to sleep) short, light sleep
doze dhûl n LOS (sleep) < HG short, light sleep
draught akr n LOS
drink akr n LOS
drink akr- v LOS
drink shog- v DS < Eldarin “suk-”, “sok-” < Etym. “SUK”; Primitive Elvish also “soko”, “sog” (drink, gulp, quaff, drain);
compare with English “suck”, Russian “сок” (juice), Latin “sugere” (to suck), “succus” (juice); probably common Indo-European word of sound-imitating origin; also “soup”, “sip” and many others;
compare with “zug-” (to suck)
drivel puth n NL, melting Quenya “piuta-” < Etym. “PIW” with SV, MERP “pûshatîg-” < Albanian “pështyj” uncountable
drool puth n NL, melting Quenya “piuta-” < Etym. “PIW” with SV, MERP “pûshatîg-” < Albanian “pështyj” uncountable
drowse dhûl n LOS (sleep) < HG short, light sleep
drug shart n NL, see “shart-” (v) something with healing effect;
dung bag n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PN, VT 26, HOME 12 (PM);
? Etym. “WAƷ”, “WAGH” (stain, soil, filth)
dung bûb n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PE 17; uncountable
dung push n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC “pushdug”, HOME 12 (PM)
eat throkh- v SV < LL “throqu-”; compare with Gnomish “tercha” (to devour, destroy)
endure bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
exalt yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
excite yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
excrement bag n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PN, VT 26, HOME 12 (PM);
? Etym. “WAƷ”, “WAGH” (stain, soil, filth)
excrements push n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC “pushdug”, HOME 12 (PM)
fart hlûp n NL < Quenya “hlapu” (to blow, fly or stream in the wind)
fat tûrz adj NL < LOS “tû” < MB, SV (fatty, fleshy, flabby) < ? Sindarin “tûg” (fat, thick) < Etym. “TIW”; changed to avoid cognates
feed gazhk n NL, merging ZA “gazhb-” (to feed, take care), “gâzhur” (livestock) < “gazh-” (to live) with LOS “ushk-”, all major dialects < MERP < Albanian “ushqej”;
may be related to “gaz” (mouth) and “gash” (heat)
add suffix “-urm” or “-aut” for process of feeding;
feed gazhk- v NL, merging ZA “gazhb-” (to feed, take care), “gâzhur” (livestock) < “gazh-” (to live) with LOS “ushk-”, all major dialects < MERP < Albanian “ushqej”;
may be related to “gaz” (mouth) and “gash” (heat)
fester nirg- v NL < Qenya “narqa-” (fade, wither), Gnomish “narcos” (rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
flabby tûrz adj NL < LOS “tû” < MB, SV (fatty, fleshy, flabby) < ? Sindarin “tûg” (fat, thick) < Etym. “TIW”; changed to avoid cognates
fodder gazhk n NL, merging ZA “gazhb-” (to feed, take care), “gâzhur” (livestock) < “gazh-” (to live) with LOS “ushk-”, all major dialects < MERP < Albanian “ushqej”;
may be related to “gaz” (mouth) and “gash” (heat)
add suffix “-urm” or “-aut” for process of feeding;
forage gazhk n NL, merging ZA “gazhb-” (to feed, take care), “gâzhur” (livestock) < “gazh-” (to live) with LOS “ushk-”, all major dialects < MERP < Albanian “ushqej”;
may be related to “gaz” (mouth) and “gash” (heat)
add suffix “-urm” or “-aut” for process of feeding;
fuck htol- v LOS < SV “htog-” (bonk) or Noldorin “hoitha” ? with object in accusative (more like rape) or comitative case (if both participants have pleasure)
gape hâgh- v NL < Quenya “hac-” (to yawn), “hácala” (yawning);
may be also related to “gaz” and “yag”
give birth nozd- v NL < Qenya “nosta”, Gnomish “nost” (birth, n.) < Etym. “NŌ”, “ONO” (beget)
