BSSScribe embedded version

A minimalistic version of BSSScribe is available at It outputs only the result without user interface. Parameters should be added to address string after t.php? to adjust it. Unlike the full version, default rules for selected mode are not applied automatically.


Parameter Default value Values Description
text <empty> Text to be transcribed. Should be encoded.
mode mode00 00 – 6F Tengwar / Cirth / Glagolitic mode

1st digit is Tengwar mode:
0 – vowels over the following consonant,
1 – vowels over the preceding consonant,
2 – full modes,
3 – Cirth,
4 – Glagolitic,
5 – Sarati (not implemented),
6 – later convention (aka 'Westron') full modes;

2nd digit is language:
0 – Black Speech,
1 – Quenya,
2 – Sindarin,
4 – English,
8 – Cyrillic scripts (see cyr_lang parameter),
F – Valarin.
mode00 – mode5F
font Tengwar Artano Font name. Please note that all tengwar fonts' names should start from word “Tengwar” (e.g. “Elfic Caslin” should be written as “Tengwar Elfic Caslin”). Should be url-encoded (e.g. spaces become %20 or +). Check for all available font options.
font_size 1.5em Font size according to CSS specification. Examples: 14pt, 24px, 150%.
bold <empty> Any value except 0, false, null and empty string makes the font in the resulting transcription bold.
italic <empty> Any value except 0, false, null and empty string makes the font in the resulting transcription italic. Real italic glyphs are supported only by Tengwar Annatar, Tengwar Míriel and Tengwar Optime fonts.
color <empty> 000000 – FFFFFF Font color according to CSS specification, except # for hexadecimal code should be omitted. Tested only with named colors and hex values.
000 – FFF
<named color>
S_hooks <empty> Any value except 0, false, null and empty string makes transcriber to automatically apply s-hooks (sa-rince) to final “-s”.
nuquerna 2 0 – 2 Rules on using silme nuquerna:
0 – never,
1 – only with o- and u- curls,
2 – with all tehtar.
Doesn't affect English modes.
use_altSZ <empty> Any value except 0, false, null and empty string allows transcriber to automatically decide between alternate glyphs of silme and esse depending on tehtar, mode and font.
use_ee <empty> Any value except 0, false, null and empty string allows transcriber to use double tehtar instead of long carriers for long e.
use_ii <empty> Any value except 0, false, null and empty string allows transcriber to use double tehtar instead of long carriers for long i.
use_ou <empty> Any value except 0, false, null and empty string allows transcriber to use double tehtar instead of long carriers for long o and u.
swap_ei <empty> Any value except 0, false, null and empty string swaps tehtar for e and i. Currently works only with General Orthographic English mode.
split_diphthongs <empty> Any value except 0, false, null and empty string makes diphthongs to be transcribed with tehtar over carrier. Otherwise special tengwar are used. Currently works only with General Orthographic English mode.
cyr_lang 1 1 – 7 More specific language for Cyrillic mode:
1 – Old Church Slavonic,
2 – Russian,
3 – Belarussian,
4 – Ukrainian,
5 – Bulgarian,
6 – Macedonian,
7 – Serbian.
use_cyr_rare <empty> Used only for Cyrillic mode of Tengwar. Any value except 0, false, null and empty string makes transcriber use rare tehtar glyphs with fonts that support it, otherwise nasalization signs are used.
j_option 2 0 – 2 Allows to choose how phoneme /j/ is transcribed:
0 – always use anna,
1 – always use yanta,
2 – yanta initially (y + vowel) and anna finally (vowel + i diphthongs).
Currently used only in Black Speech mode of Tengwar.
use_aspiration <empty> Used only for Black Speech mode of Cirth. Any value except 0, false, null and empty string makes transcriber to use aspiration diacritics instead of separate runes for digraphs like kh and gh.
use_diacritics <empty> Used only for Black Speech mode of Cirth. Any value except 0, false, null and empty string makes transcriber to use diacritics instead of separate runes for long vowels and nasanalized consonants.
simple_cirth <empty> Used only for Black Speech and Sindarin modes of Cirth. Any value except 0, false, null and empty string makes transcriber to use two runes instead of special ones for consonant clusters and diphthongs.
output html html / text / jpeg / jpg / png / svg Format of the result:
html – web page containing only the transcription and required styles including Tengwar fonts, the result is placed inside tag
<div id="result_inscription" class="...">...</div>

jpeg or jpg – the same as html but also saves the result as JPEG file (download prompt appears);
png – the same as html but also saves the result as PNG file;
svg – the same as html but also saves the result as SVG file;
text – the result is plain text file without any fonts and styles loaded, not recommended for fonts with 'alt' version (Annatar and Eldamar) as there is no way to say which chars should be formatted with alt font.


This code

transcribes the phrase “Roses are red, violets are blue” in English orthographic mode using “Tengwar Elfica” font, automatic s-hooks, forbids to use silme nuquerna but allows alternate silme glyphs for better looks of tehtar over regular silme. Result.

bssscribe_min.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/03 21:41 by morgoth