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Wordlist: Roleplay

This page will contain a list of words frequently used in tabletop, live action and computer role-playing games and fantasy literature.

English Nûrlâm Part of speech Etymology Comments
(dark) sorcery dush n TK, DBS, WJ, WR, SD, “Dushgoi” (Minas Morgul), AA translates as “dark sorcery” = Sindarin “Morgul”;
? Valarin “dušamanûðân” (marred)
? Sindarin “dûr” (dark) as in “gûldûr” (dark sorcery)
(evil/black) magic dush n TK, DBS, WJ, WR, SD, “Dushgoi” (Minas Morgul), AA translates as “dark sorcery” = Sindarin “Morgul”;
? Valarin “dušamanûðân” (marred)
? Sindarin “dûr” (dark) as in “gûldûr” (dark sorcery)
(social) class rank n NL < LOS “rak” (family, clan, relatives, class) < SV;
modified to avoid confusion with MERP (stream) and to make connection with LOS “krank” (father), “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” (to gather) from fictional proto-word “skrinkht” (see corresponding articles);
compare also with Qenya “rendi” (kinship, kin, kindred, clan) and “resta” (support; kinship, kin, kindred, clan), “soresta” (family); accidental cognate with English “rank”
uncountable, only collective / plural
ability sau n HG, cited as Sumerian but without original form, probably “sa'a”, “sa7-a” (profession);
compare with Eym. “SAY” (know, understand), Quenya “sairon” (wizard), but meaning closer to Sindarin “curu”
skill of hand, technical skill
adventure ghûsk n NL, merging “ghugsh-” (to happen) < SV with “skât-” (to come, arrive); compare with English “advent”
similarity with English “gest” is accidental
agility golkurm n NL, see “golk” uncountable
alignment tingurm n NL, see “ting” uncountable
amulet falgund n NL, merging “falt” (luck) with “gund” (stone); see corresponding articles any physical object believed to have magical properties
armor khang n NL < SV & MERP “khangaral” (armourer) generic term, protective clothes as a whole
armour khang n NL < SV & MERP “khangaral” (armourer) generic term, protective clothes as a whole
assassin thrug n LOS, all major dialects < MERP
augur falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
bar kolkamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
bar zulmamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
barbarian raghal n NL < “ragh” (wild) uncivilized people
bard linshal n see “linsh”
barren lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
base tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
beast uglauk n NL < “ugl-” (to frighten) < Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” and SV suffix “-auk”
bewitch lûf- v NL, from early abandoned translations of PN “Lúthien” (Enchantress) < Ilkorin & Noldorin < Noldorin “lhûtha” (to enchant), Middle-Quenya “luhta”;
also HG “ful-” (to charm) written reversed < SV “fal-”
body-build kraurgaithurm n NL, lit. “body arrangement”;
see “kraur”, “gaith-”
boginka hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
bone toss falg n NL < RN “falgashud” (prediction, augury, prophecy, oracle, bone toss) < LOS (probability; chance) < RE < SV “falk-” (to throw, toss a dice/bone), probably from MERP “flak-” < Albanian (to throw, cast)
booty raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
bounty raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
box kolkh n NL < Gnomish “colc”; compare with “kol-” (to carry), “kolk” (mug)
burglar orskal n NL < LOS, see “orsk-”
canon mogsh n SV (only “rule”);
compare with “maug-” (must) and “mog” (tyrant) — see corresponding articles
case kolkh n NL < Gnomish “colc”; compare with “kol-” (to carry), “kolk” (mug)
cast af- v LOS
chance bûth n LOS
chance falg n NL < RN “falgashud” (prediction, augury, prophecy, oracle, bone toss) < LOS (probability; chance) < RE < SV “falk-” (to throw, toss a dice/bone), probably from MERP “flak-” < Albanian (to throw, cast)
chaotic bûzgûrz adj NL < LOS (RE) “bûzog”
character (book) shra n LOS, SV < EL “shara” (human) < TK “sharkû” (old man) person of any race
charisma thukulurm n NL, lit. “over-presence”; see “thu”, “kulurm” uncountable
charm falgund n NL, merging “falt” (luck) with “gund” (stone); see corresponding articles any physical object believed to have magical properties