goosebumps zudgûl n NL, lit. “hair-wraiths”, calque from LOS, HG “flokolgûl-” (to give the creeps to) < HG (lit. “hair-walk-ghoul”) uncountable
greed for ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
grow ghalb- v NL < Noldorin “galw” (growth), Quenya “alwa” (well-grown) < Etym. “GALA” (to grow; thrive);
compare with ZA “ghald-” (to grow stately, greatly);
compare with Sindarin “gala” (to grow)
to become big
grunt (pig) pûz- v NL < Qenya “pusu” (to puff, snort)
gulp akr n LOS
harm rul- v LOS (damage, harm) part of body or inanimate object - with Accusative case; person - in Dative case
have sex htol- v LOS < SV “htog-” (bonk) or Noldorin “hoitha” ? with object in accusative (more like rape) or comitative case (if both participants have pleasure)
heal shart- v NL, merging Quenya “asarta” (doctor, leech), Sindarin “Athelas” (name of healing herb) < Primitive Elvish “(H)ATH(A)” with MERP “sharog” < Albanian “shëroj”
healer shartal n see “shart”
health môgl n NL, word “gôm” (illness) written reversed, merged with Quenya “málë” (good health) < Primitive Elvish root “MAG” (be in a good state, thrive) and Primitive Elvish root “AL(A)” (good, blessed, fortunate, prosperous, healthy) uncountable
hunger harb- v HG < SV
hurt rul- v LOS (damage, harm) part of body or inanimate object - with Accusative case; person - in Dative case
ill gôm n NL < LOS “gâm” < MB; changed to avoid cognates;
compare with Noldorin “gem” (sickly), early Noldorin and Ilkorin “côm” (sickness), Qenya “qamba”, “qáme” (sick) < Etym. “GENG-W”
ill gômûrz adj NL, see “gôm”
illness gôm n NL < LOS “gâm” < MB; changed to avoid cognates;
compare with Noldorin “gem” (sickly), early Noldorin and Ilkorin “côm” (sickness), Qenya “qamba”, “qáme” (sick) < Etym. “GENG-W”
incite yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
injure rul- v LOS (damage, harm) part of body or inanimate object - with Accusative case; person - in Dative case
lech ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
lick lâp- v NL < “lâm”, merging various word from Etym. roots “LAB” and “SÁLAP” (lick, lick up) lick, lick up
life kîb n NL < DS (BS) “kîbum”, probably from Quenya “cuivië” < Etym. “KUY” (come to life, awake)
life slai n NL < LOS (v) “slai-”, “slaium” (n)
live kîb- v NL < DS (BS) “kîbum” (n), probably from Quenya “cuivië” < Etym. “KUY” (come to life, awake) (see also “kul-”, to be)
long for ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
lust ghîr- v NL < LP “ghêr” < Noldorin “îr”, Quenya “írë”, “yére” together with verb in infinitive, noun in dative or genitive case
make horny yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
medic shartal n see “shart”
medication shart n NL, see “shart-” (v) something with healing effect;
medicine shart n NL, see “shart-” (v) something with healing effect;
memory bhûrm n NL, merging “bhol-” with “bhû” (see corresponding articles) and abstract noun suffix “-urm” uncountable
micturate tukh- v SV (n)
mind samd n NL, merging Quenya “sáma”, “sanwe” and “indo” of similar meaning;
compare with “samb-” (to believe) and “ûs” (to think)
mingere tukh- v SV (n)
mortal matûrz adj EL, all major dialects
mortality maturm n EL, all major dialects “mat-” (to die) uncountable
muck bûb n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PE 17; uncountable
multiply bâln- v NL < LOS “bâl-” (to breed) merged with Quenya “varna” (safe) < Etym. “BAR” (to raise)
nap dhûl n LOS (sleep) < HG short, light sleep
nourish gazhb- v ZA (to feed, take care); compare with “gaz” (mouth)