charm lûf- v NL, from early abandoned translations of PN “Lúthien” (Enchantress) < Ilkorin & Noldorin < Noldorin “lhûtha” (to enchant), Middle-Quenya “luhta”;
also HG “ful-” (to charm) written reversed < SV “fal-”
chest kolkh n NL < Gnomish “colc”; compare with “kol-” (to carry), “kolk” (mug)
clan rank n NL < LOS “rak” (family, clan, relatives, class) < SV;
modified to avoid confusion with MERP (stream) and to make connection with LOS “krank” (father), “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” (to gather) from fictional proto-word “skrinkht” (see corresponding articles);
compare also with Qenya “rendi” (kinship, kin, kindred, clan) and “resta” (support; kinship, kin, kindred, clan), “soresta” (family); accidental cognate with English “rank”
uncountable, only collective / plural
cleric faltambal n NL, see “faltamb”
coffer kolkh n NL < Gnomish “colc”; compare with “kol-” (to carry), “kolk” (mug)
coin toss falg n NL < RN “falgashud” (prediction, augury, prophecy, oracle, bone toss) < LOS (probability; chance) < RE < SV “falk-” (to throw, toss a dice/bone), probably from MERP “flak-” < Albanian (to throw, cast)
company shalk n LOS, HG (only “group”) < SV set noun
conjecture falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
constitution kraurgaithurm n NL, lit. “body arrangement”;
see “kraur”, “gaith-”
container kolkh n NL < Gnomish “colc”; compare with “kol-” (to carry), “kolk” (mug)
craft sau n HG, cited as Sumerian but without original form, probably “sa'a”, “sa7-a” (profession);
compare with Eym. “SAY” (know, understand), Quenya “sairon” (wizard), but meaning closer to Sindarin “curu”
skill of hand, technical skill
crate kolkh n NL < Gnomish “colc”; compare with “kol-” (to carry), “kolk” (mug)
defeat bûf n NL < MB, LOS “brûf”, SV & HG “buf”
defeat faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
demon hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
demon rog n TK, AO, CBS;
Sindarin “rog”, Noldorin “raug” < Etym. “RUK”
any hostile spirit (Maia) of monstrous form (non-humanoid and not usual animal shaped)
desolation lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
dexterity golkurm n NL, see “golk” uncountable
dice rund n NL < RN (RD) “rutana” (dice, cube) < LOS “rut” (six)
divine falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
dragon lûg n TK, AO, BOLT, PN “Lug”;
Explicitly translated as “snake” in PE 13 and PE 15 (Gnomish Lexicon, Qenya Lexicon).
Sindarin “lhûg” < Etym. “LOK” (serpent, dragon, snake)
only about big, monstrous snakes and dragons
druid orngol n NL, lit. “tree-wise”; see “orn”, “gol”
dryad hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
dungeon bagronk n TK, DBS, LOTR, OC, PE 17
dwarf gazat n EL, from Khuzdul “khazad” (dwarves)
elf golug n TK, AO, UT;
Etym. “ÑGOLOD”, Noldorin “golodh” (one of the wise folk, Gnome)
Noldo elf
enchant lûf- v NL, from early abandoned translations of PN “Lúthien” (Enchantress) < Ilkorin & Noldorin < Noldorin “lhûtha” (to enchant), Middle-Quenya “luhta”;
also HG “ful-” (to charm) written reversed < SV “fal-”
enchantment dosh n NL, merging Gnomish “thoth” ([evil] spell) with TK BS “dush” ([dark] sorcery, necromancy)
endurance bronburm n NL, see “bronb-” uncountable
enemy kuth n NL < Sindarin “coth”, “cûd”, “gud”, Noldorin “goth” as in PN “Morgoth” (Black Enemy) < Etym. “KOTH”, “KOT”;
changed to avoid confusion with other translations of “goth”
evil ulk n NL < LOS “ulkum” (n), “ulkûrz” (adj) < Quenya “ulco” (n), “ulca” (adj) uncountable
examine hond- v NL, see “hon-”, “hont”
exercise tail- v LOS < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
experience srizurm n NL < LOS “sriz” (skilled) < MB uncountable
eye hond- v NL, see “hon-”, “hont”
fairy hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
family rank n NL < LOS “rak” (family, clan, relatives, class) < SV;
modified to avoid confusion with MERP (stream) and to make connection with LOS “krank” (father), “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” (to gather) from fictional proto-word “skrinkht” (see corresponding articles);
compare also with Qenya “rendi” (kinship, kin, kindred, clan) and “resta” (support; kinship, kin, kindred, clan), “soresta” (family); accidental cognate with English “rank”
uncountable, only collective / plural
fay hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
fiend rog n TK, AO, CBS;
Sindarin “rog”, Noldorin “raug” < Etym. “RUK”
any hostile spirit (Maia) of monstrous form (non-humanoid and not usual animal shaped)
fighter maukal n NL, see “mauk-” mostly sport
fine bhog adj LOS (LUG) < HG < Latin “bono” good behaviour; may be used as interjection / exclamation (“okay”, “all right!”)

о поведении; в том числе восклицание “хорошо!”
floor tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
foe kuth n NL < Sindarin “coth”, “cûd”, “gud”, Noldorin “goth” as in PN “Morgoth” (Black Enemy) < Etym. “KOTH”, “KOT”;
changed to avoid confusion with other translations of “goth”
force polm n NL < Gnomish < Etym. “POL” physical power;
forebode falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
forecast falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
foretell falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
fortune falt n LOS, see also “falg” uncountable
gamble lozg n NL < MERP “los”, “losug” (gamble), SV “losôg” (game) more about play of chance
game lozg n NL < MERP “los”, “losug” (gamble), SV “losôg” (game) more about play of chance
game tail n LOS < MB, SV < Quenya “tyal-” may apply to theatre
gest ghûsk n NL, merging “ghugsh-” (to happen) < SV with “skât-” (to come, arrive); compare with English “advent”
similarity with English “gest” is accidental
giant nûrs n LOS < Middle-Quenya “norsa”, Noldorin “noroth”
goal krauk n HG < MB (task)
good bhog adj LOS (LUG) < HG < Latin “bono” good behaviour; may be used as interjection / exclamation (“okay”, “all right!”)

о поведении; в том числе восклицание “хорошо!”
ground tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
group brun n LOS < MB, in HG also “committee” working group
group shalk n LOS, HG (only “group”) < SV set noun
hag kûrzh n NL < Gnomish “curus” (witch) < roots “KURU”, “KUŘU” (magic); compare with Sindarin PN “Curunír” (Saruman, “Man of Skill”) male by default
halfling piraga n NL, see “pir”;
lit. past passive participle “halved”
offensive name, racial slur for Hobbits
hardiness bronburm n NL, see “bronb-” uncountable
have victory over faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
health môgl n NL, word “gôm” (illness) written reversed, merged with Quenya “málë” (good health) < Primitive Elvish root “MAG” (be in a good state, thrive) and Primitive Elvish root “AL(A)” (good, blessed, fortunate, prosperous, healthy) uncountable
heath lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
hex kûrzh n NL < Gnomish “curus” (witch) < roots “KURU”, “KUŘU” (magic); compare with Sindarin PN “Curunír” (Saruman, “Man of Skill”) male by default
hit grush- v LOS, SV, MERP
hobbit kudug n NL < self-name of Hobbits “cubuc” (PM), “kuduk” (LOTR, from Westron “kûd-dûkan” = “hole-dweller”)
hobbit piraga n NL, see “pir”;
lit. past passive participle “halved”
offensive name, racial slur for Hobbits
huldr hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
hurl af- v LOS
imp hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
incantation dosh n NL, merging Gnomish “thoth” ([evil] spell) with TK BS “dush” ([dark] sorcery, necromancy)
inn kolkamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
inn zulmamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
inspect hond- v NL, see “hon-”, “hont”
intelligence tunkurm n NL < Qenya “tunke” (bright, smart, witty) uncountable
inventory folkhomb n NL, lit. “stock list”; see “folk-”, “homb” uncountable
kelpie hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
killer thrug n LOS, all major dialects < MERP
knight lûghoth n NL, melting “lûkh” (horse) with “goth” (lord), a calque from Sindarin “rochir”
labyrinth humb n NL < SV, HG “humbor” < MERP may refer to thicket of forest
law mogsh n SV (only “rule”);
compare with “maug-” (must) and “mog” (tyrant) — see corresponding articles
lawful mogshûrz adj NL < SV “mogsh” (rule)
legal mogshûrz adj NL < SV “mogsh” (rule)
legitimate mogshûrz adj NL < SV “mogsh” (rule)
level tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
location sazg n NL, merging Sindarin “sad” (place, spot) with LOS “stazg”< SV < Icelandic “staður”?