pain hrizg n MERP uncountable
pain nûl n LOS < Quenya “nwalya-” (to pain, torment) uncountable
pant fof- v NL < Gnomish “faf”, Sindarin “faw”, Quenya “foa” < Primitive Elvish “phā” < Etym. “PHAW” (gape);
similarity with English “puff” is through onomatopoeia
to breathe heavily
paste mugsh n LOS “mugsh” < MB (vomit; dough; paste); compare with Ilkorin “maig” (dough) < Primitive Elvish “mazgē” < Etym. “MASAG” (knead);
compare with “mazg” (bread)
may be used as euphemism for “vomit”;
pee tukh n SV uncountable
pee tukh- v SV (n)
phlegm zirm n NL < RN “zirum” < LOS, HG “zer” < SV < probably Albanian “nxjerr”
physique kraurgaithurm n NL, lit. “body arrangement”;
see “kraur”, “gaith-”
piss glu n LOS < MB uncountable
piss tukh n SV uncountable
piss tukh- v SV (n)
porky tûrz adj NL < LOS “tû” < MB, SV (fatty, fleshy, flabby) < ? Sindarin “tûg” (fat, thick) < Etym. “TIW”; changed to avoid cognates
propagate bâln- v NL < LOS “bâl-” (to breed) merged with Quenya “varna” (safe) < Etym. “BAR” (to raise)
puff fof- v NL < Gnomish “faf”, Sindarin “faw”, Quenya “foa” < Primitive Elvish “phā” < Etym. “PHAW” (gape);
similarity with English “puff” is through onomatopoeia
to breathe heavily
puff pûz- v NL < Qenya “pusu” (to puff, snort)
rape tram- v LOS, marked as borrowed from SV, probably from MERP “rramab” < Albanian “rrëmbej”
reason samd n NL, merging Quenya “sáma”, “sanwe” and “indo” of similar meaning;
compare with “samb-” (to believe) and “ûs” (to think)
remedy shart n NL, see “shart-” (v) something with healing effect;
reproduce bâln- v NL < LOS “bâl-” (to breed) merged with Quenya “varna” (safe) < Etym. “BAR” (to raise)
retch rugd- v NL < Qenya “rukta” (to belch smoke, smoke a pipe) < root “RUKU” (smoke, reek);
resemblance with Russian “рыгать” [rɨgˈaːtʲ] (to vomit) is accidental
to make pre-vomit sound, to expel gas (but not food particles) from stomach through the mouth
rot nirg- v NL < Qenya “narqa-” (fade, wither), Gnomish “narcos” (rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ” intransitive
rotten nirgûrz adj NL < Qenya “narqa-” (fade, wither), Gnomish “narcos” (rot, decay) < Primitive Elvish root “NṚQṚ”
saliva puth n NL, melting Quenya “piuta-” < Etym. “PIW” with SV, MERP “pûshatîg-” < Albanian “pështyj” uncountable
sense samd n NL, merging Quenya “sáma”, “sanwe” and “indo” of similar meaning;
compare with “samb-” (to believe) and “ûs” (to think)
shit bag n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PN, VT 26, HOME 12 (PM);
? Etym. “WAƷ”, “WAGH” (stain, soil, filth)
sick gômûrz adj NL, see “gôm”
sickness gôm n NL < LOS “gâm” < MB; changed to avoid cognates;
compare with Noldorin “gem” (sickly), early Noldorin and Ilkorin “côm” (sickness), Qenya “qamba”, “qáme” (sick) < Etym. “GENG-W”
sip akr n LOS
slabber puth n NL, melting Quenya “piuta-” < Etym. “PIW” with SV, MERP “pûshatîg-” < Albanian “pështyj” uncountable
slaver puth n NL, melting Quenya “piuta-” < Etym. “PIW” with SV, MERP “pûshatîg-” < Albanian “pështyj” uncountable
sleep lor- v NL < Quenya “olor” (dream) (n) < Etym. “LOS” with prefix “ri-” = “awake”;
with prefix “thu-” = “fall asleep”, “sleep over”
slobber puth n NL, melting Quenya “piuta-” < Etym. “PIW” with SV, MERP “pûshatîg-” < Albanian “pështyj” uncountable
slumber dhul- v HG (to sleep) short, light sleep
slumber dhûl n LOS (sleep) < HG short, light sleep
sniff pûz- v NL < Qenya “pusu” (to puff, snort)
snooze dhul- v HG (to sleep) short, light sleep