loot raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
loss bûf n NL < MB, LOS “brûf”, SV & HG “buf”
luck dûrf- v HG (to have luck; be lucky); LOS “dûrfit-” (have luck) have luck; be lucky

быть удачливым
luck falt n LOS, see also “falg” uncountable
maia hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
maia hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
man shra n LOS, SV < EL “shara” (human) < TK “sharkû” (old man) person of any race
map hlamp n NL, merging MB “hlu” (to sew) with Noldorin “hamp” (garment), “hammad” (clothing) < Etym. “KHAP” (enfold); compare with etymology of English “map” < Latin “mappa” (napkin, cloth)
mavka hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
maze humb n NL < SV, HG “humbor” < MERP may refer to thicket of forest
melusine hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
member (of party) brunal n NL, see “brun”
merfolk hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
mermaid hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
messy bûzgûrz adj NL < LOS (RE) “bûzog”
minstrel linshal n see “linsh”
mischief fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
monk ashauk n NL, merging “ashûk” (alone) with “shauk” (companion, comrade, fellow) or alternatively “ash” (one) + suffix “-auk” (lit. “loner”); compare with original Ancient Greek “μοναχός” (single, solitary) and “mono-”
monster uglauk n NL < “ugl-” (to frighten) < Etym. “ÚLUG”, “ÚLGU” and SV suffix “-auk”
mortal matûrz adj EL, all major dialects
murderer thrug n LOS, all major dialects < MERP
musician linshal n see “linsh”
naiad hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
navi hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
navka hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
necromancy dush n TK, DBS, WJ, WR, SD, “Dushgoi” (Minas Morgul), AA translates as “dark sorcery” = Sindarin “Morgul”;
? Valarin “dušamanûðân” (marred)
? Sindarin “dûr” (dark) as in “gûldûr” (dark sorcery)
neuter narambûrz adj NL, merging negative particle “nar-” with “ramb” (side)
neutral narambûrz adj NL, merging negative particle “nar-” with “ramb” (side)
nixie hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
nymph hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
objective krauk n HG < MB (task)
opponent kuth n NL < Sindarin “coth”, “cûd”, “gud”, Noldorin “goth” as in PN “Morgoth” (Black Enemy) < Etym. “KOTH”, “KOT”;
changed to avoid confusion with other translations of “goth”
opportunity bûth n LOS
overcome faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
overthrow faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
overwhelm faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
paladin lûghoth n NL, melting “lûkh” (horse) with “goth” (lord), a calque from Sindarin “rochir”
party brun n LOS < MB, in HG also “committee” working group
party shalk n LOS, HG (only “group”) < SV set noun
person shra n LOS, SV < EL “shara” (human) < TK “sharkû” (old man) person of any race
physique kraurgaithurm n NL, lit. “body arrangement”;
see “kraur”, “gaith-”
pillage prauk- v NL < SV “plauk” < probably Albanian “plaçkit” or debased English words;
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “raun-”
take other's property by force
place sazg n NL, merging Sindarin “sad” (place, spot) with LOS “stazg”< SV < Icelandic “staður”?
plane tâl n NL < LOS “âl”, “dâl” (plane); compare with EL “tala” (above) < Etym. “TALAM” (floor, base, ground); compare with “târ” (high)
play tail n LOS < MB, SV < Quenya “tyal-” may apply to theatre
play tail- v LOS < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
plunder prauk- v NL < SV “plauk” < probably Albanian “plaçkit” or debased English words;
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “raun-”
take other's property by force
plunder raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
point spaz n LOS (spike, point) < SV
potion shogurm n NL, see “shog-”
power polm n NL < Gnomish < Etym. “POL” physical power;
practice tail- v LOS < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
predict falkh- v NL < SV “falk” (to toss a dice, bone) < MERP “flak” < Albanian (to throw, cast) literally “toss the bones / dices”

букв. “раскинуть кости”
presence thukulurm n NL, lit. “over-presence”; see “thu”, “kulurm” uncountable
priest gorthal n NL, see “gorth-”
principle mogsh n SV (only “rule”);
compare with “maug-” (must) and “mog” (tyrant) — see corresponding articles
profit raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
pub kolkamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
pub zulmamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
punch grush- v LOS, SV, MERP
quest krauk n HG < MB (task)
quest sogurm n see “sog-”
ranger gâbal n NL < LOS “gâb” (distance, range) < MB a soldier patrolling large area
ranking tingurm n NL, see “ting” uncountable
ransom raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
rascal fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
relatives rank n NL < LOS “rak” (family, clan, relatives, class) < SV;
modified to avoid confusion with MERP (stream) and to make connection with LOS “krank” (father), “shrakh-” and “srinkh-” (to gather) from fictional proto-word “skrinkht” (see corresponding articles);
compare also with Qenya “rendi” (kinship, kin, kindred, clan) and “resta” (support; kinship, kin, kindred, clan), “soresta” (family); accidental cognate with English “rank”
uncountable, only collective / plural
reward raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
rights mogsh n SV (only “rule”);
compare with “maug-” (must) and “mog” (tyrant) — see corresponding articles
rogue fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
rule mogsh n SV (only “rule”);
compare with “maug-” (must) and “mog” (tyrant) — see corresponding articles
rusalka hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
sack prauk- v NL < SV “plauk” < probably Albanian “plaçkit” or debased English words;
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “raun-”
take other's property by force
samodiva hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
satyr hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
savage raghal n NL < “ragh” (wild) uncivilized people
scan hond- v NL, see “hon-”, “hont”
scoundrel fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
search sogurm n see “sog-”
serpent lûg n TK, AO, BOLT, PN “Lug”;
Explicitly translated as “snake” in PE 13 and PE 15 (Gnomish Lexicon, Qenya Lexicon).
Sindarin “lhûg” < Etym. “LOK” (serpent, dragon, snake)
only about big, monstrous snakes and dragons
shaman haugdushal n NL, lit. “spirit-sorcerer”; see “haug”, “dush”
shape-shifter naur n LOS < Quenya “nauro” < Etym. “ÑGAW” (howl)
siren hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
site sazg n NL, merging Sindarin “sad” (place, spot) with LOS “stazg”< SV < Icelandic “staður”?
skill sau n HG, cited as Sumerian but without original form, probably “sa'a”, “sa7-a” (profession);
compare with Eym. “SAY” (know, understand), Quenya “sairon” (wizard), but meaning closer to Sindarin “curu”
skill of hand, technical skill
slayer dog n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay); explicitly translated as “slayer” in Etymologies
snake lûg n TK, AO, BOLT, PN “Lug”;
Explicitly translated as “snake” in PE 13 and PE 15 (Gnomish Lexicon, Qenya Lexicon).