snooze dhûl n LOS (sleep) < HG short, light sleep
snore pûz- v NL < Qenya “pusu” (to puff, snort)
snort pûz- v NL < Qenya “pusu” (to puff, snort)
snot zirm n NL < RN “zirum” < LOS, HG “zer” < SV < probably Albanian “nxjerr”
spawn bâln- v NL < LOS “bâl-” (to breed) merged with Quenya “varna” (safe) < Etym. “BAR” (to raise)
spit puth n NL, melting Quenya “piuta-” < Etym. “PIW” with SV, MERP “pûshatîg-” < Albanian “pështyj” uncountable
spit pûth- v NL, melting Quenya “piuta-” < Etym. “PIW” with SV, MERP “pûshatîg-” < Albanian “pështyj” with suffix of partial aspect (“-âzh”) means “to slaver, slabber, drool”
stand bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
starve harb- v HG < SV
stature kraurgaithurm n NL, lit. “body arrangement”;
see “kraur”, “gaith-”
stomach bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
stomach thûn- v NL, see “thûn” (n)
suck zug- v NL < LOS “zug” (lip) < MB < SV “zugl” (border); LOS, SV, MB “zu-” (to suck);
compare with “shog-” (to drink)
suckle gazhb- v ZA (to feed, take care); compare with “gaz” (mouth)
sud hôb n ZA (any liquid shed from the body: blood, sweat, urine) uncountable
survive kibr- v NL, merging “kîb-” (to live) < Etym. “KUY” with “frun-” (to last, endure) < Etym. “BORÓN”
swallow throkh- v SV < LL “throqu-”; compare with Gnomish “tercha” (to devour, destroy)
sweat hôb n ZA (any liquid shed from the body: blood, sweat, urine) uncountable
take care gazhb- v ZA (to feed, take care); compare with “gaz” (mouth)
tear(drop) nîg n NL < Etym. “NEI”; compare with PN “Nienna”; see also “nîth-”
thick tûrz adj NL < LOS “tû” < MB, SV (fatty, fleshy, flabby) < ? Sindarin “tûg” (fat, thick) < Etym. “TIW”; changed to avoid cognates
thirst thîz n NL, merging early Noldorin “faus” (thirst) < Etym. “PHAU” (gape), “PÁRAK” (dry) with NL “thizg” (dry) < Gnomish “thisc”, Qenya “sisi” uncountable
thrive ghalb- v NL < Noldorin “galw” (growth), Quenya “alwa” (well-grown) < Etym. “GALA” (to grow; thrive);
compare with ZA “ghald-” (to grow stately, greatly);
compare with Sindarin “gala” (to grow)
to become big
torment hrizg n MERP uncountable
turn on yor- v NL < Noldorin “îr” (sexual desire) < Etym. “YER” (feel sexual desire) + Old Noldorin “or”, Noldorin “eria” (to rise) < Etym. “ORO” (up, rise, high);
compare with EH “ghêr” with similar etymology;
resemblance to Slavic root “yar” (bright, fiery, hot, fury, frenzy, passionate, very) is accidental; compare with “hûr”
mostly about sexual desire
urinate tukh- v SV (n)
urine glu n LOS < MB uncountable
urine tukh n SV uncountable
vomit hih- v NL < Noldorin “hich”
wake (up) runt- v NL < SV ”runûth-” (to wake up), HG “rundh-” (awake) transitive
wee tukh- v SV (n)
wheeze fof- v NL < Gnomish “faf”, Sindarin “faw”, Quenya “foa” < Primitive Elvish “phā” < Etym. “PHAW” (gape);
similarity with English “puff” is through onomatopoeia
to breathe heavily
wheeze pûz- v NL < Qenya “pusu” (to puff, snort)
whuff fof- v NL < Gnomish “faf”, Sindarin “faw”, Quenya “foa” < Primitive Elvish “phā” < Etym. “PHAW” (gape);
similarity with English “puff” is through onomatopoeia
to breathe heavily
withstand bronb- v NL < Noldorin “brenia” (to endure), “bronwe” (endurance) < Etym. “BOR”, “BORON”
wound rul- v LOS (damage, harm) part of body or inanimate object - with Accusative case; person - in Dative case
yawn hâgh- v NL < Quenya “hac-” (to yawn), “hácala” (yawning);
may be also related to “gaz” and “yag”

lexicon/physiology.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/07 19:38 by