Sindarin “lhûg” < Etym. “LOK” (serpent, dragon, snake)
only about big, monstrous snakes and dragons
soldier dog n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay); explicitly translated as “slayer” in Etymologies
sorcerer dushal n NL < TK “dush” (cf.)
sorceror dushal n NL < TK “dush” (cf.)
spell dosh n NL, merging Gnomish “thoth” ([evil] spell) with TK BS “dush” ([dark] sorcery, necromancy)
spirit hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
spoil raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
spot sazg n NL, merging Sindarin “sad” (place, spot) with LOS “stazg”< SV < Icelandic “staður”?
sprite hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
stamina bronburm n NL, see “bronb-” uncountable
stature kraurgaithurm n NL, lit. “body arrangement”;
see “kraur”, “gaith-”
strength bolgurm n NL, see “bolg”
strength polm n NL < Gnomish < Etym. “POL” physical power;
strike grush- v LOS, SV, MERP
swag raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
talisman falgund n NL, merging “falt” (luck) with “gund” (stone); see corresponding articles any physical object believed to have magical properties
target krauk n HG < MB (task)
task krauk n HG < MB (task)
tavern kolkamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
tavern zulmamb n NL, lit. “mug-chamber”
templar faltambal n NL, see “faltamb”
thief orskal n NL < LOS, see “orsk-”
throw af- v LOS
tip spaz n LOS (spike, point) < SV
toss af- v LOS
train tail- v LOS < MB < Quenya “tyal-”
trophy raun n NL < Qenya “rauna”, “rambe”, stem “RAVA”; compare with LOS “rant” (robber);
NL suggests fictional proto-word “praunk-” to make connection with “prauk-”
undine hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
vanquish faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
venture ghûsk n NL, merging “ghugsh-” (to happen) < SV with “skât-” (to come, arrive); compare with English “advent”
similarity with English “gest” is accidental
vila hûb n NL < Sindarin “hû” (spirit, shadow) < Primitive Elvish “hyōba”; compare with “haug” (soul) in Nûrlâm any lesser spirits (Maiar), usually in humanoid or animal form;
some prefix usually added to clarify the meaning, in analogy with Balrog (mighty demon), e.g. “karsh-hûb” (sea-spirit) (probably will be merged as “karshûb” in Colloquial speech)
villain fikhabauk n NL, merging “fik” with “gabauk” (see corresponding articles)
warlock gîzdushal n NL, lit. “pact-sorcerer”
warrior dog n TK, AO, HOME 3, LR, PN “Boldog”;
Noldorin “daug” (warrior, soldier) < Etym. “NDAK” (slay); explicitly translated as “slayer” in Etymologies
warrior mau n LOS < TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Mauhúr”;
? Qenya “mahtar” (warrior) < Etym. “MAK” (sword)
translation is speculative
warrior mauh n TK, DBS, LOTR, PN “Mauhúr”;
? Qenya “mahtar” (warrior) < Etym. “MAK” (sword)
translation is speculative
waste lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
wasteland lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
weapon yak n NL, see “yag” and “yazg”
well bhog adj LOS (LUG) < HG < Latin “bono” good behaviour; may be used as interjection / exclamation (“okay”, “all right!”)

о поведении; в том числе восклицание “хорошо!”
werewolf naur n LOS < Quenya “nauro” < Etym. “ÑGAW” (howl)
wilderness lûzg n NL < merging EL “uzg” with Etym. “LUS” (empty); compare with Ilkorin “losgen” (empty) dry, unfertile or abandoned land;
win faik- v NL < Qenya “vaqie” (victory), “vaqa” (vanquish)
wisdom golurm n NL < TK “gol-” (cf.) uncountable
witch kûrzh n NL < Gnomish “curus” (witch) < roots “KURU”, “KUŘU” (magic); compare with Sindarin PN “Curunír” (Saruman, “Man of Skill”) male by default
witchcraft dush n TK, DBS, WJ, WR, SD, “Dushgoi” (Minas Morgul), AA translates as “dark sorcery” = Sindarin “Morgul”;
? Valarin “dušamanûðân” (marred)
? Sindarin “dûr” (dark) as in “gûldûr” (dark sorcery)
wizard saunor n NL, lit. “Man of Skill”, “skilled male” (see “sau”, “nor”), calque from Sindarin “curunír” (Saruman)

See also

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